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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1713802331400.jpg (107.53 KB, 1200x1025, Troonsite.jpg)


I was unsure about that subreddit in the first place , but now im sure this niggerhell will kill zellig


File: 1713802468284.png (378.75 KB, 932x1020, 1699719538572-1.png)

Giving us mixed messages with those updoots doeie


File: 1713802605224.png (78.91 KB, 1351x226, ClipboardImage.png)

Yeah about the yuristone…


The SubReddit is attracting so many trannies, I really fucking hope it dies before being the end of zellig as we know it.


I accidentally misclicked, i fixed that already


tsmt, some retardteen made the 'reddit as a shitpost without realizing the possible consequences. At this point he should just pull the plug




literal who troon


File: 1713803534961-0.jpg (106.15 KB, 964x1600, forgot to crop award.jpg)

File: 1713803534961-1.jpg (118.92 KB, 853x1599, tr.jpg)

Wrong image award


If the 'teen who made r/zellig is seeing this post, do delete the Reddit, as it'll just infect the rest of Ongezellig with more trannies who'll inevitably infect it with their mentally-ill cancer


subreddits are worse than 'cords


both are niggerhell doe, they keep attracting the worst type of people there are


atleast cordtrannies are somewhat intergratable, plebbitors are arrogant faggots who never think twice about changing their minds.


File: 1713819778462-0.jpeg (260.88 KB, 750x591, IMG_1616.jpeg)

File: 1713819778462-1.jpeg (141.46 KB, 750x603, IMG_1617.jpeg)

It’s so fucking over look at the pedofaggots you’ve attracted, pablo.

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