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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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>FNAC calls out 'zellig in description
Zaryans, our response?
9 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I have no information of this, I personally just deleted the folder and hope for the best


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<buys the site
<makes game
<keylogs half of userbase


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So false alarm?


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Yeah false alarm
So the first thread was made for OP to scare teen off FNAC, then deleted it and blamed the jannies for removing it https://archive.soyjak.in/soy/thread/5187043#p5187043
Then the second thread was made to show how the "jannies" removed it, causing more uproar on the sharty. https://archive.soyjak.in/soy/thread/5187315#p5187315
A rightfully concerned Zaryan posted it here to make the others know in case that thread gets "removed by the jannies," which would only cause another delete.
If this was Froot's doing he would have already responded by now, but one of the original programmers did two times already,
It's also interesting that the demo was removed from the itch.io page 6 hours ago, but maybe just a coincidence, or they already stated that they'll remove it first to make a new update, or wait until the final version? (even though the final version will be in Steam) https://soyveloper.itch.io/fnac
I checked Assembly Explorer and you can't even use it to check Unity code itself AHHAHAHHAHA

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what did you use to generate xher also if its not problem send ai generated maya and coco here
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issa not fail, because i look like this and say this


well in that case it's more of a general life failure


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You are right, I am going to fix my life. brb


are you doing a training montage?


yes, i will upload the montage soon.

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Shoould we try to dig in more into this story?


This and the zolpidem incident are very enigmatic


OngecideAnon if you're reading this, getting suspended from school because of your drawings would be the most gemmy zellig happening as of yet.


>zolpidem incident
The grim mymy drawfag sometimes posts on /co/ Im sure we could get some answers from him if he's implicated


We should invite him to the Zarty or something

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Why are /co/omers so retarded?
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Probably the only time I used it was when I discovered a fellow FL StudioGOD when a soy /qa/ thread linked the /co/ one there, and I lurked for anything useful (almost none)
Image attached was my first ever 4cuck post btw


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>Can you not put Zellig literally anywhere and everywhere you can shove it? I saw it on myspace, amino, and now Fanpop. I frequented the anime page but its been dead. I suddenly get a influx of messages saying its active only to get "gems". I cant even tell if its a bot or not.


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>see this
>visit /co/
>theorizing in detail about oral skills of characters
What's wrong with those niggers


at this point, unless you have a zarty OC to post and flex on /co/ niggers, don't go there. It's just shit.


Yeah greentexting 'cuck posts is funny sometimes, but it's best to just stick to our lane and make OC and discussions and not turn this place into a 'cuck mocking IB.

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<am sowee mayaw


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Fyck you neutral nigger fuck you zellig nigger you killed the soujakparty fuck you nigger

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NIGGA, she is NUTS!




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>NIGGA, she is NUTS!

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Everyone, I am thrilled to announce that we have officially overtaken the transclitty in posts, unique posters and bytes of content.
Lets stay winning.


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frogs stay losing ABYSMALLY


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Hey everyone!
In honor of the 1 month anniversary we are doing an Ask Us Anything.
Ask Zoot, Zuz, Nöok or Xoot anything, and they will answer.
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This thread has died a bit, so I'm moving it to /arch/. Thanks everyone for the questions!

God bless.


Moved to >>>/chive/506.

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New toss


nigga i am broke


aryan i am rich


Looks bussin


>I transheart larping as a woman with expensive goyslop

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Mymyr from.selling or something like that yeah

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