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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Genuine question since I guarantee if I made some show and it got to around 'zellig's popularity, at best it would be filled with normies + a few troons here and there interested in it, and at worst it'd be something like FNF's community filled with retarded gender-special tumblr kids getting into retarded 'cord drama 24/7.
What's the secret to attracting an audience like here? Was it really just a lightning in a bottle moment for Massa and that one dude who spammed Mymy in /qa/ back in the 'cuck? Or is there something more to it?
>just be 'toss or something
'Zellig isn't even that chuddy in its writing, sure there's off-color jokes and some humor from your favorite orange nationalist and I do agree that probably helps getting people here interested in it, but other than that it's a silly little slice-of-life cartoon featuring a NEET and xer two sisters trying to figure out what she's gonna do with her life. That concept alone doesn't scream "1488 TND 41% SIEG HEIL" for a community and yet it does here.


>Language barrier
>No advertisement or hype
>Fanbase concentrated on 4chan/imageboards
>Age of creation
>Targeted audience
>Creator's previous upload history
but don't forget
>Absorbed and colonized by the second largest, most racist, and most schizophrenic english imageboard on the internet

More like he was directly struck by the strongest bolt of lightning imaginable


It really is a lightning in a bottle, in the sense that it can hardly be replicated. But aside from that it's exactly what you'd think. Outta pocket humor, language barrier, obscurity, lack of progressive messages, image board presence. It boarded the soysphere ship, that's likely the largest factor

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'Assa's logo + others, got it from the 'chive: https://web.archive.org/web/20181019140816/http://www.studiomassa.nl/


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There so many snapshots though
I wonder if massa did this himself



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I started shilling 'zellig on the sharty to bait idiots, but then I unironically started liking it. Does anyone else have a similar story?
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I dont like ongezellig show but i love zellig site and comunnity. Mostly because its better alternative than sharty


even doe theres like 3 posts per hour


>muh peepeeeighch


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there are
were chillin


its comfy here but I'm an ADHDnigger sorry

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Maya is not a brunette?!
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Most likely the latter


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>never gone a month+ without a shampoo'd shower
No, but I've gone a week and the color was the same, what was different was the smoothness. You'll have to give me a before/after or something


just watch one of those glow-up videos of meth heads where they get the full spa treatment. I know its different in Maya's case where she isn't living on the streets but its similar in that her "showers" most likely consist of her running water over her hair for 1 cycle


i sadly dont got one

but iv been a 'kord-koon for a while
iv expirienced it first hand and by proxy (sinse i hav long hair i feel like its more dramatik)


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oh my gosh i litteraly used to do this

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what program are you using

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I know this is a vantablack question to even dare ask, but do you zaryans know any 'lig cords that aren't dead for whatever reason?
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I'll post another one.
expires after 24h


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Be quiet kike. You sound like a seething kike. Sage. Swastika in the thread. White power. White race. KKK. Sieg heil for the Reich. Trump2020 #Reich. I sieg heil. Volk for the krieg. Krieg for the Führer. SS.

Sage. Seething kike.


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How Cleo become Coco's friend


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we need more of this


are the niggers in the Netherlands as bad as the niggers in America?


i have been there. the niggers are kinda alright, altough i havent been for too long to know for sure. there were a lot more muslims tho

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>My sister did her history presentation last month on tentacle *beep* because she looked in my history.
This bitch got negative rizz onGOD.


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AutistGOD rizz no cap


bro got rizzy 🤑

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watch it, its worth it.

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'zellig is becoming more and more popular as you can see
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now rhodesian bushmen are formidable fighters and its a shame how they lost from literally slipper wear ak-47 bearing guerillas, rhodesia had a a lot of potential too


didnt know that the boers had colonies too!
also dodnt know what you are trying to say


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>rhodesia had a a lot of potential too
Nothing in Africa has potential


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except whent it is ran by whites


cope lol

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