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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Community mymy puzzle
2 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




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she has been restored, new game?


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I expected it to take much longer lol


it wasnt that hard at the end

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Whats your favourite 'zellig girl?



can yall keep my thread bumped


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mymyGODS fortified the election


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you proof of fortifying has been found


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Mayaxistas, its almost over…



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I will break your pelvis


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i think a raid happened 1 hour ago

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accurate or no?
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Wtf it's canon????


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Why would massa comission art, hes an artist himself?


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For the same reason we're 5 years into this and still have just one episode.
Massa is a lazy fat selfish little fuck. (still transheart xim so much albeit)


Wait, you guys do it ironically????


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I did until it wasn't ironic anymore

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When will Ongezellig have its own vidya like FNAC doe?
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Guess you are correct in that. Does anyone have contact with him? The mod on the workshop probably links to his steam


Hold on, I will try to search if theres a way to contact him


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There is nothing listed on his modDB or gamebanana page. I have posted a comment on his Gemerald video. Let's hope he responds back.




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They guy replyed to my comment. I don't think he wishes to work with us, but he provided some info.
Whoever is up to the task, I will find his adress and kiss him on the left chick.

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What would happen if Zoot set up this site during the Soypocalypse?
Will this site attract more visitors? Or it will dead like other splinters?


Nothing would have happened. The idea of the zarty came after froot destroyed /zellig/. During the soypocalypse, there was still hope that an admin like Kuz or Soot would come and fix the shitshow that happened during Doll and Red.


But during that time no zaryan have a place to discuss zellig and soyvile war 3 was still going, also lots of splinters have hatred towards zellig. It was be a good chance to set up the website.
Or did most of the zaryans move to /co/?


At that time most zaryans either moved to the jarty, the bunker set by Angeleno or any other site simulare to the sharty.

Also at that time, no need was seen to create a seperate altchan. We still orginised well enough on the sharty.

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Five nights at r***son’s


Why this moved?



Opa, didn't notice this was Mymy. Sorry.


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Hello Zaryans
We needs more people participating Soy X, a raiding focus on upcoming events Glitch X
This is also a revenge for Glitch not picking Ongezellig in show reels
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albeit it wasnt due to lack of spamming on our part since the post was pinned on /soy/, its just that jewtube has some sort of shadowbanning/filter that censored most of our messages. next time we're not raiding streams on jewtube fucking shit ass coally website


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>I'm genuinely going to cry


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>I'm genuinely going to cry


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>I'm genuinely going to cry


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holy marge



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which one of you was this.
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Need to get on the Vera grind now it seems……..


it wasn't a post about vera it was a completely fucking unrelated character
i'm number #1 verafag btw i have to behead this guy


I see you femboy shitter kys


What, it's just a simple question



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