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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1713598937654.png (3.69 MB, 1500x1500, ArktidAMymy.png)


I love ArktidA (And Mymy would love it too)
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>power metal
kill yourself you poser nigger


Power metal is Aryan


File: 1713628185571.jpg (1.7 MB, 1886x1886, hyperborean Mymy.jpg)


can I edit this imagen?


File: 1713426439545.png (1.27 MB, 1086x878, ClipboardImage.png)


Should I make more pencil fanart rather than digital or just do both (pencil is easier and for digital I have to utilize a fucking touchpad)
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File: 1713462553183.png (11.05 KB, 562x660, mymy begs for her fucking ….png)

sorry please forgive me or something


filename made me laugh


File: 1713509427858.gif (2.31 MB, 512x506, 1706050588870.gif)



30 years later after every living soul on earth has forgotten about ongezellig i will still be masturbating to Mymy and that's going to be the only lasting legacy of ongezellig


You will die of gray matter loss before that

File: 1713020553740.gif (2.31 MB, 508x604, a24.gif)


the last part of the maya comic dropped
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We need to punish this fucking nigger for defiling something so pure and innocent like our beloved Dutch girls



Who made this




File: 1713300405938-0.jpg (515.04 KB, 1062x703, 1707160196047 (1).jpg)

File: 1713300405938-1.png (269.09 KB, 640x212, Pikmin_logo (2).png)


are there any zaryans that also happen to be pikaryans here?


File: 1713301363215.png (109.78 KB, 250x427, abominable creature.png)

things that make you marge


File: 1713331227695.png (413.33 KB, 1345x900, soymin.png)

pikGODS shall be united on the zarty, forever and onward.


File: 1713367286673.png (382.87 KB, 1922x1082, 1712035023712d.png)


File: 1713561240885.png (1022.63 KB, 1420x799, IMG_5286.png)

maya is a valid pikaryan (fact checked by snopes)


File: 1713539766554.png (20.03 KB, 600x800, piler.png)


zoot just IP ban him already, he's far too young (and retarded) to be a notable member of the community.
For the sake of terras mental health just ban him so he stays away from zellig. It's a hard trvth but it's still a nvke


Especially what happened in his 'cord today. It's giving our upstanding community the image that all zelligGODs are 14 year old spics.
Zooty… Just pull the plug on him…


banning him isn't gonna turn him away, he still interracts with the community just on off sites like the subreddit or 'cords.
If you truly want the effects to echo you're gonna have to get every owner of the community to do it, or banning him isn't gonna do much.


marge? who is that and how is it relevant? is this discord drama?


After his thread was deleted he took a break for like a week. It may not completely stop him but it will slow him down a little until he gets a bit older (and wiser)
It's for his own sake


Moved to >>>/q/1781.

File: 1713338645361.png (129.76 KB, 312x426, image45.png)


How terminally online are your siblings? Are you one of the "normal" ones or are you browsing your soycial media for that daily dopamine hit?
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I work full-time and spend much of my free time exercising and working with trad clubs. Otherwise I just post in the sharty and zarty.
My brother is in college and works part-time. I'm pretty sure he's just a redditor.


Not at all. I'm (almost) the Maya of my family (I ran over a family of 5 when I was drunk driving)


all of mymy's problems would get solved if i could just rape her once though


File: 1713418846595.jpeg (32.57 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpeg)

>all of mymy's problems would get solved if i could just rape her once though


Just go to college to be with your friends

File: 1713396472363.png (5.61 MB, 2366x2900, They fucking died.png)


I realized I didn’t post this commission here so how yall are happy
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this made me tear up


youtube video essayer take


If u or anyone else wants to make a commission just ask


File: 1713494150239.png (2.84 MB, 1080x1307, ClipboardImage.png)


Unironic gem

File: 1713325043381.png (1.02 MB, 1200x630, bm4_coco.png)


would Coco break this train?
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File: 1713507649194.png (952.05 KB, 1024x683, mymy_metro.png)

But here's the Mymy version, and to be honest if i saw that she is my mechanic, I would GTFO of her train.


last thing you see before you unalive
i've been here in my dreams


Do Mymy in an ER200 please


File: 1713526608427.png (1.03 MB, 1080x712, er200.png)

here you go, hope you don't mind Vera!


File: 1713526836451.png (8.52 MB, 3344x3016, astra.png)

Also here's a pic of the crew in one of the new Bucharest trams (Astra Imperio Metropolitan)

File: 1700159860920-0.webm (5.32 MB, 720x1280, video_2023-11-16_20-28-18.webm)

File: 1700159860920-1.jpg (96.88 KB, 960x1280, photo_2023-11-16_20-28-14.jpg)


Alive board
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shilly status: up


'zarty saving gem




hvlv nvcrvbvmp


>hulu nucrubump

File: 1713481493568.jpg (Spoiler Image, 4.23 MB, 4074x4096, Picsart_24-04-18_23-07-24-….jpg)


Personally, I think this channel deserves some attention.


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holy shit can a janny tell this nigger to limit the amount of the same posts he makes?


I will do what I want. And if you have a problem, tell me straight to my face, but find me first. 🖕🏼



File: 1713523984803.png (7 KB, 201x302, 1712432805397.png)

>ai slop
>reddit space
<tell me straight to my face, but find me first.
>anonymous imageboard


Hi OP, please put all of your posts surrounding this subject in a singular thread.
This decision is due to popular demand
God bless.


That's a gem and he looks like that

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