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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1708725058252.png (427.58 KB, 450x616, Screenshot_2024-02-17_1304….png)


Coco 😃
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built for love care and affection


Indeed 👍


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Decent get


>>>>>>>>decent even doe its legendary or something

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can someone post what they say in ongezellig

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>1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


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somebody already said this

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We need to stop brick on zellig violence……..


the horrors of brick war

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Mymy pixel art




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File: 1708753925884.webm (159.39 KB, 1280x720, kill.webm)


little thing I made before I return to the great slumber


Not bad (smugjak.png)

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When massa revealed the eye color chart of ongezellig, thus trolling cocoons everywhere.


wha about kiki? she has blue eyes that aren't just eye contacts


Huguenotic eyes > blue qoypium lenses


Coco still gem


Lee Gemson

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ziggy zoggy in the wild
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>henceforth we need even more trannies


It unironically isn't doe


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You will never rike zellig?


it's ok

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At 3:44 in the studio massa 't restaurant short, massa references morrissey (outspoken vegan musician, hated by troons because he hates chinks or something). Have you guys found any other obscure references made in 'zellig or any other studio massa works that you think have gone largely unnoticed?
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>Ongezellig - Obscure references (Deel 1 - 2)
>Ongezellig - Obscure references (Deel 3 - 4)
bit the hand that fed him


Nigga even turned off comments, which could have caused more traffic on the video, but not
Blud is worse than a SLF fr ☠️


>Drenthe is the Ohio of the Netherlands
What is blud talking about :skull:


File: 1708697003821.jpg (148.81 KB, 1280x1268, chud_and_mymy_by_felirblad….jpg)

Should have learned from 'ssa that ignoring a big chunk of the community is generally not a good idea


>what is blud talking about 💀

My man i love the taste of blood tho but whys the blood talking

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I made the second one halal so now. Curry speaks arabic by there

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Coco picture 2


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>brown eyes
Cocoons.. really??


Damn that's smooth, no wonder it took Massa so much to make zellig


mymy is disgusting capanese she isn't an aryan


You probably wanna use Gifski to avoid the dithering.


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>Use contact lenses
>"Meh braun ayz"

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