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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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I think about Mymy all day every single day. She's the first thing I see when I close my eyes. Every time I see someone with red hair, every time I see someone with blue eyes, every time someone mentions the Netherlands, every time I see a bow, I think of her. I stare at pictures of her every night before I go to bed, I like to have those pictures fresh in my mind so I can think about her as I fall asleep and dream about how happy she would make me. I even kiss pictures of her and imagine that I am really kissing her. I want to kiss her, I want to talk with her, I want to cuddle with her, I want to marry her and raise a family with her. I love her and only her, I want nothing in life more than her.
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spade qveen…


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I'm so glad we kicked this faggot out of our sacred ground and back to where xe belongs


he was supposed to get gemmier after leaving the zarty, what went wrong?


>yosack draws mymy with t*ts instead of DFC
it's over…


Legendary fail

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>>9172 Great work!


Good job!


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La criatura de los estados unidos de stroopwafels


bro WTF is that

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5 days left, zaryans


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Fuck my nigger incel lyf
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Uhh there was a skirt originally but I covered it with the flektarn I'll probably redo the whole thing since I want to put the design on a shirt


Trvke ….


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could've used the version that already had a uniform thougheverbeit…


coco sisa


I didn't know there was such a version! Doebeit I'll still redo it and maybe change expressions etc

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Why do you guys keep molding over that Kate bigger? I thought we all agreed she was just another 'cado social experiment?


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I misspelled nigger with bigger, I must now leave the zarty for 30 years to meditate on the dishonour I brought upon all the zaryans


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I misspelled nigger with bigger, I must now stay on the zarty for 30 years to revel on the glory I brought upon all the zaryans


Needs rape correction


i don’t think anyone’s malding over xer, we’re just observing and laughing from the sidelines


Moved to >>>/zate/227.

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Does Massa have a naked shoulder with 1 tanktop strap over it fetish?
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Kill yourself horsetroon, your shit banner won't ever be added


Saudinigger just posted, ignore


Holy trolling


that's a cute assertion, bu why don't you back it up with a source


What namely?

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are there any other 'zellig fan discord servers? I got banned from Massadonie possibly because of the Suicide Maya drawings along with the rape drawings of Maya and Mymy
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what do you need discord for?


any other ongezellig fan cord servers or no?


File: 1726323316302.png (597.73 KB, 1154x1080, Zartycuck2.png)

>i need ongezellig fan server in discord for grooming people online and making unfunny forced jokes of zoiets


>British Broadcasting Cooperation Official Discord
What was I expecting?


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>because of the Suicide Maya drawings along with the rape drawings of Maya and Mymy

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Originals can be found here: https://archive.org/details/stripster-archief
Please let me know if there's any dialog I completely fucked up and could make better translations at, I am entirely relying on DeepL to carry my 0 knowledge of Dutch for me.
>Comic Book (italics): https://www.fonts4free.net/comic-book-font.html
>Showcard Gothic: https://www.fontyukle.net/font/Showcard%2bGothic
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some of these read like dobson comics


bumping this gem


'toss gem




Is there more?

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This is official massa art. Does it imply maya cannonically doesn't have black hair?
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File: 1726269420433.webm (4.42 MB, 1920x1080, mayageg.webm)

>scrotes dont know what red shampoo is


The obvious solution is to shower with her


who said there was a problem in the first place


this. it's not a bug, it's a feature


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>this. it's not a bug, it's a feature

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>my AGU GU art


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my AGU GU art…

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I have disney+ for free now
what are some things that I should try watching?


Nothing because it's all normgroid slop there


File: 1726411571494.png (2.03 MB, 1021x565, Screenshot_20240915-164520.png)

>normgroid slop
The absolute gems you're missing out on:


File: 1726412992595.jpg (202.92 KB, 1586x2048, FOYlGcIUYAUInzv.jpg_large.jpg)

Sorry chuddy, but I'd rather sail the high seas

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>all of jarty is going to migrate to zarty soon, better get ready!


oh i am a jartymigrate


What? Why is jarty migrating

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mymy boss battle on roblox!!!!!!!! (this is just a prototype and an early testing, i might upload this soon) sorry for the quality
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how tho


we can add eachother as friends then you should add me into game's collabration


kk let me send the request, but we should start from the scratch tho, what's your username?



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I think Ongezellig is a pretty cool girl. eh have a lot of deadlines and doesn't afraid of anything…


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File: 1726403454964.jpeg (36.5 KB, 816x284, Halo_kills_aleins.jpeg)

it’s a meme from 2007



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Can some zaryan remake this gem but with Mymy instead?
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smoking on the rain don't make you "based and redpilled" just give you lung cancer.
Don't smoke like Hitler wished.


The truthnuke that the niggers who make these coals don't want to hear


i quit smoking cigarettes this year but i still crave nicotine even months later. i wish i never started

File: 1726325524046.gif (2.1 MB, 1080x1080, zartycuck roll.gif)


>Mymy diaper thread


No one has ever said that


a jartynegro has probably said this


i once saw zellig girls in diapers…




This will happen on September 26th after jarty shutdown

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Mymy moment


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>we must eat more burgers to become white, yeah
>a mcdonalds to last a thousand years or whatever


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>I must eat more stroopwafels to become Dutch of zoiets


mcdonalds is aryan


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>Born Japanese
>Eats stroopwafels
>Dyes hair orange
>Wears blue contacts
>Threatens a school shooting


Her appearance is literally a Prince's flag

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When is the new episode dropping normGODS?


this has more episodes planed? it feels a bit fourced to be a full fledged show


Putin is a coward for not finding more money to it


Cuckservative coal


kys antinormcaca


Norm twitter has been more active as of late. I think a new episode is coming out for us normGODS soon

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File: 1726196614316-1.webm (5.57 MB, 1920x1080, Ongezellig Scene 8.webm)


Hello fellow Zaryans,
I am Juniper and I'm posting this topic after the Reanimated Collab Topic was deleted and to do something about it, I'm making this to preserve any to all items that was part of that collab, sadly the video is not on YouTube. If anyone took part in this collab and has finished their part in this trello page - https://trello.com/b/Pyw8tef9/deel-6-collab - please post your scene, have everyone check it out.

Juniper Martinez
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while on this topic, i would like to remind that there is only 1 scene left in the collab and it's scene 3. we're all waiting for scene 3. scene 3 guy should hurry the fuck up and finish it already NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW



I didn't notice. I'm still gonna keep this up.


the thread has been moved to /oc/
all other similar threads will be expected to be created/moved there because i am a selfish little fuck



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post rare 3d ongemzelligs
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not the same guy, but is this model supposed to be for a block-type game?


Yes, or just a low poly game.


tehn i guess its alright, you could try to make her head a bit bigger


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Dead nigger site? Well I guess this site will die a hero.


alive aryan site doe

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Someone noticed a cute detail that Kiki, unlike other girls, rides a bike with 2 baby wheels
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What is she so excited for


Axel pulling out his BWC

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What would you do if you had tiny versions of the ‘zellig girls?
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File: 1725570818906.png (122.93 KB, 485x650, yes.png)

WRONG WAY! in the thread
Ban all M/f!


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No but really, this M/F shit pisses me off!


zoot ban avatarfags


cry, shartycuck


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Zellig game trailer just dropped

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Holy gem it's coming


Holy coal it's coming


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Holy brimstone it's coming


This is exactly how I look like.

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all of jarty is going to migrate to zarty soon, better get ready!
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the zarty's population will double!


we're full tellem to fuck off


BBC only


what coco says when a twp wh*Te """"male"""" attempts to speak with her


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Can you give me all "goodnight" mymy pics you have?
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I want to cuddle with Mymy she's so cute

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Is this nigga serious? (I'm black….🇳🇬 Not a chud…Kate thingz!)



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Post tierlists related to ongezellig or the community
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Foenkie is bottom tier obviously


reddit tier chart


Meh tier above me


Necroidian bump


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New Massastone just dropped
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lack of zellig in der comment section




So he’s not actually sick, just lazy?




even if he was sick 8 months for a new video like this is an insane amount of time

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Am I schizo or does the site actually feel semi-alive again?


You're not schizo. We're so back


zoot coming back helped
it's crazy what the owner actually talking once in a while can do


It is more alive, I've noticed that too


Probably refugees after the sharty became all cesspit filled with coal threads (the bluesky raid being the sole exception), making Zaryans more gemmy by default.


Even doe site is dead right now geg

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