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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Why are /co/omers so retarded?


Im pretty sure thats the "community manager" guy


doesn't sound like him tho. the "community manager" guy is more friendly. This dude just shits from his mouth.


I thought the "community manager" was the one that mass replies and writes the capthca
but shieet, my bad if he aint


Most sure fire way of knowing it's him is his excessive use of [spoilers] and checking the file names of his images. For zellig, most of the time it'll be some string of numbers and letters like "AA 5.5.6." or something.


I don't really browse /co/ I only lurked during the new Amsterdam shill op


I've seen "Asocial, but in Dutch" to be refeared to as the "community manager" guy. i though that you were talking about him.
Is there another "community manager" guy?


Our "Manager" goes by multiple names:
Asociable, but Dutch
And Noa Skylar


>sharty ruined zellig even though /co/ only does coomerbait and attracts troons that will gatekeep the community less


wait so the guy in the thread pic is Asociable, but Dutch? if thats the case then he isn't really that friendly towards us lol. Strange considering that the guy made two posts here and didn't sound like a jackass.


No? At least I'm not sure given the writing style in OP's pic. I was just listing off the names he goes by online.


thats the one I was reffering to
He isnt our manager, hes /co/'s manager


Ok, now I'm a bit confused. Who's the community manager? Are there multiple community managers? Why tf are there community managers?


There's one "community manager" and he goes by Leaderfag/Asociable, but Dutch/NoaSkylar
People say he's a "community manager" since he's mostly been the one shilling zellig to the masses, especially that Time Square video he made and got put up.
But like >>2585 said, he's mainly /co/'s manager and not necessarily /our/ manager.


So by
> there's been an effort coordinated by /co/ to draw in new fans to overtake the sharty
It's really just Leaderfag?


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Nevermind, this probably is him. Fuck.


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tsmt, we both like zellig right? Why do we have to have relative rivalry?


War is aryan or something
And our crusade against /co/omers is just or whatever


because they are retarded, that's why
>>2594 is a perfect example of this.


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someone should've broken him a long time ago…


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Did somebody say BREAK HIM?


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>holy shit. we just dont want to see what you fags post. it has nothing to do with making room for certain audiences. youre fucking DISGUSTING. posting dead babies and "TND" edits has NOTHING to do with what we have in common. get off the fucking ideology drug and realize you just make people UNCOMFORTABLE


>Raiding streamers is bad cus uhhhh it just is okay?!!


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Whatever happens between the zarty and /co/ doesn't matter to me, I will always have zellig in my heart, a shining gem I will shill until the end.


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>Maybe if the sharty behaved even remotely human enough to not make TND and gore edits of the girls and not post pictures of chopped up babies on the Ongezellig wiki (which only just happened, by the way), we might respect you. The fact is that /co/, whether you think it is doing a good job or not, is drawing in new fans while the sharty has only ever done their best to push them away. In fact, I've only ever seen people scared to share the show with their friends because they don't want to accidentally associate themselves with you.


>drawing in more faggots is… LE GOOD because… IT JUST IS, OK?


>making room for certain audiences
I wonder what kind


Lol I can play that game too

<Maybe if /co/ behaved even remotely human enough to not make Porn and "fanboy" edits of the girls and not post pictures of the being being fucked on the Booru (which only just happened, by the way), we might respect you. The fact is that the zarty, whether you think it is doing a good job or not, is drawing in new fans while /co/ has only ever done their best to push them away. In fact, I've only ever seen people scared to share the show with their friends because they don't want to accidentally associate themselves with you.


No one said that doe
/co/on Failerald


yeah, I didn't writhe it to quote somebody, I just inverted what the original text said to show that it's just rhetorics. There is no value in such statements.


ah my bad, I thought you were trying to retaliate against the Zarty


>they already took down the Zaryan collab piece along with 70 replies from the thread
Wow surprised it took them that long considering the S O Y


70 replies? It's no surprise the tranny jannys deleted the Zarty saving gem, but what 70 replies did they remove?


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>ironic shitposting
no fucking way it's this cucked


70 replies? Are they mad????

The canvas, the comment's praising it and the comments who called out the "soyjaks killed zellig." /co/omers


It was mostly a drawfag promising to draw requests from dubs that got removed since they never followed up (with the requester posts removed too), the rest was probably sharty replies that they got in a spat with from earlier.


ok, so along with "ironic shitposting" being banned, serious discussion is also booted off the board? are you for fucking real?


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This is retarded
The fuckers banned me. I answerd to the op and I posted this as a pic


jannies are drunk on power and seethe. I almost said file an appeal, as if that's worth for shit.
Let's see if they delete my little dissertation as well


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>rerolling is against the rules
Tf is even rerolling?


one drawfag made the request thread
>dubs reply gets their idea drawn
so people were rerolling their ideas
rather harmless but no fun allowed I guess


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lol fr
They even reported my other respons.


not a request thread, but posted a reply asking for requests


I see. I guess its to prevent spam?


I remember I got a warning for that too because one poster (who I suspect was the same one who asked for Dutch history culture that gave up on their "special piece" after we posted the collab piece) shit and piss themselves out of anger because a Zaryan made that Chudgunner channel, and he suggested beforehand that people should do a High Quality Rip of Ik Ben and got mad that a Zarty/Sharty user made a siivagunner channel.
I told him to stop being a faggot worrying about what Sharty users are making and make his own shit, and I get hit with the fucking Ironic warning. Which makes me think that anon is either sucking some faggot tranny janny's girldick to get me off for telling him he's acting like a faggot, or he's discharging neovagina faggot kike janny ximself.


You know I never actually used the 'cuck and for the longest time I had the impression that it's some sort of internet wild west. Actually posting on it feels more cucked than commenting on 'tube


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I can't take it…
I can't Fucking take it chuds
I'm about to fuckin


>maya loose even THOUGH she's a femcel


gentlemen I present to you the high effort, thought provoking, serious, non-ironic, shitpost free, forward thinking, inviting, not-going-to-be-deleted, creative content /co/ provides us with


Is 'zarty separatism really the way doe?


Make this but replace it with who's the most aryan or willing to kill niggers, or something


Maya would technically be more aryan than Mymy since she has natural green eyes doe


every time I check on the /co/ thread it gets worse somehow
It isn't separatism if we were never a part of /co/, take meds


With /co/, yeah. Tho as >>2978 said, we are seperate communities, with different goals, origin and culture.
There are some /co/omers who would be welcomed, if they joined us. Just not everyone.


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nothing happened thoughie, an anon from /co/ said to make a HQR of Ik Ben and when xey found out you made a channel, xeir neovagina dilated and got pissed. Nothing ever came of it, just they got assmad that a 'teen is making OC before they did.


Need a link to the thread/archive AHAHAHHA
I didn't even make it, another Zaryan did XD


I wrote two seperate posts before settling for a short one that janjan seemed fine with after their dilating session (check the reply numbers): https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/139806775/#139916751


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Only God could have coordinated this kind of trolling, all glory to Him alone


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Fun fact: I don't even browse /co/, much less 4cuck, so I would have never known that such an idea exists. Sorry frogGOD, but feel free to do your own thang, I'm even willing to help you out when needed ;)


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Probably the only time I used it was when I discovered a fellow FL StudioGOD when a soy /qa/ thread linked the /co/ one there, and I lurked for anything useful (almost none)
Image attached was my first ever 4cuck post btw


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>Can you not put Zellig literally anywhere and everywhere you can shove it? I saw it on myspace, amino, and now Fanpop. I frequented the anime page but its been dead. I suddenly get a influx of messages saying its active only to get "gems". I cant even tell if its a bot or not.


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>see this
>visit /co/
>theorizing in detail about oral skills of characters
What's wrong with those niggers


at this point, unless you have a zarty OC to post and flex on /co/ niggers, don't go there. It's just shit.


Yeah greentexting 'cuck posts is funny sometimes, but it's best to just stick to our lane and make OC and discussions and not turn this place into a 'cuck mocking IB.

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