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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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>deleted my thread
0 freedom of speech award
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This should me much easier than it is now



I meant lost media


ur a faggot


Based mod deleting trannyshit

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They are trying to ban zellig posting after one of us joined. change the vote so the sclog can be a zellig forum
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soygoy here
kill yourself filthy zelliggers lol
you're literally a cord user kys lol


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>more forced nusoi drama


blognigger can't handle the truth GEG
why do you need a website with nametrooning build in, votes and reactions? you are a spiritual 'cordtroon and most probably factual too


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Tell Doll to unban me NOW

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Keyed as fuck or Locked as shit?
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Correct, so why isn't xhe in a ditch already?


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Literal troon btw


Like clockwork


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I could save her

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She is the best racist character.
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>the guy posing with his teacher ended up stabbing his jewish roommate like 40 times


forgot to mention that he did it because da joo tried "seducing" him into having faggot sex which makes it even funnier


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Nah, aryan schizo chud deserves to be set free 100%.


Totally and completely justified to the furthest extent of justifiability.


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I think murdering Jewish faggots and impregnating your brown hag teacher with dat BWC doe is heroic

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We're so valid xisters!(Bleed out for all eternity you miserable faggot)
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>>25946 i doubt it will happen at this point. unless some massive troon content creator shines light onto it.


baited the administration award




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>Purge the degeneracy


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What does IAZ and soft NAZ mean?


IAZ = Is a Zellig
soft NAZ = Not A Zellig

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I am black and I like ongezellig
why do you guys have to all be racist?
happy pride month btw


which zellig girl do you like the most BBCGOD


this mafucka need some decolonizing done to her pussy if you get what i mean


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>you're not an ongezellig fans if you're homophobic fuck off


Most obvious bait done by a fellow zaryan

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It’s jack of spades not queen of spades; not bbc related.


>porn addicted


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A spade's a spade.


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referring to this albeit

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>lmao Mymy isnt actually racist
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Meds, she is my wife


insult sounds like it's straight from reddit but it doesn't even make sense


>too retarded to understand so its le heckin reddit


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Understand what? That your clitty is leaking? GEEEEEEG


aryan replying method

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Used some stuff I found on the sharty's Ongezellig AI thread. I was planning to use Mymy to AI voice the whole song but no luck so far, so I settled for this instead

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mymy ha black hair? and brown eyes? isn't that just a shitskin? I mean if not for the cartoony orange skin color she would be some yellow chink
I don't know this makes me enjoy the show way less knowing this now.



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>Black hair and brown eyes makes her a shitskin
>If it weren't for the orange skin she'd be a yellow chink
Well which is it nigger?


chinks are shitskins mr ching chang ching chong chiang mang


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Mymy is a pure 100% Dutch Aryan. Do not believe these Belgian lies


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Asian queens are infinitely superior thoughbeit

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Hallo allemaal!
Here is some update on the project to show you that I am not dead.

The soyduel is complete. It doesn't look that great and could see some improvments, but I want to move on with the rest of the scene. The most discusting character to animate was the troon. I had difficulties colouring him. Maya was easy to animate in comparison. I also planed to make a wind effect for the whole scene (as seen in the beginning of the video) but it did not look great. I just made the sky move to make the illusion of a wind.

I think that scene 1 and 2 will be finished either in December, January or Februrary. After that I will release them as deel 1 of ep 1. I am going for Massa's strategy, since this will likely boost the views a bit (the algorithm loves it when you post a lot of videos). Animation also take a lot of time, so this will shorten the time frame between content drops.

I will keep you up to date as to whats going on with the project when I have something interesting to share. I will post updates here and on the zarty. I will try to also post updates on the tube in the community section.

You can watch the video on the 'tube. Make sure to comment like and subscribe! I would appreciate it.

(note: i am too lazy to convert the mp4 file to webm so go watch it on the tube or on /qa/)
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Alright, hold on. How do you even respond to this?
Like for real, we live rentfree in these dudes' heads.


Even though I know you discontinued, I still want to say that what you did has actually affected me in some way, and I thank you for influencing me into reconsidering some life choices. I thank you greatly.


No response needed. /co/ is kill already, 90% of traffic they get is spammers, trolls, demoralization and occasional zaryans jumping in to mock them. The rest is AI slop coomers.


Scrolling through the AI thread and I realize this has the ziglezogle script and concept stuff, im surprised no one knew about this
Really makes me think about how things were back in the day and how Zoot grew to hate the sharty's growing non-aryan fanbase and cancelled Zigle Zogle out of spite


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silence D6NnD3d)

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Post a zelliger and what type of games they play
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reminder that the creator of Muslim Massacre jacked off onto his keyboard gunk and then ate it


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How does one even reach this level of degeneracy


reminds me of that indie game dev who cut off his balls then burned them (i think the game is called one shot)

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>there aren’t any little girls kissing so it fucking sucks



Oh no! A crime, my fellow citizens!


If they aren't friends with each other and they're just sharing banter, then wow what an asshole thing to do unprompted.



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>some shitty 4 minutes troonslop has more views than all of ongezellig
I feel defeated. I thought our show was good?


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they buy views. they make a deal with youtube and the jews push it. the goal is brainwashing the youth. ever wondered how digital circus got like 30million views the first day it came out? it wasn't organic. the jews at youtube force it to young viewers so little impressionable boys will watch it and self insert as the awkward clown girl and become insecure sissies and troon out in the future


Felt for the bait award


The demoralization 'cord woke up


Moved to >>>/qa/4831.

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Would be cool and satisfying and stress relieving and relaxing methinks
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satisfying and stress relieving yes this guy gets it. something about mymy just makes me feel violent. it's not hate at all, idk what it is, but i really really want to see her suffer. its satisfying


do this


You are a degenerate sociopath who is mentally closer to a nigger than a White man


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>satisfying and stress relieving yes this guy gets it. something about mymy just makes me feel violent. it's not hate at all, idk what it is, but i really really want to see her suffer. its satisfying

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Mymy is Maltese confirmed by Cam, she realised the superior cuisine of Malta.

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Keeping coping faggot, mymy is maltese property


Mymy is a Dutch aryan who descended from hyperborea you retard


she's japsterdamese thoughbeit


insert large nails into Mymy's knees, then wrap the nails with copper wire and connect it to a fusebox, douse her in salty water and flip the switch


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>insert large nails into Mymy's knees, then wrap the nails with copper wire and connect it to a fusebox, douse her in salty water and flip the switch

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when did you guys find out about 'zellig?
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>Flood detected; Post discarded.


I have the most fucked up memory of watching deel 4 in like 2019 and clicking off the video because it looked faggy. I remember thinking Maya was a dude because of the voice. Then when I actually sat down and watched zellig earlier this year, seeing deel 4 was made in 2021 I felt retarded because I was sure I saw it way before that.


Probably a few months ago. I saw it occasionally on the Sharty and didn't like it just because I thought it looked like tranime. Eventually, around 2 weeks ago I started seeing some memes about it and decided it was a gem, a couple days after that, I watched the series and found this website and Ongezellig has been my main autistic focus since.


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found about 'zellig firstly on soyjak SMV and i thought it was a tranime sharty culture liked(when i was a newCHAD). later i discovered it was not a tranime and actually a web animation


I found out about the sharty, then the zarty, then 'zellig. Just started watching today thanks to you fags

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Some mymycare and mymyrevenge images which haven't been posted outside of the cursed thread yet


>third pic
You Just Know



(evendoe wolves are turkish culture)


yeah they fuck wolves whenever they run out of sand


Get your mind out of the gutter. She's just petting and feeding them you degenerate


I was talking about turks you fuckin moron

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Whats something unusual you HAVE to do in your lifetime?
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>I'm going to go to a nazi rally and unload my entire automatic onto the crowd. Don't worry, I'm just following my heritage.


What for? Modern national socialists do not have any serious political weight. You'll accomplish nothing of importance besides killing and getting killed. Don't waste human life like that.


You are a 16 year old weak faggot sitting in your moms basement who breaks their arm with a 9 MM, only thing you are shooting is yourself you miserable nigger.


Glow nigger is glowing brighter than the sun. Just fucking kill yourself if you’re so mad.


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fuck this shit website
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nooo why are posts being deleted here


kys fnfpedonigger





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New zellig artist dropped on xitter
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>This is geometric abstract style art or however, diabetes


My belief is that art is a piece of media created with the intent to further virtue.
Beauty and excellence are virtues; therefore a sculpture, for example, that communicates the beauty and excellence of the human form is art. The sculpture doesn't necessarily need to have any other meaning besides the persuit and expression of beauty and excellence, however it may.
Now for an example that isn't stylistically excellent. Early medieval paintings usually don't have great anatomy nor use perspective, however that is not the point of these artworks. These paintings often dipict Christ and religious themes. The point of these artworks is to further the Christian virtues. So using the virtue-lens of art, it does constitute art.
Art is good if the attempt to further virtue succeeds greatly, in the medium used itself and in the effect on the audience.


>Cute maya
When is she not?


His arts anyways are goed doe


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>namedropping literal 'cordwhos

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baba win
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stop hatebrowsing the zarty, nusoibaba


There's embedded 'p in the rop right corner


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>get caugth stealing caca culture(because you are contentless)
>post caca hate so you look right


Seething hands typed this post

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Hallo allemaal.
I wrote these 900 words, but I am dissatisfied with them. It feels shallow. If you've any advice on how I could improve on it, I'd very much appreciate it.


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too long
didn't read


tasty wordsalad


I am sad now. And I'm saddened by the fact that Maya would actually dissociate like how you described.


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Hello Everybody, I'm thequestion619 and I'm the creator and Leader of Project OngePunisher.

It's a reimagining Of Issue 21 of the Punisher Comic: Punisher Max. I lead a group of 20 talented artist, We've been stuck developing the server for the past week. But as I post this work has finally Begun on the Comic.

I will post weekly updates on Our project and how things are going, I hope you all will enjoy it.

Just a disclaimer, this wasn't made to spite or get back at Project roy, or Project Ongezellig continuation. This is simply me and my friends having some fun.
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xe's not wrong sista


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Our First Panel ever Has just been completed! I thought you all should have a sneak peak at what we're working on.

I've also included some additonal bonus art of our Favorite Egyptian Ruler Farouk. Enjoy Gentleman



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Howdy everybody, I've returned to give you an update on OngePunisher. Work has gone extremely Well, I worried that the whole thing was going to crumble to dust right in my arms. But despite the lack of structure and overall group enthusiasm everyone has been hard at work.

I believe that it's possible our work will be done in 2 weeks, I wanted to recreate another issue of the comic as well. But I sadly failed, as I didn't wish to ask everyone to do another one. And I couldn't find anymore artist willing to join my cause.



Good albeit I didn't understand anything

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dutch is not a real language
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>only black people say ain't
yup, it's ESL


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Fair cop


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Why are we like this?
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>gaping asshole that niggers are raping
This isn't /soy/, xir. We don't post porn here




>it's not how quotes work because… ummm uhhh… IT JUST ISN'T YOU FUCKING CHUD


unironic 75iq, what a specimen


A retard will think a smart person is dumb because he cannot understand what he is saying

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ITT post a gem and a coal in no particular order, ill start (NAZ allowed)
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Thought provoking discussion making argument brewing post
i think the 2nd one is a gem because you can bait people with it and the 1st one is just a lil weird


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Both are coal. Faggotry is coal and abusing the sisters is coal


Why no 'lita allowed? Why the rulecucking?

Do not lie to yourself man. You are better than this.


Because it's banned on the sharty and if it gets unbanned here all the undesirables will flood the site, at least that's my conjecture

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I just cannot understand how zellig gained such a big community and even obsession over it. But I am personally a part of this effect. I mean, its just a stupid silly animation that doesn't even last 20 minutes in total. Normally when I find something like this on YT I think about it maybe for the rest of the day and forget about it. I have watched several much longer, deeper and more complex shows like BCS or AoT, and it's completely understandable for them to be stuck in my head for some time, but this?! I see I'm not alone with it albeit, so I wonder why is this happening? Why this short and rather shallow animation is getting stuck in so many people's heads? Is it because we are all fucking autists?
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Scarcity effect, thinking what could've been or something.


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'zellig is just gemmy and because its got such a niche but active community, we tend to enjoy it a lot more. Think of it as our little autistic club


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There are two aspects of Ongezellig which make it appealing.
- One is the humour, which works overtime in the first few episodes. This is mostly effected through Mymy: the holocaust jokes, her attempts to push the deadline back, her presentation about enslaving new students all contribute to a show which manages surprise after surprise. There's even a short unused clip of Kiki(the pirate girl) organizing a fundraiser for Somalian children so they can attend pirate school. These edgy jokes catch you off-guard, especially because good dark humour is rare.
- The other is the story, which manages two things at once: it portrays the emotion from which the viewer suffers accurately, whilst showing the viewer a path outside of this. This is extraordinarily hard, because those who can portray such emotions effectively are often unable to escape it, and those who can offer insight on escaping it probably did not suffer them in great amount and thus cannot well portray them. By being both incredibly relatable, as well as pointing towards a solution, the show accomplishes flawlessly the purpose of such art.

This is why I admire Ongezellig as a piece of contemporary art. This contributes to why I like it and why I try to engage with its audience to the greatest possible extent, looking for like-minded people.
Then, there are people who saw a nationalist making holocaust jokes and stuck around. This demographic is very large on this site, which is why the default name is "Zaryan". My primary issue with this demographic is that it does not further the reputation Ongezellig as an artistic piece, but rather as some weird right wing online animation.
Lastly, there are pedophiles. These are very few here(read the rules), but on other sites(twitter, discord) they are prevalent. My problem with these are that they watched an artistic piece and started masturbating, and are actively harming the image of the show.


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>Hoi alemaal, I am the OP of reply №25585
>Hello, and I am annoying far-right extremist that does further the reputation Ongezellig as some weird right wing online animation.
>I am pedophile and I just like to start masturbating when I'm watching an artistic piece from Netherlands

Trio, which will save the Zarty and 'zellig


This is trvthest nvkest trvthnvke of all trvthnvkes

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what if the antizelligers are right..? what if we're nothing but autistic retards obsessing over a failed tranime? what if we're nothing but niggers larping as nazis? what if we're nothing but a pest to the sharty? i think a mass suicide is the only option…

>failed tranime even though we're the most successful chuddy community keeping troons out as much as possible
>niggers larping as nazis even though we've made so many shining glistering gems compred to the rest of anti-zelligfags
>pest to the sharty even though our histories have always co-existed side-by-side and we'll always be soyteen by heart
Yep issa falseflagger, may God change your heart for the better
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obsessing over a tranime made by a guy who made fun of shitler acking xerself is chuddy or however I am a subhuman nigger who should hang

So you admit that you're a subhuman nigger after all? And I thought we jannies do it for free XD


I might be retarded but you will still hang


>calling yourself a nigger
zelligsissies what is this

And I thought the projection award isn't rewarded anymore.


can this (((admin))) kill ximselves


Coal. Ignore this shit

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