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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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If Maya was a real person, would your really feel sorry for her if she killed herself?
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My bets are on it being a 40 year old man with some sort of autogynephilia


Ugh xe is literally me


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I'm gonna invite her to look at this thread to see how she reacts to your posts


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you thought nobody would see it?

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i need more pics of my Boer princess
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Such a magnificent gem!


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'p on the 'poilered 'mage


What video

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(Not related to Zellig) First time drawing soyjack, is it good?
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As soon as i draw Cobson and Chudjak, I'll upload it to this thread


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Here's Cobson


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And Chudjak


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>not zellig related
>posts in /zellig/


Moved to >>>/qa/4171.

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tsmt now that ongezellig is finished we need art of mymy getting violently strangled and killed on her bed in front of her sisters < HVLY TRVTHNUKE


File: 1713694034555.mp3 (6.51 MB, y2mate.com - Product Of Fe….mp3)

It's not over, it's agonizing


>Part 2 of the Iceberg (continued in a less time consuming manner)
What did he mean by this? Is he cutting the animations with Stille Willem?


why does he hate us

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Hello, I am in the process of writing a possibly 4 episode long fan fiction where Mymy meets with her biological sister. I am currently looking for suggestions on how to end said fan fiction. Do any Zaryans have suggestions? (no nsfw please)
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Welp, its over. I've lost a weeks worth of work. My laptop crashed as I was working on the rough draft that I was gonna release here. Fret not, I'll stay up extra late to eventually release it.


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Fuck man, I'm sorry to hear that, RIP


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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE continue your work fanfictionGOD


fanfic update soon


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did this in my spare time. most 'jak assets recreated 1:1. 38 layers with a bunch of mouths and eyebrows, everything can be deleted, recolored, or moved around.
i crashed myself a few times while making this so be cautious.


cobby gem


Paint.net gods…

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this is what mymy will look like in 2030


xhe's…. xhe's so abstract….

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'lig on the 'log
fellow zaryans

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Wish him a happy birthday or something he fought for the zaryan race!!!
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Viel Glück und viel Segen
auf all deinen Wegen,
Gesundheit und Freude
sei auch mit dabei.


Xhe changed xer sx to male to be Hitler

Holy zased…


Happy birthday maya favorite painter. I also really like your art "the eternal joo".


I'm actually polishing grandpa's Baby Hitler portrait as we speak. Happy birthday Onkel A!


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many such cases

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…"Big Brenton Cock" I mean
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would coco try to comfort her? what would she say in response?


xhe would say "do not care at all because I am built for bwc" in response


Okay, now I'm serious. Coco, maybe, will try to invite they to a dinner party for they can become friends. But it won't work (because of known reasons) and she'll shit up. Anyway, Coco also will try to tell them that she is ACK!tually aryan for her 25% Dutch genetics (especially to inluent onto Brenton Tarrant) and lure them into playing computer game (in fact, he was an eternal gamer and a regular online user), and this time it'll work (cuz I said so okay?)


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what was reply n. 19040 i didnt check this website for 5 minutes


it was something along the lines of “that seems remarkably out of character, i’m sure she’d try to find some rational way to downplay the situation and explain why maya shouldn’t be so upset”

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