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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1712990785404.png (11.06 KB, 810x1080, Koos.png)




I waited someone to do this








what's Yosack Jaki is it like off-brand yuji sakai




Ill tell you when I'm officially banned from the studio massa discord


so, when?


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Give it a few days or so. The guy I'm supposed to dm for my current situation (Foenkie) has been offline for 3 fucking days


I look like this


I don't get it, you wait to get banned? Can't you accelerate it somehow?


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No. Im just waiting.


god i hate nufags so much


it seems like you are already banned, what did you post?


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I'm not banned. I'm still in the server but I just don't have access to channels. Theres a role given to people in this server called "colonized" (rough translation). It's given to those who're in purgatory for a possible ban or not


i still don't get it, how can you be "possibly banned"?


Not formally banned but locked out of all functions of the server


I'm not asking about the mechanism, which is obvious, but the idea behind it. Are they going to call a meeting and decide whether he broke the rules or what?

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