>>51208The year is 2045. The Zaryans lives under MASSA RULE. All Ongezellig content gets copyrighted. Zaryans live to serve IJSBERG KINGS in vast history iceberg making facilities. Welcome to Ongezellig's NO CONTENT FUTURE.
Zach Bleipperhead remembers life before February 6th – before the Foenkie-issued retcons, the AI models removal, the Stille Willem shitposts, and the (((google document))). He lives on the war-torn outskirts of the NuZelligsphere, where he hides his beautiful shiny gems from the clutches of the brutal New Massadonië army.
As musclebound dutch soldiers prowl the internetside searching for untouched gemeralds, Zach will stop at nothing to protect his sweet TND girl‘s purity. In his orange-blue-and white wig, patriotic prinsenvlag skirt, and gekoloniseerd™️ stockings, Zach gives his tender Zaryan body to a gang of pitiless dutch alpha soldiers: the ultimate act of courage and sacrifice. But is Zach prepared for the overwhelming demonstration of power and domination? The encounter brings him face-to-face with the worst coal… and with the most unspeakable of racebaits.