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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Who's winnin' dis?


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But you must also consider Todd Howard's Greasy Pedo ability, which gives him +10 damage to underage girls.


maya will never buy skyrim


File: 1707418179929.png (399.78 KB, 681x756, 23 - 3d headphones jumper ….png)

Maya is based and piracy-pilled

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Massacord is gone nuts after Zellig cancellation
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"Homunculus" in sciencespeak


ah yes truly beautiful name, i hope it isn't so imbred it dies by the age of 22


>implying that 2 girls could produce a child


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technically its considered a homunculus therefore manmade

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Daily reminder you are loved Xx
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i AM gonna killl YOU


Trvke Christ is kang n shiet


refrain from niggerspeak when addressing the divine, please


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>refrain from niggerspeak when addressing the divine, please

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>>Visit zellig image board
>>Greeted with sunwheel chud crap
>You serve the exact purpose of the sharty in further gatekeeping and destroying the image of ongezellig to outsiders.
>I regret ever posting on the /co/ threads to give my 2 cents on helping the show receive a wider audience as it's clear these exact underage right wing types lurk and post on these threads.
>May some twitter tranny discover this show instead of this current audience.
9 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


what was your reply?


I don't have a screenshot and I can't re-access the /banned/ page because ive already deleted my cookies but I wrote something like:

>a fate worse than death

in response to the last line


I almost never use 4chan because of that. what the point of posting your opinion, if it's going to get deleted? It's just like any other social media at this point.


bumping this historical gem


The Twitter Trannies are already here. They are simply hiding.

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In a few years or so the show will continue methinks.
It's practically guaranteed.
And even if it doesn't, it was a damn good Pilot, plus Massa has plenty of other work to enjoy.
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This short text post is a gem in my eyes.
So compact, yet stuffed with everything that makes the Zarty the Zarty.
It's enough to make a grown man cry.


I actually think this way too, I might make a thread giving some of my thoughts in depth.


>You WILL NOT connect notice da ice(((bergs))) cause I said so Chud…OKAY???


fuckin knew it


this image is so gemmy i just had to cop it 🔥

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sieg heil


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Delicious sandwich wow


>delicious sandwich wow



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9k GET incoming.. how the hell did we get this far. Zaryans, I hecking cisheart all of you.
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File: 1707363641244.webm (3.59 MB, 1080x1080, zelligfinalebutitsbetter.webm)

Get ready to be even sadder


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im going to hang myself from a coconut tree


bros it's so beautiful


Ai GODS do you think we can get a full maya better off alone cover?


ok. i might have been joking before. but if you do this it'll give me the courage to tie that rope and find myself in the 7th circle

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Zelligbros, we must root for /ourteam/ in the quarterfinals against Cape Verde on Saturday. It's happening!
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1 : 1 after 90 minutes


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this is gonna be close


4 - 2
>Your request looks automated. Post discarded.
fuck is this shit zoot


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forgot pic because of your pathetic attempts at filtering bots zoot


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removed hcaptcha
its just getting cocorted!

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I believe its evident that a deel 7 may never come, but us zaryans must find a way to replenish content within our community

i think one of the easiest ways we could do this is comics, some could be continuations from deel 6, or anything we want
we can also use AI voices to narrate them aswell

(I also think >>8761 can come in handy for this project)
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Yea but community projects fun doughie


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New toss


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should i parody this next



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>Ongezellig - Aflevering 2 deel 1
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


'listering 'em on the 'og


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gemmy bump..


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the good timeline passed us by

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