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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1699305119367-0.png (3.43 MB, 2998x1618, (2021-08) MayaStreamt.png)

File: 1699305119367-1.png (700.65 KB, 694x767, ClipboardImage.png)




File: 1699309106646.png (77.12 KB, 775x849, 1682265020629-1.png)

Maya is a coomer. She is the main character with many flaws. The story is about the character fixing her flaws.

Do people really don't understand how stories are structured?


what the fuck where is this from
I knew maya was canonically a sims 4 girl but I've never seen this image before


File: 1699314324441.jpg (375.56 KB, 1400x2000, 1669925287532188.jpg)

This is official art from Massa's paypiggy collection.


File: 1699316822077-0.png (165.51 KB, 175x465, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1699316822077-1.jpg (691.49 KB, 700x802, master massa.jpg)

Then how come Coco and Mymy are flawless?
ALSO Massa literally put a troonjak in here.


Mymy suffers from racial self-hate. She also has AIDs.

Coco seems to have PTSD from the Zulu invading her farm house as a child.

Even if these charactaristics are viewed as positives, it won't change the fact that Maya is an autist who has porn addiction and overall is the most retarded creature to walk planet earth. She is the main character and she needs to fix herself.

Also I have no clue why Massa made a whole LBTQ parade inside Maya's SIMS room


File: 1699321115524.png (64.08 KB, 450x600, kuzellig.png)

>she also has aids


File: 1699321399594.png (51.93 KB, 200x200, 1682387255488.png)

zellig predicted the soypocalypse…
how blind were we, zaryans???


File: 1699333576669.png (82.03 KB, 228x206, 1698407907720.png)

>Maya is an autist who has porn addiction and overall is the most retarded creature to walk planet earth. She is the main character and she needs to fix herself.
I can fix her


File: 1699333830920.png (161.13 KB, 423x475, 478ed0e05287e1a97a4ff449f6….png)

We need all the top archeologists and cryptographers to find the rest of the secret prophecy engraved in the deels.


You can mercy kill her at best, chuddy


File: 1699339652839.jpg (44.43 KB, 1024x1024, 285 - OngezelligBooru.jpg)

maya is built for TLC doe


File: 1699340707714.png (2.11 MB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.png)

traumatically large caliber

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