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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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She’s a witch ,I can feel it



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I swear to god I hate this bitch so much
I get she's the main character and all and I like that but what the fuck she has moments where she's so full of pride and refuses help like wtf?? Bitch you are nothing but a female neet you have nothing to be proud of. And then she goes and disses Coco (the best character my Aryan princess)'s dead parents?
Tf is wrong with you??
Nah but for real I think it's really cool that they made Maya so unbearable because it's more realistic. While many asocial people don't have the balls to even talk and hate themselves there are also a lot of who ARE unsocial because of this shit pride they have for no reason.
So, in conclusion Maya sucks ass but that's not a bad thing.
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But at this point it's Maya who is in the wrong. She is the one blinded by envy and pride. She is the one who is doing some crazy mental gymnastics to somehow make it seem like Coco is trying to hurt her.
Coco tried her best, but Maya just screwed things up.


Coco wasn't trying to hurt Maya but she did with her comment about having no friends. So Maya instinctively responded (disproportionately albeit). And I think Maya doesn't still think Coco is trying to hurt her anymore because at the end of Deel 6 she clearly wants to play with them and almost said yes but her instincts kicked in. Clearly Maya is a little trapped by her instincts and doesn't like the way she acts.


You are evidently not intelligent enough to analyze and sympathize with emotions of others, Maya isn't pulling off any mental gymnastics, that's how she felt. That's why she responded how she did, she felt attacked/hurt. Emotions are intricate and volatile, it's fruitless to discuss who is "in the wrong". Coco overstepped, and it was obvious Maya was insecure about being friendless and tried to hide it, which Coco played along with, so it probably felt like a betrayal when Coco called her out.


I mean, it may just be her ADD, since people with it tend to say things without really thinking about it, or say things purely out of impulse/emotion without considering the consequences. At least thats the simplest explanation for me.


we don't even know if she actually has add or she is just making excuses. but if she does, then sure it's probably is this.

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is using tuxler worth it to bypass sharty permabans


Moved to >>>/qa/1452.

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>I remember life before the war… there was so much I took for granted…
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Mymys theatre training paid off..


With maya at the russian side they victory is certain


Mymy's a theatre kid???? Like me???? 🤯


Frog wars


>russian side
>he doesn't know

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the hacker known as zarty


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>least retarded skid

even tho we use our own logger and dont get it from shitty vermillion sites


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wrong account hold on

heres the actual password moron, not " j * * * * g

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How many times should I smash her head against radiator while assraping xer without killing xer? (0 isnt answer)
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post xer dox or something like that


kill rapeniggers but at the same time please don't bring the janny cancer over here of posting random users' post history


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Xoot leak this antirapeniggers post history


It's full of coal. You don't want to see it.


Any number < 0 because swabag

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>Doesn't set up merch for Zellig despite having a merch shop already
>Doesn't set up a Patreon for internationals to donate. (No, idc if Fagnkie says it's "100-150 Euros extra from internationals that make up 10-15% of the viewership", that's still 100-150 potential Euros missed and lost)
>Sticks to some weird obscure Dutch version of Patreon instead so less people are familiar with it.
>No fucking presence on any social media besides YouTube and Discoal (Twitter is cancer, but it still is a great tool to get word out about whatever shit you want to shill and get people talking about it)
>Paypigs get 1 artpiece a month whereas people like Stonetoss crank out comic strip after comic strip and gets paid thousands by twittertroons.
>TikTok animators like Chikn Nuggit are apparently getting their own show on Netflix after cranking out Shortslop after Shortslop of their furshit animations, whereas the only new content of Zellig that gets put out is (again) 1 artpiece a month.
This dude might legitimately be the worst business man when it comes to selling your art to people.


Massacvcks are NOT coming back after this one


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>Doesn't set up merch for Zellig despite having a merch shop already
>Doesn't set up a Patreon for internationals to donate.
>Sticks to some weird obscure Dutch version of Patreon instead so less people are familiar with it.
>No fucking presence on any social media besides YouTube and Discoal
>Paypigs get 1 artpiece a month
>legitimately the worst business man

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career ending gem coming
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doxx and kill this nigger immediately


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who is he?


some dude that made a zellig iceberg video and didn't mention the sharty or zarty at all.


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he also sperged out over basic shit as if it was traumatizing like the Soot grt me zolpiden video
>On first view this seems like a mental breakdown in video format!!!

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Gemeral! the VA inbetween the song can be edited a bit.

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