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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1710292277225.png (258.52 KB, 935x956, MymyBottleHit1.png)


You namefags are fucking retarded, just get yourself a tripcode and no one can fake you

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Just add #Key after your name.
Like this: Zaryan#Key and the tripcode will appear.
>new namefag appeared


don't tell them


maybe we should get rid of the namefield or tripcodes so namefags are eternally falseflagged which is gemmy


I was gonna ask if this site even supported trips


its a imageboard retard
zoot do this

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yeah okay so maya simulator cancelled cause some of yall niggers just putting out false info about my game fuck i am not making anything else about my game and no i am not trans
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What did moki mean by this..


New 'Stonetoss' political webcomic.





mass replyfag

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Coal or bedrock?
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Belgstone that destroying the Zarty


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Antimatter spawned from the deepest darkest singularity of a supermassive black hole


maya is canonically a 'phile so this drawing is actually a shining trvthstone thoughbeitever though


CookedHaitianSkinAndFlesh Nigger Coal


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>maya is canonically a 'phile
>you WILL not question this

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…a Dutch cartoon with a dedicated English 4chan-style forum to it?
Passion is passion i guess.
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it was made by a legend, it should be bumped


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Gem, forgot about this


soyzellig is an alt chan, chud


yeah, but we are sharty like, not 4chan like, black trans queen

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thank you to the zaryan who gave me that video. here is my attempt at ascension, https://youtu.be/BX1FSXRcTn0?si=wggQsLXDvkqVup4Q

- Me
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so….. fvcking…… zased……



Congratulations on your self-torture section.
1 hour in you still good, 2 hours still kinda holding on, 3 hours in and beyond is just pain. Good therapy for ADD.


its real trust


yeah these 10 hour videos do this thing where the first section (1-3) hours is slow, the mid section (4-6) is fast and then the (7-10) is slow. But I had fun and it was worth it for Maya, Mymy and Coco

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Hi zaryans, i am working on a 'zellig sparta remix
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It's too expected

We all know that zarty users ALWAYS support da remixes and covers


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I am now on my phone, i posted this on my ps vita (i just did okay!)
the base is sparta emanation ahe (again)


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i really should dig for more samples


File: 1710272023262.webm (6.12 MB, 1920x1080, growl-zellig.webm)

heres a small part of it, i know the sample is very overedited

>Your request looks automated; Post disc-ACKKKKK


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whats your guys favorite dutch cheese recipes


I enjoy Edam on a grilled cheese


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Gouda cheese because it's goud. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA



Dad level joke that gave me a laugh. GG Zaryian


i love puns that dont work when you say the pun word properly

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i said better not good


>still no simple ongezellig yuri fanfic
>but there are fanfics who see them as pedophiles or furries
ongezellig fandom will never be a gem


the nose adds a bit more depth I guess


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>my gooner fanbase doesn't give ME gooner material that I want


well thanks for bumping it then you stupid nigger

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Can't send this to people I know


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>*snifffff* buuububbbuuu…. *sniiiiiifff*


uhh based department?


Based, gemerald


yeah she rejects that tlp because she knows shes built for that 'WC

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My guess is it has to be something related to her parents but it’s seen covered through most of the deels besides 1+2


yeah it def has her parents, poor coco I pray for her every night


she saw her parents getting killed holy shit


This is why I wished that Ongezellig could still continue soon, I need to see Coco's arc and TND 😭🙏


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coco will become the nigger slayer

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