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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Let's play a game of "Find the Asocial, but in Dutch under the comment section".
Is this dude everywhere?




I have only seen him in zellig related videos, didn't know he's showing up in other people's vids too.
In either case if he's gonna end up becoming another Justin Y then maybe he should change his name or handle to "watch ongezellig" for more shilling


He participated in zesty jesus raid.


so either he lurks here or he just really likes zesty
Was the raid a success by the end? I didn't stay for the whole thing but I did witness him reading a comment about zellig


No, we didn't get him to watch it.


As far as I know it wasn't successful. The organisation was bad, since Zesty didn't do an announcement.
Also, he did say that he would check the zarty every now and then, so he could have been on the stream because of us.


he did respond in a thread (>>1354)



>So long, maybe I'll pop on down occasionally to see what's in store. You're cool and some of this stuff isn't bad, honestly.


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Now that you mention it, I found him on a random video too, guess he likes commenting.
I assume that's part of the shilling strategy, just don't know why he changed his name


He didn't, that's his tag. He is still Asocial, but in Dutch.
Also in the thread's image, Noa and VillageSlayer were only talking about how they were going to subscribe to eachother. Noa said something like "i don't subscribe to everyone, you know?"


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The coaler that killed the zarty

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