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/brabant/ - International Politics

or something
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Soviet 152mm shrapnel shell


reposted the photoshop again award


Nah it’s real


We need snopes to fact check it

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i made this dumb flag for soyzellig it took 5 minutes and tbh it doesn't really look that good its mostly copied/inspired by the flag of rhodesia

give me your feedback!
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new zarty vlag or smth




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i am a fucking nigger serb who wont shut up about 'p


Street: Av. Mpeti N° 7 Bis

City: Quartier Socimat

State/province/area: Kinshasa

Phone number: (+243)999925625
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so much this


damn, didnt know serbians were keyed
wanna meet up? you can bring your little sister or mom too if you like


damn the janny really didnt like this one


Send 'cord.

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i had a waffle for the first time today and it was not crunchy. i always thought it was crunchy from the way it looked. why did no one ever tell me this?
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Stroopwafels are crunchy


they are crunchy, albeit the ones from the store are not as crunchy


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yeah it is kinda crunchy on the side since i guess it gets cooked more there, but on the inside part not really
never saw those
they're homemade where i found them i think


Are you eating a stroopwafel or a plain waffle.


Mymy eats Stroopwaffels, which are much thinner than regular American waffles. Syrup is applied on them before cooking which makes them crunchier. And Mymy probably buys them from her regular Grocery Store so they get even more crunchier while sitting on market shelves

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new maya when she grows up and becomes a mommy with a degenerate son headcanon just dropped
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Italians were the Mexicans of their day and Connecticut and Rhode Island are irreversibly ruined by them the same way the American southwest is now ruined by spics. He is probably a shitskin moor from Naples or Sicily.


your entire country is named after an italian and another italian is the reason why your peasant potatonigger ancestors didnt starve to death in their homeland lmao deluded cuck


It doesn't change the facts I stated. Pizza parlors were the shitty Mexican restaurants of their day and they brought crime that irreversible changed the course of the country. Seethe all you want.


fat mutt ^


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How many of you plays someking of instrument?
I have heard that in Netherlands students mvst organise themselvesls in music bands and play on any instrument.
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I play guitar, bass and piano.


i used to play the drums on school but i got replaced by someone better


In Japan, at least in some high schools, music class requires you to learn an instrument of your choosing and play a song together as a band as a project.


When I was young my parents forced me to play some instrument. So I chose the saxophone. I have been playing it for 7 1/2 years.


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I play "baglama"
It's looks like this

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Who is your favorite president of the US of A? Hard mode: no Donnie
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H. W. Bush


The Africans to Africa thing happened, it's called Liberia and it failed
They should've let Lee keep all niggers enslaved


Slavery was on its way out either way and it had ceased to be commercially viable. Unless you find a way to get them all killed there was no way out of it.


I hate all of them


I hate all of them m

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sahih muslim 2922
"The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews."

Funny "le jooz bad!!" aside, why do we tolerate islam in our countries? it is 100% a religion of violence and conquering, immigration is 100% a form of jihad
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Because Jews are the enemy of all mankind, including themselves


because israel exists and kikes would rather have muslims far away in europe than close to them


Non-whites aren't part of the mankind, except for subhumankind or smth


alsq trve


>let muslims take over everything and all our allies so they can conquer us next yes

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Happy Victory Day!
Or something
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you're the one who started, subhuman, i came in peace


podes dejar de avirvarlo mogolico?, si sabes que mide 1.64


do you have any more turd worlder shitskin projections you want to share with us?


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>you're the one who started, subhuman, i came in peace
yeah, sure, geg

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how do we fix the 'zarty? it feels like there is a lot less funposting and more coal compared to a few months ago.
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No, better kill all slavs on the Zartei and close /brabant/ forever

Do not pay any attention to my flag btw


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i always post gems though
its y'all that have been slacking off


kill yourself self hating faggot


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Got baited + you are a turk + 1999 + srbosjek + Jasenovac


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>Got baited + you are a turk + 1999 + srbosjek + Jasenovac

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