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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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>I transheart loopholes and rule circumventing


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it selling…. but also it forge…. wtf?!?!!?!?!?! the dilema.




to keelhaul or not to keelhaul, THAT is the question.


Don't ban xim but autosage the thread, I think it'd be fair maybe

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Let's play a game of "Find the Asocial, but in Dutch under the comment section".
Is this dude everywhere?
7 posts omitted. Click reply to view.



>So long, maybe I'll pop on down occasionally to see what's in store. You're cool and some of this stuff isn't bad, honestly.


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Now that you mention it, I found him on a random video too, guess he likes commenting.
I assume that's part of the shilling strategy, just don't know why he changed his name


He didn't, that's his tag. He is still Asocial, but in Dutch.
Also in the thread's image, Noa and VillageSlayer were only talking about how they were going to subscribe to eachother. Noa said something like "i don't subscribe to everyone, you know?"


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The coaler that killed the zarty

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what do I say next or something


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>can I… colonize your country? :D
ask her about the zarty


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>Now that the soishart's wiki for this show has finally been pushed off the front page of Google, should we actually try and attempt to put together a detailed wiki now?
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'son on the 'lig 'log


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why don't we make a completely apolitical wiki on a better platform like miraheze, and just remove every attempt to politicize zellig? it'd give us good optics; making it "exclusively apolitical" it gives us an excuse to just ban tranny idealogues on sight. all we'd have to do is cease the chuddiness as soon as we get on there and we'd be set
>inb4 called a jew for this (admittedly jewish psyop level plot)


It would not be fun tho. I am more fore a wiki where both /co/ and zarty could post whatever.


vandalize the fandom wiki after you SEO up the new zellig wiki
simple as


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Can someone make an IAZ version of the chudjak think gif




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>watermarking your 'jaks


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>Always make the watermark impossible to remove



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Put up another recruitment poster, After going over some of the constructive criticisms of the last I made sure it stood out more, the text is orange and I did a crappy little doodle of Mymy. Also btw the text is more visible in person my camera is just crappy.
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Here I redid the join the party part.


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<Great news guys! I found a great spot in the northern area of town and put my altered version of the recent shilly up. I'm sorry if it is a bit disheveled looking doe.


Probably going to slow down after this one. I hope the zaryan who posted the bathroom stall thread sees these.


You did add the Y at the end of "soyzellig.part" right?


Yes the photo is just cutoff.

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Little 'my


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Mongool 'my

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>Maya is an autist who has porn addiction and overall is the most retarded creature to walk planet earth. She is the main character and she needs to fix herself.
I can fix her


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We need all the top archeologists and cryptographers to find the rest of the secret prophecy engraved in the deels.


You can mercy kill her at best, chuddy


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maya is built for TLC doe


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traumatically large caliber

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Frooty toot toot responded to my post lol
but what does it mean that coal policing is now allowed? will subcultures be selectively eradicated?
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Or so the frootists would have us believe…


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Frogniggers in control albeit
Troongeleno accepted frogs on the frootist-ran 'ru


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new 'toss


'orm on the 'read

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Simply bumo the thread, start conversation, and post interesting and attention grabbing images. Keep it on page 1 too.
We can claim so many more beavtiful 'fe viewers… Do it for them…
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I agree. 'Fe girls seem really nice. It's good they have their own website.


Actual trvthnvke
Gender segregation is an extremely underrated thing today despite how needed and important it truly is
Part of why I hate trannies since they infringe on them


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Relevant toss


gemmy oldtoss


I wish we could live like that

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