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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1703000798986.png (1.89 MB, 1920x1080, powmaya2.png)


yep… issa low effort 'lig post
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


russian deserter inside a NATO base


maya has tragically died in the battle of cascade falls


>even doe she fought for ukraine in the second donbas war


File: 1703010985501.png (54.74 KB, 200x191, 1682172484793.png)

>>>5731 (You)
>>even doe she fought for ukraine in the second donbas war


Im not ukranian, just stating facts n shiet

File: 1702937325741.jpg (346.89 KB, 1200x1599, ads.jpg)


Anybody else promoting 'zellig irl?
I've already put up like 30 of these across my city, geg
>Or however the unpaid advertising was done
6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


better then the other drawn stickers lol


super high quality nice




StickerGOD could you please release the files?


how do i do something like this

File: 1702814596404-0.jpg (106.95 KB, 1391x798, template.jpg)

File: 1702814596404-1.jpg (153.02 KB, 1080x595, niggerlynch-1488.jpg)


Make gems with this template.
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


gemerald from srpska


Issa gem


File: 1702940091141.png (351.04 KB, 1391x798, cetnici2.png)

<Well well well, just as I thought. We've captured a cowardly communist!


now THIS is the true gem



File: 1702672952508.png (682.43 KB, 1080x1080, 929fa99d42298d3668b7295cf7….png)


I have grown to slowly hate 'zellig. Zaryans, what do?
11 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I'd say post it both to /qa/ and the Zarty, but I do have a habit of posting stuff either here or in /qa/ tbf, so probably start posting content wherever is good


>constant exposure
take a break and do something else then, lad. there is plentty to do.

>the zarty (beyond it being just a bunker site) has been detrimental to zellig.

I mean, the purpose of the zarty was never just to be a bunker. It was also meant to be a place for zaryans to talk to eachother and share OC. It's basically /zellig/.
Maybe it woudn't have been a great idea during Kuz, but the sharty has been going downhill for a long time. Who knows what will happen to the sharty in a few months. Best to have our own land.


Sharty /qa/ sucks so much right now, its all just furfags, bronies, and other forms of coomers infesting it, Froot needs to pull a great purge and just perma ban every coomer, remove all posts pertaining to their interests, and in doing so save the party from suffering 4cuck's fate.


File: 1702817638457.gif (828.68 KB, 536x706, selfish little fuck.gif)

>nooooooooo board diversity is le bad because i'm a selfish little hoarder and also racist



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File: 1702263747959-2.mp3 (6.78 MB, 20 Orc Theme 3 (Temporary ….mp3)



Mark your calenders, raiders. We will be pillaging this gooner's stream and ensure another zaryan victory!
43 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Recording gear ready sir!


I am starting to think that this "stream" is a honeypot and he will stream another time OR he just cancelled it.


File: 1702824509881.png (215.74 KB, 720x794, 6e1f26d8307e5d4240ede256c6….png)

yep, I think he gave up


We'll be back foenkie, we'll be back


File: 1702824741596.png (5.18 KB, 1105x86, ClipboardImage.png)

there is still a chance that he will stream, it says that the stream is supposed to end in 8pm, so just keep an eye out and if anybody notices that he streams, post here and on /raid/

File: 1702772624506.gif (1.01 MB, 299x400, 1699406092236.gif)


Stop saying dumb shit. Saying shit like "we migrated to the zarty" or "zarty's down, refugee thread" makes us look like offsiters. Zellig activity on /qa/ has already noticeably dropped to the point where people think we up and died. Why was the coco birthday colab drawing posted on fucking /co/ before /qa/. IT'S NOT EVEN ON /qa/! This site has been a PR disaster on our part.
/qa/ gets more traffic than the zarty and threads getting slid isn't an argument when /qa/ is as slow as it is, POST ON THERE
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Your get just got stolen, Zartycuckcaca


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>k or however Q elects Van Wilders to deport all da communist belgians from new asterdam and however my black boyfriend ngubu buys me my third fart flavored MSG powdered HRT shippment


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rent free


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>rent free like the time i went into cyber-space 1488 times and turned into a trans-girl and the landlord lowered my rent due to my neo-vagania falling off or something

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>we gotta vote for Vert Wilders so he can elect Donald Trump and establish 1488 years of maga rule or something, or however the election is stolen by Negan in Iraq spamming a ballot machine and turning on a VPN or something to commit spam fraud or whatever

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Post memes that make fun of the sharty, zellig themed or IAZ please




We are not against the sharty
Meds+milk+Cookies NOW




refer to >>5519


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>>>5461 (You) (OP)
>refer to >>5519 or however the 1488 falseflags occur or however froot is worshiped like a king

File: 1702760217105.png (3.41 MB, 3074x1728, FriendbookCoco.png)


today is coco's birthday!!!!


happy birthday coco


happy bday coco


Happy birthday coco


happy birthday, tech illiterate midwit


o/ hh

File: 1702768700779.png (3.04 MB, 3074x1654, zellig_if_kuz_knew_eng;ish.png)


this is what we could have had…



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