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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1717722149826.webm (19.28 MB, 1272x720, Bedankt_-Ongezellig.webm)


Extended this guy's stuff

He isn't exactly keyed but I thought this unfinished animation of his was gemmy


>Not a WebM file


I hate .webm

Still gemmy


Holy gyattemole


even doe im pretty sure its a real woman and shes korean like mymy's va which is why i would transheart to hear her doing an impression of mymy

File: 1717512696304.gif (23.44 KB, 181x255, Maya.gif)


Am I the only one who thinks that Maya is hot?
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File: 1717543044007.png (98 KB, 600x801, 1696791650982.png)

im 16, but i remember a whole thread on here where the majority of the replies said they were 20+


Maya only seems bearable because we perceive her as someone who has opened up to us. We hear her thoughts and know her desires, and we know her troubles and see what she could've been.

In high school, I had classmates who were a lot like Maya, bar ethnicity. Keeping people at arms length at all times makes one seem unfriendly and hostile even, which is what Maya appears to be to all around her. If you were to spend a day or so around Maya, you would find her hardly worth considering, given how little she would talk or do with you.


File: 1717746612457-0.gif (20.6 KB, 90x90, truth-nuke.gif)

File: 1717746612457-1.png (798.78 KB, 5478x401, lvl4.png)

Level-4-Belong TRVTH NVVVKKE


This gave me a gemmy idea of making Ongezellig but you can't hear Maya's thoughts. Might put into perspective just how weird she looks on the outside

File: 1715747007110-0.png (3.86 MB, 2480x3508, (2023-06) Massameid - Mymy.png)

File: 1715747007110-1.png (1.92 MB, 800x1108, ClipboardImage.png)


Are there any AI models/sites that can turn the girls into old style oil paintings like from William van Oranj (aka Stille Willem)'s time in the 1500s? Would be really gemmy imo


bump ongezellig oil paintings NOW




marge what is wrong with xer neck


File: 1717730353040-0.png (2.08 MB, 800x1011, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1717730353040-1.png (878.09 KB, 800x800, ClipboardImage.png)

>Vincent van Gogh was a Dutch artist
You VVILL make the zellig girls in the style of Van Gogh paintings


File: 1717754706726.png (76.17 KB, 320x200, (2019-09) Petje.afPromo.png)

no but theres this

File: 1717739541985-0.png (34.22 KB, 1035x277, 1717486322044.png)

File: 1717739541985-1.png (67.34 KB, 1234x495, 1717486290843.png)

File: 1717739541985-2.png (24 KB, 1051x243, 1717486261400.png)

File: 1717739541985-3.png (24.62 KB, 1082x243, 1717486239941.png)


>mutual servers
>"Neco Zone"
Erm… what the sigma?


Marge, what is this?


File: 1717740629212.png (24.96 KB, 250x255, baby jakky.png)

>Erm… what the sigma?


I think it's spy.pet, discord dataminerald

File: 1717565779484.png (113.32 KB, 1163x205, ClipboardImage.png)


>all the work to keep our shitty threads up for months is now gone
how will we recover?
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Coal. Do not compare Ongezellig to tranime


I didn't, but I do think it'd be nice to follow the steps I've laid out. Worst case scenario we post here


ive recovered the mega link from an old archive of the zellig ai thread https://archive.ph/2ojeM
however the zellig 300000 get thread could not be properly archived https://archive.is/AF7cw https://archive.marge.moe/qa/thread/299539.html
somebody should contact the owner of marge.moe and tell xhem about this


File: 1717710248684.jpg (49.53 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg)

I ctrl+s'd the whole zellig AI thread right before it got booted


File: 1697597929377-0.png (7.37 KB, 595x42, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1697597929377-1.png (15.97 KB, 873x1030, maya gem.png)


>zoot just changed the page icon
Mayaryans, did we just win?
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What was the original icon?


this >>1581


I'm up to adding images made from the community to the site. The banners, "DarkMaya" theme and the home page video/image are made by other zaryans, not me. I think this adds sovl to the site or smth

I will cisheart the person who makes a Coco icon. <3


File: 1707234874525.png (2.82 KB, 139x47, ClipboardImage.png)

you won the battle but lost the war


File: 1717684488229.gif (Spoiler Image, 187.7 KB, 380x380, zoot.gif)

i just had a chat with Zoot on IRC and he said the new icon is going to look like this


File: 1717688830971.jpg (149.54 KB, 479x633, Screenshot_20240606_184630….jpg)



File: 1700312515444-0.png (279.88 KB, 1013x914, 1699806570579.png)

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File: 1700312515444-3.png (11.28 KB, 606x616, ClipboardImage.png)

 No.3967[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

https://woyken.github.io/pixelplanet.fun-OverlayPicture/pixelPlanetOverlay-loader.user.js .
X: -1369
Y: -707
(ignore the black background im retarded)
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File: 1717549886488.png (151.12 KB, 768x701, ClipboardImage.png)

nusoicacas… you might want to look at your previous coalie for a moment…


Unironically retarded beyond reasonable measure, but what else can you expect from an autistic avatarfag


Oh you zelliggers may have this laugh but you VILL not have the last laugh. This isn’t over yet. The CRF VILL return some time in the future.
<zelligger space
Well good news for you is that we are too busy repairing our own piece to care about your Mymy, so you can have a breather for a week or two


>>26523 Hey soyfag I was talking to you earlier

You still never told me your opinion on Sammy Hagar


>unironically lives his every waking moment on the pixelplanet
nusoicaca I…

File: 1713019220872.png (35.21 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy, Dutch and proud.png)

 No.17168[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Mymy is transracial and proud
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one of the best threads


File: 1717590401816.png (143.35 KB, 1263x2252, NSB_vlag.png)

NSB flag



File: 1717626497605-0.png (86.84 KB, 381x697, 1713033400874.png)

File: 1717626497605-1.png (394.98 KB, 1148x2048, 1713032732281-1.png)

File: 1717626497605-2.png (177.22 KB, 1263x2252, 1713037534132.png)

File: 1717626497605-3.png (65.89 KB, 1263x2252, 1713146875455-1.png)

Kys, Mymy hates commies


File: 1717627852837.png (150.45 KB, 1263x2252, Untitled.png)

File: 1717189687917.png (77.7 KB, 1404x1150, Mymy_and_Kiki_burning_up_p….png)


>trooncord woke up
<le reddit space
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File: 1717601031074.png (29.44 KB, 473x460, ClipboardImage.png)

fuck faggots


sqvlfvll gem


File: 1717601650019.png (211.24 KB, 531x613, ClipboardImage.png)


go back to cord you faggot

File: 1717538157798.png (1.06 MB, 1062x703, ClipboardImage.png)


dude holy shit do NOT download this webm file >>26017 it's cursed. i don't know what this janny/mod did to this video, but it breaks windows
so My PC has been running way too slow, and making noises, and the windows file explorer kept glitching out, the thumbnails of files not showing up, sometimes straight up not being able to open files, it was getting so annoying. this shit went on for 3 days. i finally checked the running processes and a proces called "COM surrogate" was using like 1 GB of memory for some reason. i investigated this, and apparently COM surrogate is a windows process and it's using so much memory because it keeps trying to create a thumbnail for a video file, but it fails every time so it gets stuck on this loop over and over while clogging the memory. i used something called processexplorer to discover which video file was causing this problem, and found out it was "soyzellig mod interface.webm" , i saved it 3 days ago because i wanted to keep the video of what soyzellig's mod interface looks like. and upon discovering this file, i couldn't delete it either. to delete it, i had to restart the computer in safe mode, and then i was finally able to get rid of it. this shit took me 3 whole days to figure out. i had no idea you could break someones's pc with a webm file like that. we could weaponize this somehow
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if we can figure out what causes the webm to be so glitchy we can apply it to a soytan porn webm to bait jartycucks into downloading it


someone add pacifier on her mouth please it will be a zemerald


File: 1717593998440.png (1.05 MB, 1062x703, ClipboardImage.png)


distortedligs have just arrived


File: 1717594635808-0.gif (95.92 KB, 250x250, 3dgifmaker30433.gif)

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