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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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newGOD here.

Can someone marge me in on the current situation with Massa? I know he said the show isn't cancelled, but has he ever mentioned anything about it's association with the dreaded bald cartoon man with glasses website?
Are there any plans to boost the shows popularity/ improve optics? If so, how do I get involved? I'm willing to do my part.

Also, what do you guys do on here for fun? Is this a hecking safespace? (I'm a proud transkween btw.)
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every second that this guy isn't being tortured to death is further endangering our sanity


If I don’t see this faggot dead within 5 minutes I might tear myself apart


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i think this explains why xe likes ongezellig so much


coomertrannies have already made 'zellig porn doebeit


Another wario victory

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if this is the GET, Zoot is required by law to make /wario/
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File: 1714162447076.png (126.78 KB, 1440x1080, Untitled901_20240426165340.png)

>mamma mia! there’s not enough-a yuri on this site! wario is the worst forced shit this site has se- ACK!


Tsmt. WarioARYAN please make more


File: 1714163958247.png (29.77 KB, 745x563, Untitled961_20240424185756.png)

What should i make doe? I don’t have any ideas as of now


they hate you because you speak the trvth…


I didn’t even post this one doe someone else made the wario mymy

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/mongolia/ won


imagine actually drawing this


Great job man, I'm proud of you. :)
if you keep on drawmaxxing you will become a very great artist, just like jtveemo.


can't even. the shinning gem is too bright to see


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>imagine actually dra- AACCCKKKKKK!

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A girl came up to me today after class to ask me to clarify for her something she didn't understand and I spent the whole day thinking about it because I'm retarded just like that.
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Not today goonertroons


is this cleo GET?


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Holy get


no fuck you

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47 posts left for 20000 GET
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She ran away. Her concept is an inverse weeaboo, a jap who moves to Europe and pretends to be european.


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Guys I've got a great idea on how to continue Ongezellig.
>Replace all characters with Mymy
>They just kill each other and shit
>That's it
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this is all i want really


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this but mymy garlic hair


what is this pic from


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I made it off of this image


got it from here >>19461

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Something big is gonna happen tomorrow (or today depending on wya), I can feel it
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did xe really write all that while choking on a noose?


Yes favci and snQpes confirmed it


>And while it may seem like fun idea to take a look, you will (un)knowingly damage the reputation of Ongezellig, Massadonie and Studio Massa by doing so
Since when a guy who shared 'lig porn is concerned with the reputation of anything?


Trvke foenkie has no right to talk


it was a nothingwaffel

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We all know that ongezellig actually came out in 2018, but whatever.


In 2019 Hotel Hazbin the pilot was released.


Itz e sayn goyim



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He did? I always thought it was a shotgun. Interesting


no way a rifle causes that much damage


i watched enough execution videos to confirm that rifles CAN do that much damage and sometimes even more


whats with all the Wario posting?


because wario is 'zarty culture

File: 1713294467589.png (1.54 MB, 1150x850, Ongezellig now_20240416135….png)


Ongezellig Now!
Full metal Zellig?
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Historaunt girl newGOD


Thin Red 'Lig


>This isn't what I ordered.
We need a second part where Maya slowly dies while her sisters do their best to reassure her, shortly after her death the sisters go full TND mode.


gemmy art

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just saw a comic of maya being groomed as a 15 year old into sex. im ending it tonight.
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File: 1714066499518.png (1.17 MB, 1219x1407, 1712653977873.png)

Someone dox this pedonigger already


fuken gem


So you care about having that nigger doxxed, but not enough to put in any work yourself, right?




>>14807 he might live in US, but him using euros points me towards thinking hes just larping as a nigger.

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made this gem because of that one aryan who spams wario pictures on here




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what are these trash niggercoal posts in the past 30ish minutes

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Maya is keyed


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Based and altrightpilled


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what is xhe trying show us?


maya is the main character, mymy and coco fans are second class citizens

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Vantablack kikestone


isn't the kippah and the curly hair for male jews only though?


This. Jewish girls just have huge milkers


meds where the fuck did you hear that


>he's never met a Jewess

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who made the zellig game
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Nuke everyone who makes shipping on fictional characters (Such as Mymy x Kiki, Maya x Mats (presumably self-insert), Coco x Cleo and etc) and /co/omerfags! I wish you Belgians will disappear!
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suicide bomber


draw yourself getting blacked by BBC


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we need more zaryans like this….


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Ongezellig is mainstream now
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W verse


>quoting the bible to explain why we should spread more zellig
Yep going into the 2024 zarty compilation of gems


we have his name, date of birth, face and rough location doey


Don't please, he's just a boy


cause he's a fag

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>Lulu from WarioWare looks like Mym- WAH-CK!




Moved to >>>/qa/4213.

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>why not add her to the fight


tranime mymy?

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Did you guys hear about this?
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you know Massa is no longer a nationalist right? That's why he plays it for laughs. Mymy's an extremist because every high schooler is before they mellow out


Mymy is just a child. She is arguably the least important of non-background characters and the main distinction and point of tensions is between Maya and Coco. You didn't watch closely or just are too low IQ to notice if you think otherwise.


even doe nationalism is good or something


This is either going to be the blackest coal or the gem that saved the zarty or something


>last post
Post the link to the channel/video.

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Daily reminder that you are loved
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very much doubt it. And I don't deserve it even if I was anyway.


ur all wrong cus i love you


maybe if she was real


Thank you. And I deserve it even if I was not anyway.


Nice try fed

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can an artGOD draw mymy as caesar?


Wrong country


yes, i am up for the task


File: 1713826593223.png (2.11 MB, 3840x2160, Mymy_ceaser.png)

might do an actual finished art, when i get a bit better


A10 Gvmvrvld

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I was unsure about that subreddit in the first place , but now im sure this niggerhell will kill zellig
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If the 'teen who made r/zellig is seeing this post, do delete the Reddit, as it'll just infect the rest of Ongezellig with more trannies who'll inevitably infect it with their mentally-ill cancer


subreddits are worse than 'cords


both are niggerhell doe, they keep attracting the worst type of people there are


atleast cordtrannies are somewhat intergratable, plebbitors are arrogant faggots who never think twice about changing their minds.


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It’s so fucking over look at the pedofaggots you’ve attracted, pablo.

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Who cares?


'Gated sagekike

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What's the original of this zemerald?


The original is a black gentleman chud asking if Coco knows what the British Broadcasting Corporation stands for, Coco then says "Ball Busting Coons?" and does just that, leaving the melanated chud in a state of agony. I shan't post it here as it shows a tbp, apologies


The original one has disappeared from the 'ru tho

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If Maya was a real person, would your really feel sorry for her if she killed herself?
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My bets are on it being a 40 year old man with some sort of autogynephilia


Ugh xe is literally me


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I'm gonna invite her to look at this thread to see how she reacts to your posts


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you thought nobody would see it?

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(Not related to Zellig) First time drawing soyjack, is it good?
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As soon as i draw Cobson and Chudjak, I'll upload it to this thread


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Here's Cobson


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And Chudjak


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>not zellig related
>posts in /zellig/


Moved to >>>/qa/4171.

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tsmt now that ongezellig is finished we need art of mymy getting violently strangled and killed on her bed in front of her sisters < HVLY TRVTHNUKE


File: 1713694034555.mp3 (6.51 MB, y2mate.com - Product Of Fe….mp3)

It's not over, it's agonizing


>Part 2 of the Iceberg (continued in a less time consuming manner)
What did he mean by this? Is he cutting the animations with Stille Willem?


why does he hate us

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Hello, I am in the process of writing a possibly 4 episode long fan fiction where Mymy meets with her biological sister. I am currently looking for suggestions on how to end said fan fiction. Do any Zaryans have suggestions? (no nsfw please)
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Welp, its over. I've lost a weeks worth of work. My laptop crashed as I was working on the rough draft that I was gonna release here. Fret not, I'll stay up extra late to eventually release it.


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Fuck man, I'm sorry to hear that, RIP


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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE continue your work fanfictionGOD


fanfic update soon


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