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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Zemmy thread. Zoot, pin it rijt nui!


1 pph


zoot pin this shit

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FACT: I stomp nigger's heads in when I'm on my no-goon streak to quell my vril


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Koos is confirmed to be Russian…
Kuz = Koos


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Not confirmed yet

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new brimstone




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Why'd you give Mymy the animal nose?

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I think we all know the fact that all main characters in 'zellig are from countries related to netherlands historicaly (no shit sherlock)
>Maya is from indonesia wich used to be a dutch colony, Mymy calls her belgian wich was also dutch
>Mymy is from japan, because netherlands was the only western country japan decided to trade with when japan was in isolation
>Coco is from south Africa wich also used to be dutch for a while, also entirety of aficans is based on dutch language.
So here is the thing, we dont know the nationalities of background characters, wich brings me to my talking point:
And i MEAN needs.
If you know anything about Peter the great (the first empreror of my homeland) Is that aside from draining swamps, building a big ass navy, killing Swedes and Turks is that he REALY liked the country of Netherlands, so much so the russian flag is based on the dutch flag (real fact btw, i am not being ironic in this antire rant a single time) so considering that pan slavic colours are based on the the biggest slavic nations flag,
22 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


the point is the fact there are slavs in zellig doe, and both Koos and Wiel who were proposed by zaryans on this thread are indeed slavic. Massa secretly listens to chuds confirmed??


Ilse is Turkish


>Adam is Chinese
>Goof is Hungarian
>evendoe Adam literally looks like a direct descendant of Attila and not like a bugman chink


He got that chink gotee and eyes doe


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>I think we all know the fact that all main characters in 'zellig are from countries related to netherlands historicaly (no shit sherlock)
>>Maya is from indonesia wich used to be a dutch colony, Mymy calls her belgian wich was also dutch
>>Mymy is from japan, because netherlands was the only western country japan decided to trade with when japan was in isolation
>>Coco is from south Africa wich also used to be dutch for a while, also entirety of aficans is based on dutch language.
>So here is the thing, we dont know the nationalities of background characters, wich brings me to my talking point:
>And i MEAN needs.
>If you know anything about Peter the great (the first empreror of my homeland) Is that aside from draining swamps, building a big ass navy, killing Swedes and Turks is that he REALY liked the country of Netherlands, so much so the russian flag is based on the dutch flag (real fact btw, i am not being ironic in this antire rant a single time) so considering that pan slavic colours are based on the the biggest slavic nations flag,

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Hello loyal and trusted Zaryans.
Today we have decided that within the next 72 hours, if you have a good enough post history and you write an email to zartyappeals@gmail.com, you might be the lucky winner of a janitor position (you do it for free). Follow the provided footsteps and you will become an official janitor.
Now, why? We have been a bit short on jannies when it comes to amerimutt hours, some time ago malicious links had been up for 4 entire hours due to lack of mutt jannies.
So, step up and be counted, show the world that you're a man.
God bless!

Applications are now closed, thanks a lot to all who applied!
7 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


I think that I’ve seen child p’ links at around 9am EST


last 2 'p links were around 12 AM- 1:30 AM for me.. (i live in muttland)


one of my threads had 'p links replied on it for 8 hours after I reported it




Moved to >>>/chive/1008.

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does anyone have some pics of mymy with a transparent background? kinda like this one? i need it for an edit


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thank you guys, i love you all


love you too xister

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“Mother looking at me
Tell me what do you see?
Yes, I've lost my mind.
Daddy looking at me
Will I ever be free?
Have I crossed the line?„ ~ Tatu. All The Things She Said
16 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Coco would be very sad for a week or two, then forget about it as her friends do their best to make her happy.
Mymy would be disturbed for a time, byt maybe she'd get over it.


As someone else already said

"Her family will probably be heartbroken, but only for like two weeks, because there is only so much you can mourn for someone whose life ended at 6."


She’d most likely cope with it decently well after two weeks, but it would probably take years for her to go a day without thinking about it, there’s no way she’d simply forget about it. Her sisters mean the world to her.
You also have to consider that this isn’t a natural death, this is a suicide. There’s a good chance she’d be racked with guilt and reflect on her treatment of Maya; contemplating all the ways she could’ve improved her interactions with her and potentially divert her from suicide.


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Xhey pulled the plug
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group livestream suicide with countdown


livestream? that will be gemmy


massa ximself personally hunts and kills all zaryans within a 24 hour timespan


Geg, if anything of that sorts gets confirmed I'll just ignore it. Can't retcon your way out of this, xhe's a femchud and will always be one.


but if youre serious please dont lose your life for a dutch webtoon website or something

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