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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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wario sings ik ben het maar and xer voice is so attractive




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its so… good


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This gave me an idea

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Just found this place and it looks fun but I've got some questions:
1. Can jannies and mods see IPs? How many people can see my IP if I'm not banned or warned?
2. What do you guys think about the sharty?
3. Can I post Vera or is zarty more about mymy, coco and maya?
4. Who's the best girl in the show?
5. Is there a thread archive?
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Do you think the regressive cycle could be stopped or reversed or are you a doomer tradfag?


well i don't think the attention-seeking namefag epidemic could ever raise to s4s level in the soysphere. but maybe other events could cause a similar catastrophy. like imagine if an actual girl somehow found zarty and started posting here for attention. it could cause an extinction event


Wasn't kleki a thing tho and got quickly chased out?


even then it would be attention whoring but more pretentious and self aggrandizing. name/tripfagging should only ever be done when distinction between posters and their authenticity is necessary like coordinating complicated community colabs (like the animation colab). In all other cases it's cancer


/s4s/ used to claim a bunch of gets too. It was like /b/, fun to casually browse until it got overrun by habitual users

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These cost 8,100 Robux to publish (roughly worth 80 usd) so buy up zaryans


The hairs are 65 robux btw


'zellig on the 'blox


Im gonna go beg people for robux so that I can buy this gem




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I invite yall for our first actual raid on /raid/ (WAOOOWWW)
Seriously everyone is invited expect frogniggers and /frog/ cock suckers
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>it will become a permanent board if it passes 5000 posts by the end of the weekend
This really cockblocks our raid. Sad!


We can raid if the trannies success


Change of plan, send anti frog propaganda on non frog boards than have frog minority (like /soy/)


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they know


Nah that just doesn't have the same spice as raiding the dedicated frog board.
Also spamming anti frog propaganda on other boards would upgrade this from a fun raid into actual seriousposting/obsessing.
Also by my calculations the frog boards shouldn't have more than 3000 posts by the end of the weekend so it's possible to post there without risk of solidifying the board.
Sorry niggers I cannot raid right now I have some family event to attend.

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They already raided us before


We raided them also doe


the splinter phony war

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There's no way Foenkie actually shares nsfw with 'sa right?
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Has he asked if Foenkie still does this (share nsfw with 'assa and probably others)? That's the biggest question I have for him that he doesn't seem to answer directly.
>my irl job knows what I do
>none of this has any impact on my personal life
>they understand the reasons why I retweeted those posts
I would be be just the ittiest, bittiest bit concerned if I was made aware of my school teacher colleague was tweeting out porn of highschool girls on (what is supposed to be) his private twitter, but maybe that's just me.


He chose a job that gives him access to children? What a coincidence.


Major cope
>I didn't retweet it because it was NSFW but…
That just sounds like a nonstatement. imagine
<I didn't post TND just because it's gore
<I didn't say nigger just because it's a racial slur
<I didn't post x becaust it's x
If people don't like what you posted it's irrelevant if you posted it "just because it is what it is" or because some external factor prompted you to. What a void excuse.
It also attempts to take away weight from it, like it's just any old art that he reposted because muh scarcity. What a slime. Trying to use dubious circumstances to excuse promoting pornography (of fictional children mind you) as if "we didn't have enough normal art" is just ganna fly. And he obviously understands it was degenerate since he's doing so much to save face.
Also his mentioning of his real life and job is concerning, I'd wager a guess he's full of shit and this is supposed to discourage anyone from reaching out to people in his life like family or employers. Either that or someone has already reached out to them and they're apathetic.
overall we gotta hang this nigga pronto


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He made these tweets back in 2022, which by this point was about a few months before Deel 6, and 2 years into the Sharty's life.
Can a certified Snopes fact checker see how much zellig art is on their booru from before Deel 6 dropped.
Also Foenkie says he left a message that explains his private twitter in the server in the DMs with Yaboi >>20164, can someone screenie what he said there?


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>It might help to know that I did not retweet any of those posts because they're NSFW but only because Ongezellig fanart was scarce at the time.

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This is still the funniest Ongezellig video ever. I don't know who told this 40 year old truck driver about this show but I'm glad they did. He has no clue what is going on in the entire video it's hilarious
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>ongezzling part oune


>or something


Watching an 80iq redneck attempt to comprehend foreign high art is peak


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Only a minute into the video
>What the fuck ?!
>Is this some creepy anime weeaboo fuck-retard shit ?
Holy gem



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>or something
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there is gore
I didn’t look deep into the image enough before posting



I couldn't watch the whole video this is a reference to I was laughing too hard



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>ooongeeeeling part 1 + 2… or something

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newGOD here.

Can someone marge me in on the current situation with Massa? I know he said the show isn't cancelled, but has he ever mentioned anything about it's association with the dreaded bald cartoon man with glasses website?
Are there any plans to boost the shows popularity/ improve optics? If so, how do I get involved? I'm willing to do my part.

Also, what do you guys do on here for fun? Is this a hecking safespace? (I'm a proud transkween btw.)
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every second that this guy isn't being tortured to death is further endangering our sanity


If I don’t see this faggot dead within 5 minutes I might tear myself apart


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i think this explains why xe likes ongezellig so much


coomertrannies have already made 'zellig porn doebeit


Another wario victory

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if this is the GET, Zoot is required by law to make /wario/
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>mamma mia! there’s not enough-a yuri on this site! wario is the worst forced shit this site has se- ACK!


Tsmt. WarioARYAN please make more


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What should i make doe? I don’t have any ideas as of now


they hate you because you speak the trvth…


I didn’t even post this one doe someone else made the wario mymy

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