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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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hi there my name is sarah and im a schizo ask away :3

im trans, jewish, lesbian, antizionist, neoliberal, MayaGOD and palestinian btw

/gen btw

/killnazis btw
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BBCir i already took 'em


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baited somebody award



How long until you give up?


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I see quite a few talented people here, we need to create more content in the likeness of /v/ do you have something like that?
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but yeah he would get banned but what if he just bypassed or moderation felt lazy that day


fuck but i had such a cool idea
would i get in trouble if it appears near the end of the game or make the logo look wrong


use other pagan symbols i think that should work cause i made a pagan symbol flag


I'm no programmer (at all) but I had an idea for a game based on the /v/ game. You play as Mymy but she's in VOC clothes and on a VOC ship and killing pirates (who look like Kiki) basically it'd be Mymy and Kiki playing pretend with each other.


If someone wants to do the art I could try throwing something together

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Nieuw toss dat zarty doodde
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nobody has mentioned how this is a GET on /zellig/


Even though it is implied by licherolly everyone's post in this thread.



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>muh heckin getterinos!


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>>10041 kill niggers

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4chan admins have decided to reinstate /qa/!!!!! This was announced JUST NOW!!!!!!!

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


why isnt anyone falling for my bait wtf


I fell for your bait until I read the “post too long, click to expand” part

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New 'toss




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Just zooned all over this zem

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Mymy won


lets gooo


Mymybros, op here. We could’ve gotten it, we could’ve gotten the god damn GET if not for my god forsaken fucking internet. We were so close. Bros, im sorry..


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Soon there will be 10,000 get
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mymy is a lesbian


lil bro tried 💀💀💀


Blud took the L 🙏


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me a mayagod rn


oh my keanu chungus so true sista

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what did they see…?
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jokeoverstayingit'swelcomecord woke up
He is a shwartoid, ztboy


Lateresponsecord woke up
He is Aryan, Zpear chucker


punctualcord lost
he is shitskined, zhitskin


Hello goys. Mediatorcord here.
Let us stop this madness.
We cannot conclude whether xhe is good nor bad looking. I say we hecking hug already


diplomacycord woke up, pack it up

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what instrument would each zister play


Coco is drums because at the ending scene of ongezellig, we could see drums in Coco rooms


i feel as if mymy would go saxophone because saxophones are rad as fuck


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In Mymy's room, we see an accordion on a shelf


i feel like maya would be a synth artist

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I love the Zarty!
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nowehere else like it




Every fan/creative community I've ever seen fell to poz and coomershit so it's nice to see somewhere outlaw that stuff from the beginning. Makes me curious about where this will go in the future.


We WILL revolutionize online communities like how soyjaks changed the internet or whatever


me too :D

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