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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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 No.7779[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What if we did one of those collabs where one person each reanimates a scene and it all gets spliced together? We can do Deel 1 for this

>any style goes. you can animate in scratch, gmod, real life paper. creativity is key
>no porn/fetish obviously
>characters HAVE to be maya/coco/mymy

426 posts and 86 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


3 scenes are finished
3 have fillers
one scene needs more 2 drawings
4 scenes arent done cuz of people being busy or disappearing

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Here niggas, now stop using that low quality shit I keep seeing posted


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>it's 'p

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Hello ZARYANS, today I will be talking about my plan to learn Dutch using the popular Aryan TV gem ONGEZELLIG.

I will be watching Ongezellig (fully) 5 times everyday. I will also study dutch for like an hour using a book and for around the same site using a site. I will report back every week.

Wish me luck, or whatever.
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I'll see about it.


he's right you know


Hello zaryans, OP here. I'm reading through the bible in Dutch, reading a whole chapter and then looking up words and such and such and such. I'm also using this app and it's pretty good (not duolingo that's shite) still watching 'zellig but not 5 times since I decided that would be too much.


I'm basically reading it like an audiobook, I've downloaded a pop-up dictionary and I also sometimes translate sentences with Deep-L's translate.


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>learning dutch with the bible

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This is a thread meant to encourage people to take on dutch and start learning it. Share resources or information that you consider valuable, or something.

You WILL learn dutch
You WILL NOT use jewlingo or any other shitty time wasting "language learning" application
You WILL input wih dutch content
You WILL NOT get demoralized by monolingual amerilards
and you have to do all those things because…. because you just have to, ok??

Some resources:
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Indos actually love the Netherlands and wish for a return to colonial days


Time to retvrn to my ancestors……..


>geefopkoord werd wakker


yes you need kanji if you're going to learn japanese


Kind of unrelated but I'm learning dutch and sharing my hecking journey or whatever in >>22531

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ITT we post drawings of the Sisters as National Socialists


the second picture shows a severe misunderstanding of how flags work


Yeah it's edited poorly, still gemmy though

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>Hello my Ongezelligs! How are you on this Gemerald day?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Just reading my improvised munitions handbook while cleaning my homemade machinegun and posting pepe on 4channel, you?


Just drawing zellig on my homemade extremely illegal automatic firing rate sawed-off mortar mounted on my van. effective against any bodyguard, those Politician wont know what hit them.


Just revising for my econ test on monday. Wish me luck guys!


Going to commit a schoolocaust with reusable bullets in Minecraft.


self bumping

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wtf jannies stop deleting my soylita posts



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>Hear me out. Mymy is internally a Japanese nationalist who, after being disowned by her family, outwardly projects a false negative attitude toward the country and overcompensates with Dutch nationalism.
>>Owns a body pillow, a distinctly Japanese product
>>Still keeps a Japanese-style haircut
>>Wears an outfit noticeably similar to Japanese girls' school uniforms (see picture)
>>Insults Vera in Japanese at a moment's hesitation, despite being adopted at such a young age that she wouldn't have learned insults well
>>Knowledgeable about anime and Maya's "films" even though her hatred alone would not normally justify such extensive knowledge
>>Is searched for by her sister but not by her parents
>The only evidence that points otherwise is the Hikikiomymy illustration (assuming its even canon at all), but her obsession with Dutch culture could still have just been a result of growing tensions between her and her family, not the cause of it.
Mymyxisters, our response?????????
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mymy is aryan btw


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>>5190 Literally demonstrated it for you, oldchad larper



Mymy will always be an Aryan



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Shitty ongezellig skit
This is just progress on a low quality shitpost do not expect anything truly entertaining


Maya looks like a skibidi toilet on the third image


genius pattern recognition


Truklear weapon detonated in the thread


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More updates today guys
I work slowly on this mainly because this is just a distraction for exams to not go fully insane



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 No.19044[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Im planning on doing requests for ongezellig fartart. Feel free to request anything except for gross yuri lesbian gay ship retardation.
I'll do them at my own pace and post them on this thread/twitter(yosack jaki) or something idk. maybe il do a good job
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shiniest gem of the day


darkest coal of the day


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