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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1698608394893-1.jpg (56.12 KB, 629x655, 1697838193225.jpg)


Is this real chat?
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


So what you're suggesting is it's not enough to kill foenkie to protect the show's integrity. We also have to kill Massa?


I think that Massa, because of the current state of dutch "culture", is more troon friendly then he should.

You know what they say? Friends can have influence on you. We need to execute Foenkie and the troon pedo cabal. If Massa doesn't recover, I think we all know what should be done.


"you are who you're with" as we say in SerBOREA. Anyone got a hired gun on speed dial?


iFunnyDEITY dropping unsubstantiated schizonukes as always


You love to see it, folks

File: 1698613854512-0.png (423.76 KB, 1020x1050, 78 - blush bow gapejak gla….png)

File: 1698613854512-1.jpg (85.51 KB, 867x1300, 190984981-japanese-teen-be….jpg)


Does Massa know that Japanese people aren't orange?


File: 1698614650440.png (273.21 KB, 480x360, ClipboardImage.png)

Indeed, all chinese people are yellow!


File: 1698614827606.png (1019.35 KB, 1181x860, orangenationalism.png)


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WTF SHE'S REAL????????????



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File: 1698526630707.png (225.48 KB, 600x600, pepe-huge-eyes-scared.png)


>Total posts: 4,109
>Unique posters: 317
>Active content: 820.37 MB
>Total posts: 4,261
>Unique posters: 327
>Active content: 221.96 MB
you're getting there(You know the rules and so do I!)


Yep, we are.




It was bound to happen froggy
>clitty unique posters: 70% soi raiders that cattywipe and leave
>zarty unique posters: 10% raiders 20% off siters that found this site randomly, 70% zaryans happy to get their own site




>Total posts: 15,670
>Unique posters: 1,588
>Active content: 1.3 GB
>Total posts: 25,665
>Unique posters: 2,614
>Active content: 6.2 GB

File: 1698286047480.webm (22.3 MB, 1280x720, jkL-jumu8eRw.webm)


Attention Zaryans
Deel 7 just dropped

"Mymy chuds een school neer"
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


A gem bigger than the Cullinan Diamond


Meds. Mymy wouldn't do this.


marge what is the fbi doing in dutchland


meddling in foreign affairs as usual


File: 1698539502599.png (460.71 KB, 826x829, 1685866010903.png)

>Mymy, this is America

File: 1698258366874.jpg (295.79 KB, 1962x3339, 1698185536228067.jpg)


13 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


troon creator, reddit show, twitter fanbase, too big, not related to soy in any way


File: 1698517660752.png (458.68 KB, 775x1500, truth nuke.png)


>not related to soy in any way
this isn't the sharty doe


This is the zarty, we are connected to the sharty.
Also how is this related to zellig?


File: 1698528475455.png (35.7 KB, 255x255, retardation 1.png)

>we arent connected to sharty or soy even doe soyzellig.party

File: 1698526359866.jpg (121.34 KB, 848x1200, 14 - bow_tie cowboy_boots ….jpg)


Mymy's red bow is like the cherry on top of a delicious orange sundae.


the red nigger wiggle was specifically engineered by Massa to drive chuds crazy

File: 1697685826382-0.png (2.48 MB, 2048x2048, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1697685826382-1.png (4.66 MB, 2048x1580, ClipboardImage.png)


Mymy meets up with Captain Coal and has to team up with Kapitein Koek (the big bird cookie mascot she obsesses over) to defeat him and send him back to niggerhell or else Captain Coal will dox her ass and send pizzas and quarans and bibles and rapesons to her house forever.
Zelliged or sod?
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


gem, Im taking notes






>captain cock
emerald or something like that


Nah im thinking it's more of a 'opaz post tbh.

File: 1696400050226.png (634.33 KB, 720x1020, maya2.png)


I'm making a gem and when I'm done (probably tomorrow) I'll drop it
28 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Programs are NOT that space intensive. Code is extremely light, most memory is taken up by assets. So if it is a program, we are talking about more than a gigabyte worth of art assets


Indeed, that's what I've been working on. That's why I said it could boost posts, I wanted to make an equivalent to soot's early soyjak folder where one could download a whole folder of IAS, I wished to make the same but for IAZ.

Not intentionally, the folder raw is 1.23 GB and compressed in winrar's "best" compression method is 1.20 GB, I'm trying to check for ways to compress it better as well.




File: 1698514494356.gif (2.68 MB, 300x300, 26629 - SoyBooru.gif)

Upload it all to the Booru whenever you have the time


ok that sounds cool ngl

1.20 gb worth of content may requere a lot of work.
Maybe we should also upload it to the AI MEGA link too.

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