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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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How do I become zaryan? I just joined and I want to be zaryan. I want to be converted


You VILL draw Mymy for verification


You must leave 400 euros in a paper bag 200 metres east of the Rákóczi statue in Kossuth Tér, Budapest, Hungary, at exactly 20:00 GMT+1 on June 4th, 2024. You must then leave and not inquire about the money you left there. Shortly afterwards you will become Zaryan.


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I'm officially normal now


Watch all of Ongezellig
Browse this site as well as the Zelligwiki
Start posting on this site aswell ason Sharty's /qa/ often


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Pledge your life to the cause

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ITT post a gem and a coal in no particular order, ill start (NAZ allowed)
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Thought provoking discussion making argument brewing post
i think the 2nd one is a gem because you can bait people with it and the 1st one is just a lil weird


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Both are coal. Faggotry is coal and abusing the sisters is coal


Why no 'lita allowed? Why the rulecucking?

Do not lie to yourself man. You are better than this.


Because it's banned on the sharty and if it gets unbanned here all the undesirables will flood the site, at least that's my conjecture

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I just cannot understand how zellig gained such a big community and even obsession over it. But I am personally a part of this effect. I mean, its just a stupid silly animation that doesn't even last 20 minutes in total. Normally when I find something like this on YT I think about it maybe for the rest of the day and forget about it. I have watched several much longer, deeper and more complex shows like BCS or AoT, and it's completely understandable for them to be stuck in my head for some time, but this?! I see I'm not alone with it albeit, so I wonder why is this happening? Why this short and rather shallow animation is getting stuck in so many people's heads? Is it because we are all fucking autists?
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Scarcity effect, thinking what could've been or something.


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'zellig is just gemmy and because its got such a niche but active community, we tend to enjoy it a lot more. Think of it as our little autistic club


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There are two aspects of Ongezellig which make it appealing.
- One is the humour, which works overtime in the first few episodes. This is mostly effected through Mymy: the holocaust jokes, her attempts to push the deadline back, her presentation about enslaving new students all contribute to a show which manages surprise after surprise. There's even a short unused clip of Kiki(the pirate girl) organizing a fundraiser for Somalian children so they can attend pirate school. These edgy jokes catch you off-guard, especially because good dark humour is rare.
- The other is the story, which manages two things at once: it portrays the emotion from which the viewer suffers accurately, whilst showing the viewer a path outside of this. This is extraordinarily hard, because those who can portray such emotions effectively are often unable to escape it, and those who can offer insight on escaping it probably did not suffer them in great amount and thus cannot well portray them. By being both incredibly relatable, as well as pointing towards a solution, the show accomplishes flawlessly the purpose of such art.

This is why I admire Ongezellig as a piece of contemporary art. This contributes to why I like it and why I try to engage with its audience to the greatest possible extent, looking for like-minded people.
Then, there are people who saw a nationalist making holocaust jokes and stuck around. This demographic is very large on this site, which is why the default name is "Zaryan". My primary issue with this demographic is that it does not further the reputation Ongezellig as an artistic piece, but rather as some weird right wing online animation.
Lastly, there are pedophiles. These are very few here(read the rules), but on other sites(twitter, discord) they are prevalent. My problem with these are that they watched an artistic piece and started masturbating, and are actively harming the image of the show.


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>Hoi alemaal, I am the OP of reply №25585
>Hello, and I am annoying far-right extremist that does further the reputation Ongezellig as some weird right wing online animation.
>I am pedophile and I just like to start masturbating when I'm watching an artistic piece from Netherlands

Trio, which will save the Zarty and 'zellig


This is trvthest nvkest trvthnvke of all trvthnvkes

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what if the antizelligers are right..? what if we're nothing but autistic retards obsessing over a failed tranime? what if we're nothing but niggers larping as nazis? what if we're nothing but a pest to the sharty? i think a mass suicide is the only option…

>failed tranime even though we're the most successful chuddy community keeping troons out as much as possible
>niggers larping as nazis even though we've made so many shining glistering gems compred to the rest of anti-zelligfags
>pest to the sharty even though our histories have always co-existed side-by-side and we'll always be soyteen by heart
Yep issa falseflagger, may God change your heart for the better
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obsessing over a tranime made by a guy who made fun of shitler acking xerself is chuddy or however I am a subhuman nigger who should hang

So you admit that you're a subhuman nigger after all? And I thought we jannies do it for free XD


I might be retarded but you will still hang


>calling yourself a nigger
zelligsissies what is this

And I thought the projection award isn't rewarded anymore.


can this (((admin))) kill ximselves


Coal. Ignore this shit

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>one 3 weeks old episode of skibiditiolet has more views than all of ognezellig "episodes"
is our "show" dogshit?

(Baited no one award)
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>skibidiniggers are thirdworldist shitskin denazification supporters
who would have guessed


I LOVE ognezellig and I am trans
have a problem? bigot




(Antizellig)troon or anti(zelligtroon)? It's ambiguous.


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I thought you died/moved on.


The most positively thinking zaryan


gemmy joost klein nigger

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Why even pay for the servers of this dead website? are we this retarded zelligniggers? XD

We'll always live in your head rent-free.
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That's why there are anti-zellig threads? Did you guys stole a get from the farty?


someone made a /qa/ thread saying "if 300k get is in this thread doll has to delete all zellig threads" or something. It was such a giant fail they just let the thread slide and pretend nothing happened


Yes, we scored a GET which caused a flood of seetheralds.


Zelligbros… Why do we win so much?


it's the vril…

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Zellig is a sharty culture


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wasted get btw


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>one 3 weeks old episode of skibiditiolet has more views than all of ognezellig "episodes"


>toddler normieslop going viral
It's not the own you think it is


Comparing goyslop to a24 slowburn gemerald award


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>more popular = better

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I want to make Maya play Outlast or Amnesia when she's really tense and on edge I want to suddenly grab her sides and shout "BOO!".

I want to put my arms around Maya and ask her to tell me how her day went and she would talk to me for a few minutes about how shitty her day was before she starts to cry a little and I have to comfort her by gently stroking her head and saying that it's okay to feel shitty and that we all have bad days and that it's going to get better soon.

I want to hold Maya in my arms while she goes on some autistic rant about the lore of her favorite anime or whatever slop she watches for a few hours while I gently stroke her hair until she gets bored or tired.

I want to tightly hug Maya while we watch a movie together and eventually she just gets a little sleepy and she rests her head on my chest before falling asleep while I gently caress her.

If I played a game with Maya and I won she would immediately break down crying and curl up in a ball and call herself a pathetic retard and I have to comfort her by giving her a hug and telling her that it's alright and that she's not a retard.
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mayaGODs.. is this your mindset?


i just wanna cuddle with maya in a blanket late at night while we both share our favorite songs with each other


to some degree i relate to that first point


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zellig bros… i literally CANNOT stop thinking about maya's armpits. imagine. all those times she pulled an all nighter, all those times she used the same sweater without even caring, all those times she used the same shirt and smelled the stank but just wore it again because shes just so lazy… just, imagine that crusty armpit dried sweat, she stinks, but she stinks good.


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Total mymyabusefag death
Total Mymy victory
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absolutely MASSIVE hand


I'm not the zaryan who reposted it but I did use my hand as reference when I drew that picture.


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The hand is as big as her torso


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something something perspective
also my bmi is 19 (trust me ok?)


Fact: Girls love men with big hands.

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