You know what? Thinking about it, "sharty killed ongezellig" Or "4cuck killed ongezellig" Are both stupid arguments, it was just meant to happen, a story about a asocial possibly autistic porn addicted teenager attracted asocial porn addicted teenagers (soyteens), even if ongezellig never reached international audience this just meant to happen, it's always either trannies or chuds. It just happens that right wingers in today's world are usually like this. It was just meant to happen, even if it didn't get shilled, Massa just made a story that relates to chuds, and it was just meant to happen. It would have been either chuddies or trannies, who gets to claim the holy Land is whoever gets there first, and fuck yeah we did. It attracting a large Russian audience isn't also surprising, Russian dutchaboos existed since like Peter the 1st, so not really a new thing, plus Russian politics are mostly right wing. It was always meant to be, and it always be that way.
9 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view. No.18767
>>1345words'erald, (((Massa))) is the prime example of "appreciate the art, not the artist".
(Trvthnova incoming)
Massa is an experiment by the jews, made to create a cartoon that'd attract chuds and then he'd cancel it just to lower the morale of said chuds.
>>18767Massa is actually a product of the most aryan scientists from the secret nazi north pole research base to create a cult leader for us chuds that will make the most keyed piece of media ever and then die by the jews to create a martyr effect and kickstart the fourth reich to last ten thousand years (real)
>>18768Favci, snopes and Schwab confirmed this btw
Does 'zellig attract a Russian audience? The only Russian 'zellig fans I've seen are my friends, to whom I've shown this gem.
>>18786i heard there was a huge spike of russian 'zellig fans around 2022 or something