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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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>soyvil war 3
How did we lose this? What went wrong? How do we get our revenge?
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


You don't put the KEK in the green arrow, oldfag wannabe


These groups arent related at all, this seems more like a fanfiction some sperg made up.
Only like 2 "groups" on this list actually hate frqqt and want to take over.


>ongezellig reaching normies is LE GOOD




fell for the wiki award

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Mymy says S nami Bog!



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i want you fucking dead
5 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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GEEEEG January 20 2024 my ass


Also Marge when was Massa's birthday


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i never knew about this


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This only goes to show how out of touch nusoyteens are with 'zellig and that simple Massa lore like this is completely "new" to them.
'Zellig is being phased out of sharty culture, and this is clear evidence for this.


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this has been known for like 3 months lol

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Why did Vera gain an extra filing cabinet between Deel 2 & 3?


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::you are asking too many questions, zigger::


i could tell you but then id have to kill you.

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/mymy/ won


Zuzcord woke up

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ITT: we discuss if this is a good thing or bad thing
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Nothing ever happens…


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>i hecking love burgers btw


I hope nothing happens. I hope massa has good opsec because these faggots are beyond obsessed


Dw about it. The guy grew up on the internet, he knows what he's doing.


I dont think Massa would even care lol, dude works a full time job, its better to just let him be

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Someone noticed a cute detail that Kiki, unlike other girls, rides a bike with 2 baby wheels


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lol cute



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fnf won

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What kind of scum painted this abomination, I'm going to kill him!


stupid wife


bitch wife gets what she deserves. total win.


I thaught she was on beach and being beaten by fish monster


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