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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1723447504813.webm (15.39 MB, 1920x1080, zartywon.webm)


19 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


This thread is so fun to read


Even if Windows removed all the spyware Linvx would still be superior.


File: 1723518575768.png (115.83 KB, 522x747, kocCUDA.png)

>Wait, what does it mean that Mint Linux resetted my whole PC and cleared all of the data?
>AND it also keeps looping???
>But the Indian tech guy on YouTube told me Linux was the based optionerino for an OS


Never happened award.


File: 1723583950252.png (1.16 MB, 1280x720, I worked for studio massa,….png)


Coming soon


>even though studio massa is only one person


>xe doesn't know about about the other animators that helped him


>but not worked for studio massa


<I got harassed, beaten and raped when I helped Weinstein
>Okay sweety, but you only helped him, not work for him. So your cries don't matter

File: 1723262083010.png (1.84 MB, 598x800, EYEBROWS.png)


I don't think agugu is very funny actually


I agree with this statement




File: 1723571216318.png (275.58 KB, 300x292, accurateegyptian.PNG)

i say this but look like this

File: 1723564198476.png (134.76 KB, 422x484, ClipboardImage.png)


>almost the entire soysphere sucks

File: 1723389284142.jpg (519.64 KB, 796x1364, Screenshot_20240811_181240….jpg)


Gacha life 2

Coco shoppenboer

Offline code:
coco shoppenboer |studio massa|12/16|15-17? |She/Her|Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
9 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Nothing new under the sun


File: 1723454103375.png (71.94 KB, 640x790, thugboreas-discord-server-….png)

<Leave op alone,pedos



Gacha life 2

Maya shoppenboer

Online code:

Offline code:
maya shoppenboer |studio massa|9/21|15-17? |She/Her|Post too long. Click here to view the full text.




Yeah actually don't

As op it's not supposed to be a link, I think it did that cuz I put the Fandom link for maya there

You can click it if you want but it just links you to a error page

File: 1723492093751.jpeg (58.4 KB, 640x732, E6FD6DF7-11F6-49AA-A2CB-6….jpeg)


Brimstone from niggerhell (Deviantart)
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Are you that russnigga who was posting same kind of pics or you both just have one brain on two


File: 1723509765067.jpg (94.97 KB, 479x387, Screenshot_2024-08-13-03-4….jpg)

This is considered as avatarfagging or something?


Poorly traced Ongezellig vore porn.

Worrying that Terra is interacting with it and seems to see no issue. May the lord smite his discord server and account, it's what would be best for him atp.


I meant the vore artist you sub-IQ negroid


File: 1723546853858.png (104.92 KB, 506x512, file_148294417.png)

Maybe, just assumed.
Holy Moly

File: 1723507309143.jpg (453.82 KB, 590x661, I want shorter games with ….jpg)


Make this into an Ongezellig version.
Replace Sonic with Mymy who'll say this:
>I want shorter cartoon with simple animation made by one person who is paid less than his own job and i'm not kidding

File: 1723419889021.png (1.04 MB, 905x627, ClipboardImage.png)


The Zaryans brothers, who can program, i have an idea to create an ongezellig game based on five nights at Freddy's. I will be glad if you accept my idea and create a real game (art makes by "1azy")
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I've thought of doing, but im a selfish little fuck and it would take time


programmer now


most original game idea ever award (gem art albeit)


File: 1723456671667.mp3 (1.17 MB, 1701007168096.mp3)

Ol' but gol"


File: 1723469282193.gif (85.12 KB, 855x762, 1719178472110-0.gif)

juicy gemi

File: 1723457581912-0.png (290.92 KB, 574x768, 1722289374128.png)

File: 1723457581912-1.jpg (324.58 KB, 1080x1055, Screenshot_2024-08-12-13-0….jpg)


Hey zarty, i found a new piece of gem today.
I think you'll like it.
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its not even troonslop, it's foidslop which is even worse


Same as Ongezellig. I think this will be another forced project in soysphere.


File: 1723459780236.png (48.27 KB, 610x609, pingcuck.png)

>Same as Ongezellig. I think this will be anotherrrrrrrrr forrrrrrrced prrrrrroj-ACK!


What does foidslop mean?? I'm guessing it has something to do with females


Moved to >>>/co/192.

File: 1723431417692.png (345.82 KB, 3840x2160, (2018-05) PasfotoMaya4.png)


is it trvlyover for the zart..?


embedded 'atbox link


Don't say like that… It's just begun

File: 1718457439043.jpg (500.57 KB, 2048x2048, 20240615_011757.jpg)


I don't understand why you share it first and then delete it, after all, it's a gem of gems. It raises a very important issue, which is depression and suicide.
This is the kind of art I need!

Maya is a tragic character who needs help!
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>How hecking yt you gotta be to not like dis shieeet nigguh
Acting like Zellig enjoyers are faggot niggers.


Genuinely don't understand what white is supposed to mean here


Idk, maybe, "racist" or "right-wing", I guess he's nigger or something like this


I think they mean soft



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New drawing of my wife


She isn't your wife you incel chud she's trans and lesbian because.. erm.. erm I said so, ok!??!


File: 1723354388444.jpeg (293.77 KB, 2048x1600, GPtUnLZWEAArBPh (3).jpeg)

She is my wife. Here's a picture of our wedding

File: 1723335744401-0.jpg (145.76 KB, 1280x802, 1711669268785l.jpg)

File: 1723335744401-1.png (37.84 KB, 180x255, ClipboardImage.png)


Post your eye and hair with post id or time stamp
zellig to fit the theme of the board


Datamining thread, DNI


i made this thread on sharty and churro and nothing happened people post their eyes and hair and all ok
I wasn't datamining anyone


>zellig to fit the theme of the board
you realize we have a /qa/, right?


/qa/ dead
>muh flood


everyone uses overboard, it doesn’t matter

File: 1722631832007.jpg (100.97 KB, 1000x564, ongezellig-586611948.jpg)


any ideas for an ongezellig videogame?
i'm trying to make one using scratch
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Shiny gem, keep working on your project


File: 1723053404924.png (200.13 KB, 425x485, 1696193806139.png)

you are very talented! zemerald


File: 1723072362400.png (75.15 KB, 583x720, 1710030887901.png)

The gem that will save Zarti


File: 1723083801708.webm (2.65 MB, 720x720, 1719340202526.webm)


Mymy is so fucking cute. I want nothing more in life than to kiss her

File: 1723227854804.png (17.71 KB, 434x192, 1697020709128.png)


I want the original Maya art picrel NOW


Marge, I was trying to find that gif by inserting filenames and text, but jewgle gave results only about Holocaust in so-called Zablotow (???). Idk anymore nah.


File: 1723317371452.jpg (42.98 KB, 846x846, MAYARFROMSELLING.jpg)


File: 1723294001972.gif (622.93 KB, 400x369, 4cuckie.gif)


I'm hopeless so I will make mymy tupla I guess…


>Tulpa thread still on page 1
Go down

File: 1722347163798.png (1.01 MB, 1783x1000, Untitled255_20240730095218.png)


Everybody Ben maaking oc and I don't be left out wanna
So asked momma if could I post this here in soyzelig
Her is my Kool oc vera original
I wall sue U if U use it without cuntsent
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File: 1722359363824.png (1023.47 KB, 1783x1000, Untitled28_20240730200815.png)

Will this make you shit then


(That 5000 is meant to be negative idk why it deleted)


Hello I am the mother
You killed my son by giving him a heart attack
Good job I was sick of is shit and is addiction to this stupid nonsensical German show


File: 1723204663079.png (1007.85 KB, 1920x1080, momo.png)

Isn't this character cannon and in the show thoughbeit? She was in the unlisted Deel 1 upload but was cut from the full pilot because of budgetary restrictions.


Too bad op ded 😔

File: 1711845324584.png (4.67 MB, 2700x3900, mayacoco.png)

 No.15146[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

please forgive me ZOOT… zooty zoot please forgive me zARYAN… i love you… good night…
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ew fuck i think i saw that one before


File: 1717621182007.png (3.84 MB, 5000x2580, IMG_5455.png)

you can tell its his art because it has a billion pixels


last night i had a dream where i found this person’s art on a booru and when i looked at the tags i discovered that he had a specific name so i had to edit the ZelligWiki to clarify that
i hope this oddball is happy knowing that his ship art is so potent that it’s penetrated into my subconscious


File: 1723161728426.png (53.59 KB, 617x109, 17220405972131612.png)

Brenton Tarrant, which many of you consider a saint, has no issues with this


glistering GEMERALD bumping this

File: 1722978298804.jpg (99.54 KB, 828x795, john marston is killing hi….jpg)


>after 6 months of show's cancellation someone made an ai image of Coco wears a strapon and does things with a man
I feel horrible
Killing myself (as in suicide)
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God, if You do hear me, send a meteorite to the Earth.


>maya! why haven't you done anything!
<its the goddamn add mymy!


<is the fucking orange arrow broken?


This is a sign of an active fanbase.


okbuddyblacklung themed 'zellig post lets go

File: 1723061207028.png (1.17 MB, 1393x986, ClipboardImage.png)


even if you dislike gugu this image is just plain funny. mymy looks like a dubious orange creature and she's nonchalantly pulling out a juicebox from her pocket while carefully examining maya, and maya is understandably scared of it
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Slopligs, the idea and process of creating them is gemmy, but the image results are coal. So, iron.


File: 1723070958273.png (757.09 KB, 815x1262, jartyGOD (WIP).png)

Okay, here's my last one but unfinished. I'll do it tomorrow, and now I have to sleep.
>Shlog moment


>All the agugus are left as is because they're already brimstone slop
Absolutely, extremely keyed


yep issa trvke



File: 1723064172947.jpg (419.77 KB, 1080x988, Screenshot_2024-08-07-23-4….jpg)


>Ongezellig has toxic fanbase
Another nothingburger is coming in tomorrow.
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>Premiere in 5 hours
I sleep in 5 hours, there's a problem here


holy shit, it’s somehow 100x worse than i anticipated. he couldn’t even find the original videos and thought the AI translation was an “official source”. it legitimately can’t get any worse. how did he even find those Discord screenshots from Foenkie if he can’t even find Massa’s channel?


File: 1723111483021.png (228.01 KB, 632x956, 1702251926136.png)

>how did he even find those Discord screenshots from Foenkie if he can’t even find Massa’s channel?
Through my investigation I has concluded that it was AIVD psyop-operation (like MKUltra) performed by Foenkie himself to demoralize us.


He could have received them in dm, or found them while scrolling xitter. He then decided to make a video out of the screenshots, but he doesn't know shit about zellig or its community so he filled the video with overreaction slop, then showed the screenshots and asked not to be attacked. I waited for the final punchline, but it never came, the screenshots were all he had to show.


We can make him make a follow-up video where he is shocked to find Foenkie, who he cited previously, has shared porn of the same underage children he was shocked to find them the subject of a sexual joke.

File: 1722214244784-0.png (67.2 KB, 387x758, yfke27.PNG)

File: 1722214244784-1.png (451.19 KB, 418x782, yfke_29.PNG)


why doesn't this site appreciate Yfke enough?
she's super underrated and also a cocoDIETY or something


Can (You) send full image of the first picrel?


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File: 1723056660449.jpg (69.96 KB, 676x1021, wholesomejak.jpg)

you're welcome

File: 1714549234008.png (2.45 MB, 3072x1722, (2020-11) Pakjesavond.png)


I recently made a dutch baby. It was pretty good! I don't know why mymy likes stroopwafels so much when these exist.
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You want to put a baby into her dutch oven?


Post recipe



File: 1723010604622.png (114.93 KB, 520x464, Untitled1_20240718003927.png)


this thread is 3 months old you obsessed belg…

still same doe

File: 1723031129759.jpeg (129.93 KB, 870x1024, 7a71371f-85d0-4a3a-a50f-b….jpeg)


In the past 2 weeks, I have introduced 4 (four) of my lucky friends to Ongezellig. What have you done to shill for ‘Zellig recently?


File: 1723031586305.png (21.65 KB, 600x800, reddit moment.png)

>In the past 2 weeks, I invited four of my friends to my discord server for zellig shilling o algo


I put up a sticky note in my gym that said "Watch Ongezellig on YT".

File: 1722985942919.png (373.06 KB, 512x512, cheer up nigga.png)


pls rember that wen u feel coal or brimtone
never forget ttimes wen u feeled gemmy

wen day is coal alway rember gemmy day
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Bait from Brabant, meneer


File: 1723033660000.png (1.19 MB, 4201x5950, Zaryans.png)

Every soysite is 'cord at this point, so it's pointless to complain about that (the shitty is 'cord, the shemmy is 'cord, etc). We can still use our reach and make the most out of what we have. We have to, because there's no one else willing to do what we do.


>maybe the real cordniggers were the friends we made along the way


Everything related to discord is affycord psyop of zoiets


i only recognize artists though

File: 1723032785477.png (794.31 KB, 1104x1080, dead site of zoiets.png)


>dead nigger site award

File: 1722976911528.jpg (180.64 KB, 763x537, Screenshot_2024-08-05-23-0….jpg)


It's been half year since ongezellig discontinuation. How does it feel after this?
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Don't worry the fan continuations will save it o algo


File: 1723008227108.png (45.62 KB, 954x1117, 1718023903446-1 (1).png)

All I feel is that Mymy is so attractive


Deel 1 + 2 has tripled its views in just a year and continues to get thousands of new viewers every day.

Stay optimistic, Zaryans!




File: 1723025567631.png (235.99 KB, 1080x1265, jartycuck date.png)

I made her less attractive

File: 1708653305050.gif (717.91 KB, 1080x1080, 1707485467314.gif)


If you had to design the perfect bedroom, what would you put in it?
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Whoever drew this gets the “forgot how guitar straps work” award


necrobump cord woke up


you just dont understand the goated sigma strap technique method


A bed with Mymy in it and an NSDAP flag


massacacas… are we washed???

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xhes latinx actually
thats why xhes drawn as orange (brown) and not drawn like the other east asians in zellig are (eg. adam)


>other east asians in zellig are (eg. adam)
Meds, Adam is Aryan


>no hyperrealistic feet


Meds. Mymy is an Aryan, she just has a tan from spending 10 hours a day outside killing Jews and niggers


she is a larper and so are you

File: 1721134429547.jpg (75.08 KB, 797x1003, maya_ongezellig_by_mehavar….jpg)


Girls like Maya do not exist. I have a hard time believing that a relatively attractive girl decides not to look after herself and not to have friends or a partner just because she's shy. I don't believe that girls can become addicted to porn and that they're interested in porn at all. It's just Massa's self-insert and thus an inherently male fantasy.
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>I don't believe that girls can become addicted to porn and that they're interested in porn at all.
it can happen




Still holding out for the day i find a girl like maya… I dont really care about the south asian race… I just need a girl like mayas personality


They do exist, my sister and cousin are like that (yes, they have autism)



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