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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1707722801185.jpg (125.5 KB, 1024x576, 5fdbf1e4-d846-4b7e-89da-67….jpg)


I see quite a few talented people here, we need to create more content in the likeness of /v/ do you have something like that?


>>9677 nah


Im making a kino slowburn 'blox 'lig game rn, i will try my best to finish it and i might need help with some aspects like ui design, modeling etc


If u need ideas be sure to ask


File: 1707941857341.gif (1.11 MB, 492x176, b46a6119d0b258f54a457c76ac….gif)

twv mvre wvvks trvst thv prvcvss


incoming zarty saver


'blox game?


i need boss music for maya and coco, already gonna use chudgunner schoolochaust alt for mymy


you will get banned for this


but yeah he would get banned but what if he just bypassed or moderation felt lazy that day


fuck but i had such a cool idea
would i get in trouble if it appears near the end of the game or make the logo look wrong


use other pagan symbols i think that should work cause i made a pagan symbol flag


I'm no programmer (at all) but I had an idea for a game based on the /v/ game. You play as Mymy but she's in VOC clothes and on a VOC ship and killing pirates (who look like Kiki) basically it'd be Mymy and Kiki playing pretend with each other.


If someone wants to do the art I could try throwing something together

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