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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1698898017907-1.jpg (1.83 MB, 4160x1920, 20231101_174813.jpg)


Put up another recruitment poster, After going over some of the constructive criticisms of the last I made sure it stood out more, the text is orange and I did a crappy little doodle of Mymy. Also btw the text is more visible in person my camera is just crappy.


I'm sorry if it's a bit premature but I just got so excited over the last post I wanted to do another.


who let blud cook ???


Nawwww he be advertising Zellig to normalGODS from Ohio fr fr no cap ????


Rizzless ad ? ONLY IN OHIO!!!


One of the main criticisms of the first post was that all i did was write the sites name and nothing else, so I added a doodle of mymy, mind you I am not a artist and this is the first time I've attempted to draw anything more complex than a stick figure so ofcourse it came out god awful.


Keep up with the advertising phonepollGOD, maybe next paper piece can have a slogan like "Come to the party, at Soyzellig.party!!!" or something.


It's alright incompetenceDEITY, the shitty doodles give it sovl


That's a lovely idea! If I do anymore I'll definitely put that on one.


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Bump for ze amerikaners.


Bro think he rizzlectric.


Let bro cook ????️?️?️?️


No offense but Don't you think you should've waited a bit before posting this one? Like the last one is still fairly fresh.


frog op reply to handicap our shill op
disregard and keep making shillys


I'm sorry I won't do it again.


====apology accepted.


Interesting how this has less replies than the one that took me less effort. Tho I guess it's probably just that most of what you can say about the shilly was already said in the last thread.


I mean no offense, but the difference in effort is marginal at best


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shillerARYAN, have this poster printed at your local library and use it instead (cutting vertical lines separating the zarty links of course so forgetful ADHDCHADS can take and use them when they get home)




None taken ?


>no actual zellig sisters
failed shilly


The babyjaks and 'lita face make us look like a gooning/'p site.


even doe zellig + 'jaks is the whole point of SOY + ZELLIG dot party
no one would look at a hairy baby in meme low resolution with a wig and think of gooning THOUGH


Idk maybe i've just watched too much solar sands or something.


I tranheart solar sands. Xis videos make me think.


File: 1699015949692.gif (960.63 KB, 302x386, baby_angry.gif)

Too much 'p I think


i swear you got doxxed by the colony discord


>another newGOD thinking marioman and ShadowMario are the same person


>newGOD because i made a mistake

geg, newGOD


The babyjak looks scary with his teeth visible, feels like something out of son of the mask.


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>>newGOD because i made a mistake


This 'Jak looks exactly like what I imagine 'witter users who comment about "anxiety" to look like.


<Orange text lol


nigga youre atleast a doll era newfag, dont talk to me


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<Did some scouting today, found a good place for a silly in the east area of town


Damn auto correct




are you going to print >>3134 or are you going to make a drawing?


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You know what? Fuck it, im doing my own irl shilling.




Oh my fauci printGOD


put one outside massas house


Mail one of these to massa's house


I'm thinking of doing a simple drawing of scarf, a pair of head phones and a tie to symbolize the three sisters with >>3043 suggestion.


Based, spread the word fellow Zaryan.


>tie even doe bowtie is infinitely more recognizable


File: 1699244514803.jpg (1.65 MB, 4160x1920, 20231105_211601.jpg)

Here's a really rough draft of what I have in mind. I might have to redo it with a bow tie inplace of the oversized tie.


Did you write the J backwards? Where did you even learn to write like this, people are going to think this is some sort of severe atusim daycare center if they see this (no offense)


I have had really bad penmanship all my life.


And yeah, the j is backwards, I could probably solve this by just cutting out the top part and when I staple the main poster I could staple a new version the top above it.


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Here I redid the join the party part.


File: 1699385198099.jpg (2.5 MB, 4160x1920, 20231107_121745.jpg)

<Great news guys! I found a great spot in the northern area of town and put my altered version of the recent shilly up. I'm sorry if it is a bit disheveled looking doe.


Probably going to slow down after this one. I hope the zaryan who posted the bathroom stall thread sees these.


You did add the Y at the end of "soyzellig.part" right?


Yes the photo is just cutoff.

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