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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1706651048337.jpg (595.54 KB, 1979x1482, thought-provoking-gem.jpg)


Should I learn Dutch? Should I move to Netherlands? I am a little selfish cu-, I mean chud and a ukrainian refugee so, no I can't just stay in my country you bigot. I've been living in Poland for 2 years now and I've been thinking about moving to a country with more gemmy qualities and since I'm in deep love with Mymy, the idea of moving to the country my little sweetheart loves so much has crossed my mind.
But what I love more than a cartoon character is Hitler and his teachings, so I wonder if Netherlands is gemmy enough for me to be able to have many white children there without xem trooning out and ACK-ing or something like that.
I have a bwc btw doe.
16 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I am pic1 and You are pic2 thoughbeit


File: 1706653810893.jpeg (6.98 KB, 255x209, 1705150226716.jpeg)

Zrethren, ur posted a cringe…


> I don't even know if those kind of women exist in germanic countries
Retard, if they don't, it's over for my white peoplerions, literally.


I MIGHT look a little like the person in picrel 2, but i promise you you're as aryan as i am. Every slav is, Germanixs and slavs are the only TRVE ytepipo. You're just as germanic as I am, and I'm just as slavic as you are.


Lifefuel IF true…

File: 1706627380656.webm (470.86 KB, 720x448, VID_20240130_180737_009.webm)


Mymy moment


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>we must eat more burgers to become white, yeah
>a mcdonalds to last a thousand years or whatever

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Post Veraralds
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File: 1703985536488.png (460.71 KB, 826x829, lifesucksthenudie.png)



You will never be a real musician, you have no fans, you have no collaborations, you have no talent.

You are an old rotting teacher twisted by teenage dreams and impossible to reach goals into a crude mockery of musicology's perfection.

All the praise you get is two faced and half hearted. Behind the back your coworkers mock you. Your parents would be disappointed and ashamed of you, your "friends" laugh at your terrible note mistakes behind doors.

Music fans are utterly repulsed by you, thousands of years of evolution have allowed them to sniff out bad artists with incredible efficiency. Even artists who "pass" sound uncanny and talentless to a fan. Your notes are a dead giveaway. And even if you get a drunk faggot to listen to 1 second of your music, he'll turn tails and bolt as soon as he gets to hear a noise of your wrinkled talentless hands.

You will never be happy, you wrench out a fake smile everyday and tell yourself that you're gonna make it, but deep down you feel the times passing by and all the wasted opportunities creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it'll be too much to bear, you'll buy a bottle, pop the cap and drink yourself to death. Your co-workers will find you, heartbroken, but relieved that they'll no longer have to with the immense disappointment and pessimistic nature of yours. They'll bury you with a gravestone marked as a who you really are, and every passerby will know that a teacher is buried there. Your skeleton will decay and go back to the dust, and all that remains of your legacy is a drunken, deppressed and terrible teacher.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.


File: 1703987640768.png (14.95 KB, 421x498, 15157_-_SoyBooru.png)

<You will never be a real musician, you have no fans, you have no collaborations, you have no talent.

<You are an old rotting teacher twisted by teenage dreams and impossible to reach goals into a crude mockery of musicology's perfection.

<All the praise you get is two faced and half hearted. Behind the back your coworkers mock you. Your parents would be disappointed and ashamed of you, your "friends" laugh at your terrible note mistakes behind doors.

<Music fans are utterly repulsed by you, thousands of years of evolution have allowed them to sniff out bad artists with incredible efficiency. Even artists who "pass" sound uncanny and talentless to a fan. Your notes are a dead giveaway. And even if you get a drunk faggot to listen to 1 second of your music, he'll turn tails and bolt as soon as he gets to hear a noise of your wrinkled talentless hands.

<You will never be happy, you wrench out a fake smile everyday and tell yourself that you're gonna make it, but deep down you feel the times passing by and all the wasted opportunities creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

<Eventually it'll be too much to bear, you'll buy a bottle, pop the cap and drink yourself to death. Your co-workers will find you, heartbroken, but relieved that they'll no longer have to with the immense disappointment and pessimistic nature of yours. They'll bury you with a gravestone marked as a who you really are, and every passerby will know that a teacher is buried there. Your skeleton will decay and go back to the dust, and all that remains of your legacy is a drunken, deppressed and terrible teacher.

<This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.


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VeraCHADs are the shadow government that run this place

File: 1696840630146-0.png (67.58 KB, 300x120, ClipboardImage.png)

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This is apparently the software used when animating zellig (based off of the brief recording shown in the Petjeaf announcement vid)


Yeah, I've seen it. However, it's a paid program and you could always use a free alternative like krita to animate. I guess you could also try to pirate it from a website.


bumping this relevant thread

File: 1706584072253.jpg (44.63 KB, 563x483, 05c3a72feec2b9e8bdf887e7bb….jpg)


recently i've been zelligmaxxing by rewatching it over and over so i can fry it into my brain and rewatch it whenever i have free time, been working hard the past couple of days and today i was finally able to watch the whole thing in my mind. just thought i should share cause i'm really proud of this achievement personally and i want to inspire other zelligbros to do the same.
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File: 1706595146877.jpeg (56.05 KB, 629x839, 1706573040771.jpeg)

This is smart



File: 1706609284485.png (233.66 KB, 662x662, 2d476d31d7fe70dc280d7044f8….png)

be careful, there was another zaryan who was zelligmaxxing and because of it his parents got divorced. you should plan out your strategy very carefully


Least insane zelliger


Ill try the same, Ive had a streak of watching it every day for the last few days

File: 1698527846310.gif (445.62 KB, 366x400, 153 - IAS gif impjak music….gif)


If not NSFW, can I post my fanfiction here?
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I am comfortable with this being completely memoryholed unfortunately




Post it so i can edit into a reddit story video


File: 1706582366235.png (910.03 KB, 1080x1632, 156 - IAS markiplier_soyja….png)

we are still waiting for it


one time in drenthelands there were 3 sisters who all kissed eachother very sloppily without breaking the zarty rules but it was all a dream the end

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did anyone else realize that mymy is basically wearing the dutch flag? was this intentional?
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File: 1706557162603.png (1.04 MB, 1920x1080, CocoRussiaEmpire.png)

RussianGODS rise up




File: 1706560851339.png (883.43 KB, 1440x852, 1706560685230.png)

I doubt Coco loves "bliny s lopaty". Or any other 'zellig-xister. You know.


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i like this thread

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Why does this paypig artpiece have the word 'Jew' behind Maya's head?
And no I did not add the 'Owo' at the end of my filename when I took this pic, what the fuck?


oy vey!! shalom goyim, thank you for putting this to our attention.
We'll arrange a black bvll to rape and impregnate massa for this anti-semitic hate crime.


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It's a sign!!! I bet. Massa just wanted to say that the joooooooz are to blame for all Maya’s troubles

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Zellig sticker thread

Post 'ligs that make for good stickers
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I want gems that aren't in the folder and I have a lot of sticker paper lying around so I want to put them to good use


File: 1705099327402.jpg (159.75 KB, 1080x770, 1.jpg)

do this it would be really funny


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File: 1705101512021-2.png (1.32 MB, 4000x4000, Sticker_zarty_brownshirt.png)


did anyone make stickers out of these yet

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https://twitter.com/PapaOsoart DOX HIM DOX HIM NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Total coomer death.
I support this doxxing


So to start off, his pixiv claims he’s from Japan. I don’t buy it, but what I do know is that he posts tweets in some latinx language. Of course he’s a spic. Anyways it’s kinda late so I’ll be heading off to bed now, but good luck on this.

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