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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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>Lulu from WarioWare looks like Mym- WAH-CK!




Moved to >>>/qa/4213.

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Hey there guys, I'm back from a 1 month hiatus to continue the investigation into the dark side of the ongezellig community. I talked to my friend and after some talking and advice gathering from wise figures we decided were back in the fucking game. It's now or never, gem or no gem at all.

Here's the next batch of questions I have that I'd like any and all output about, if you have any information please put it down in the thread.

1. has anyone seen any interesting or disturbing shit in the massadonie server archive? A zarty user recently made a post about how he archived the massadonie server, I've yet to dig through the hundreds of thousands of messages to search for information on things. So if you found anything interesting or funny please post it.

2. The international revolt. Now this one is just hilarious to me when I heard about it, the internationals are sick of being abused and treated unfairly by the mods and community so they hold a protest where they alledgedly send nsfw, break rules, and make art of of the mods as police officers beating the fuck out of them ( will post picture ) this one is all but confirmed but if anyone has screenshots or any knowledge please just let loose.

3. is the cocomelon incident part 2. If you've read my past thread you'll know what I'm talking about but for those not in the know a rumor has been spun that coco's va Meral something something crushed or didn't crush a watermelon with her thighs at a massameetup. I was shown a screenshot of people who were there talking about it, saw a recently opened thread talking about it but a user said Foenkie confirmed it but she did not crush a watermelon. Just a absolute shitstorm.

I know in my last thread I asked way more but honestly in terms of fucked up shit or things I wanted to research the wells run dry. But what you can do if your interested is read the previous thread and add any additional information in here with some context.

Apologys for the hiatus but were back in business boys.

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this is nothing more than faggot middle school ‘cord drama, stop acting like a private investigator


is there any higher quality of OP's pic? can only barely make out the zellig zisters here


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high res from cord


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>you make my blood boil I will bring you to justice, I swear on my life

>My investigation into the dark side of the Ongezellig community is all that motivates me and I will bring justice to all that have been wronged and I know others feel the same

>If anyone has something to share please step forward



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>why not add her to the fight


tranime mymy?

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Did you guys hear about this?
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you know Massa is no longer a nationalist right? That's why he plays it for laughs. Mymy's an extremist because every high schooler is before they mellow out


Mymy is just a child. She is arguably the least important of non-background characters and the main distinction and point of tensions is between Maya and Coco. You didn't watch closely or just are too low IQ to notice if you think otherwise.


even doe nationalism is good or something


This is either going to be the blackest coal or the gem that saved the zarty or something


>last post
Post the link to the channel/video.

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Daily reminder that you are loved
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very much doubt it. And I don't deserve it even if I was anyway.


ur all wrong cus i love you


maybe if she was real


Thank you. And I deserve it even if I was not anyway.


Nice try fed

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can an artGOD draw mymy as caesar?


Wrong country


yes, i am up for the task


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might do an actual finished art, when i get a bit better


A10 Gvmvrvld

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I was unsure about that subreddit in the first place , but now im sure this niggerhell will kill zellig
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If the 'teen who made r/zellig is seeing this post, do delete the Reddit, as it'll just infect the rest of Ongezellig with more trannies who'll inevitably infect it with their mentally-ill cancer


subreddits are worse than 'cords


both are niggerhell doe, they keep attracting the worst type of people there are


atleast cordtrannies are somewhat intergratable, plebbitors are arrogant faggots who never think twice about changing their minds.


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It’s so fucking over look at the pedofaggots you’ve attracted, pablo.

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Who cares?


'Gated sagekike

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olé olé olé
olé olé olé olá
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kill yourself nigger


Seethe brownoid



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What's the original of this zemerald?


The original is a black gentleman chud asking if Coco knows what the British Broadcasting Corporation stands for, Coco then says "Ball Busting Coons?" and does just that, leaving the melanated chud in a state of agony. I shan't post it here as it shows a tbp, apologies


The original one has disappeared from the 'ru tho

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