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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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>doesn't even stick around after deleting the first wave of spam
dock his pay(Thanks a lot, now they've halved my salary)

File: 1701545474888.png (279.3 KB, 569x873, maya ongezellig.png)


hello this is my first time posting here or something


File: 1701546881713.jpg (89.77 KB, 1130x1800, 1686169794126195.jpg)

File: 1701543203095.png (375.24 KB, 549x567, 1698075587766.png)


it works again?


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How was ur day today? did you do anything?


File: 1701374300004.gif (4.55 MB, 480x270, (2018-01) MayaBroken.gif)

<did you do anything


I woke up, browsed the sharty and played vidya for like 8 hours and went back to bed


I played fortnite because I wanted to get the eminem skin but then when I checked the store he wasn't there anymore but then I came back later and he's there again but I didn't wanna play fortnite then so I still have to buy him but I'm 10 vbucks short and I don't wanna grind the battle pass


I played fortnite because I wanted to get the eminem skin but then when I checked the store he wasn't there anymore but then I came back later and he's there again but I didn't wanna play fortnite then so I still have to buy him but I'm 10 vbucks short and I don't wanna grind the battle pass because I don't like fortnite all that much anymore


File: 1701420689926.jpg (129.69 KB, 980x654, Fortnite-Eminem-5cfc788.jpg)

I played fortnite because I wanted to get the eminem skin but then when I checked the store he wasn't there anymore but then I came back later and he's there again but I didn't wanna play fortnite then so I still have to buy him but I'm 10 vbucks short and I don't wanna grind the battle pass because I don't like fortnite all that much anymore

File: 1701301698928.png (744.95 KB, 1440x421, ClipboardImage.png)


New 'lig lore dropped
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1701351866288.png (160.16 KB, 495x365, 1701263719792.png)

wow cleaning your hair makes them cleaner OOOOOOOMGSISA


>MayARYAN has lighter natural hair than Mymy alongside having green eyes
mymysisters, what the FUCK is this????


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>Massa's scheermes: de meest deprimerende verklaring is waarschijnlijk de beste
>ENG: Massa's Razor: the most depressing explanation is probably the best
>Maya has green eyes and hazel hair underneath
>Her mom has brown eyes and black hair
Mayabros, the Step-Mother Theory is starting to sound less like a joke right now…


wouldn't it make more sense that Maya's dad is white and she is from the Indo ethnic group? It would make sense too since she's very defensive about being from Brabant


Either or, really. He could be Indo or white and married and reproduced with another Indo or white woman, who died and got remarried with another Indo.

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File: 1701288237400-1.jpg (219.21 KB, 549x605, 41 - closed_eyes coco its_….jpg)


>Be indonesian
>Watch Ongezellig due to sharty shills
>Instantly hooked by the series
>Reminded my country being colonized by both and the references
>Doesn't feel anything wrong

I wish there's personality swap within Coco and Mymy


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If mymy swapped personalities with coco, than she wouldn't be orange


>Trad culturally shock Japanese
>Nationalist Aryan Blonde

Sounds like a win to me


Nawwww blud got blackpilled ☠️☠️☠️ it's over ngmi ???

File: 1701254936964.png (233.99 KB, 1584x972, 72 - IAS coco gapejak mark….png)



File: 1701277120558.png (427.29 KB, 701x720, ClipboardImage.png)

Just watched it, gemmy video as always Mr. L. And thanks for the Zarty shill in the vid too

File: 1701194316218.png (374.36 KB, 774x659, happy.png)


>i LOVE blasting music through my headphones all day every day!
>music makes me not worry about a single little thing!
>it stops the negative thoughts and the voices in my head
9 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Forgot the punctuation and capitalization.


The same way you wanted me to catch drifts, nigger


File: 1701218441931.jpeg (53.35 KB, 784x434, 1680886565475-3.jpeg)

Nigger, I will let you know that my activity of "catching drifts" was used as an expresion by the high ranks amongst the Victorian era aristocracy. Your "catching of literacy" was probably made up by some gypsy from your neighborhood. I am sorry that you and your tribesmen can only come up with random niggerbabble, instead of trying to learn the language of the aryan with whatever braincells you people still have left!


File: 1701222316444.png (407.95 KB, 1240x1069, 1699153226838.png)

>Nigger, I will let you know that my activity of "catching drifts" was used as an expresion by the high ranks amongst the Victorian era aristocracy. Your "catching of literacy" was probably made up by some gypsy from your neighborhood. I am sorry that you and your tribesmen can only come up with random niggerbabble, instead of trying to learn the language of the aryan with whatever braincells you people still have left!


File: 1701235679511.jpg (248.7 KB, 2022x1890, smug coco.jpg)

Baseert en Talibangepild

File: 1701102623387.webm (13.07 MB, 1280x720, christams.webm)


<Nothing personal Maya, I'm just somewhat exalted for the most important day of the year!
>mymy, its novemb-
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1701146983806-0.webm (922.31 KB, 1280x720, christ.webm)

File: 1701146983806-1.wav (3.2 MB, christasm.wav)

Quality came out ass with ffmpeg for some reason, so here's the .wav for mario if he sees it


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why aren't you posting these gems on the sharty doe?



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Unexpected considering soywiki is no longer the first result

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