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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

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File: 1707667582653.webm (Spoiler Image, 1.65 MB, 624x640, VID_20240211_165332_126.webm)


Cocomelon incident


NAZ coal

File: 1707657600017.png (3.85 MB, 4500x2500, 1696446007723-1.png)


Imagine if you were a normal/oldfag who happened to stumble upon zellig back in 2018 and decided to join Massa's der 'cord to see the progress of the show. Then one day a bunch of severly autistic users called "soyteens" start getting attached to it and shill it around in 4chan's /qa/ board and a site called "The Sharty", they join the server en masse and start posting DNB, 'cado, 'p, soyjaks, etc.
Would you hate the Sharty's existence for getting attached to this show if you never found out about it from the site itself?


Yes. (Chad wowjack)


Yea, almost everyone would.
But we don't associate with 'p, gore and cado spammers. And it's a shame they don't know and refuse to know


i never really thought about it, damn are we the problem? no this can't be…..


File: 1707659543963.gif (80 KB, 128x128, mymyDuizelig.gif)



Yes. This is what we call perspective

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Has Massa ever even specified what happened to them?


BBC albeit
they got blacked


File: 1707624536036.png (246.37 KB, 682x1500, 115 - 1girl blushing maya ….png)

Mymyist psyop, Mayafags forever


File: 1707629708173.png (2.37 MB, 1310x1847, (2022-05) MayaBestelt.png)

spread the maya truth


File: 1707660383983.jpg (38.32 KB, 600x800, IMG_20231205_113854_759.jpg)

>"Gud whitee dead whitee nnn shiieeet"
>probably shitskin chimp

File: 1707630735169.png (74.52 KB, 1021x746, ClipboardImage.png)


total mymy victory


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you killed coco you fucking bastard
you fucking fucker kys in niggerhell


you fucking monster

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File: 1707618202730-1.png (1007.12 KB, 1920x1080, CocoComputer.png)

File: 1707618202730-2.png (2.19 MB, 1920x1080, 2018-04-27_2.png)

File: 1707618202730-3.gif (579.05 KB, 384x216, Amber.gif)


I went ahead and parsed through any and all files Massa sent in his 'cord serv. I picked out the ones that looked the most interesting, or anything to do with 'zellig's development throughout the years. There's probably things you've seen reposted already elsewhere, but I saw some stuff that afaik have never been shared here or in /co/ like in picrels. There's probably some other interesting stuff I missed like any links to anything or messages sent in inaccessible channels since this was done manually (Massa doesn't post that much thankfully), but I thought I'd share some interesting zellig history with you all here.
Download: soyjak.download/f.php?h=1Kts10Gr&d=1
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File: 1707630450825.gif (1.64 MB, 500x500, maar animatie duurt zo lan….gif)

My personal theory is Massa scrapped this to make the history of Drenthe a singular piece of paper because he thought it'd be funnier


not sure if the other guy had the same problem. but the issue for me is my internet provider won't let me go onto the link to download it


coal internet provider
find a free proxy that will give you data for around 450 MB


File: 1707645495440-0.png (944.66 KB, 1999x1125, image1.png)

File: 1707645495440-1.png (358.83 KB, 1920x1080, image6.png)

File: 1707645495440-2.gif (19.19 MB, 1000x562, image46.gif)

File: 1707645495440-3.png (227.7 KB, 999x562, image38.png)

On the topic of Zellig development history, here's the download to all of the images from the .docx scripts: soyjak.download/f.php?h=1lxCkVJ_&d=1
You may have seen seen some of these images already since they were included in paypig mirrors like MEGA, but considering they were embedded in these scripts and not easily and openly accessible, I don't blame you if you never saw some of these, especially Deel 6's script. Fucking thing is impossible to open and scroll through and is nearly half a fucking gig because of all the .gifs and images sparsed throughout.


this is much more convenient to organize

File: 1707504543427.gif (1.75 MB, 710x710, 1696792614604.gif)


I gotta say its really well made and the feel is done right, I felt really bad and uncomfortable killing the characters because of the looks of horror on them and Coco made me super sad. Speedrunning this would be fun

-the fucking Audio Jungle watermark on the gunshot, howd you leave this in
-walking feels a bit slow
-loading the game takes long and theres no indication that its loading

In conclusion: gemerald, but it might be taking stuff too far considering the controversies of school shooting games (might ruin zellig rep)
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File: 1707545546386.gif (1.95 MB, 600x800, IMG_4762.gif)

>>9257 yes pls!


>one my coding skills are better
Just go for it. You'll learn along the way, it's always like that


File: 1707581202083.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1181x1470, FDC54FB0-1C7F-4DF3-A148-0….jpeg)


Thanks guys. I’ll go for it!!

Holy shit perfect. Massa is a gemmed fl preset user I should have recognized them!


I love how erratic the shaking is, that it's actually random and not just a loop.


i'm so sorry coco. i'm so sorry

File: 1707527101389.png (395.42 KB, 1378x1378, fishe.png)


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File: 1707570049646.png (171.81 KB, 309x361, mymydontdrinkthefish!.png)

>glub glu-my.. mymy? what are you doing??


disgusting evil image, mymy must be killed for this abuse


File: 1707605825706.png (124.37 KB, 688x504, 62 - black_and_white mymy ….png)

Did someone say something? All I heard was *glub glub glub*




she eating da fishe

File: 1707582724922-0.jpg (246.54 KB, 892x1280, 240f267d-c410-4155-aef0-a7….jpg)

File: 1707582724922-1.jpg (51.79 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)


It touched my heart…
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It's all the caffirs…


OMG who cares about this bitch cocko or whatever. Mymy is the GOAT of the series. Die out. Nigger.


Blyat jannies why are you delete my keyed reply about muslims and goats?


Poor Coco


>never lose your smile
Wtf coco is a hecking dogwhilster..

File: 1707607049224-0.png (19.68 KB, 600x800, Maya.png)

File: 1707607049224-1.png (134.77 KB, 1352x708, 383838.png)


hello typing this from newgrounds


hello typing this from my pc


yeah it's real. You can even play zarty /v/ from that same window and it will load a lot faster then the newgrounds version, it's actually comical


Gem. This reminds me how little i know about html and the internet.


Gem post.
How have I not heard of this kind of thing happening before?

File: 1705145103568.png (830.03 KB, 2425x2389, 1704932152646.png)


What's your opinion on the kill-on-sight order against 'lig NSFW?

Personally, I am a big fan
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File: 1707523842164.gif (35.26 KB, 255x254, 1701656863577-2.gif)



sex with everyone from zellig


You niggers are for a fact jerking it to zellig here and there off the boards. Don't lie. I've seen Mymybros.


>Demoralisation ‘cord projects jewtube goyims and 4cuck niggers onto every mymygod on the zarty


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File: 1707589727864.jpg (135.47 KB, 505x614, vera.jpg)


the haggy theme is amazing, will we get a dark theme for both it and the mymy theme doe?


the theme is good but looks bad on the homepage


maya dark theme sweep



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this is a board for your suggestions on how to promote ongezellig. we need to do something to declare ourselves and our beloved!
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on one hand I want more people to like zellig, on the other we cannot let this fall into the wrong hands. zellig will never be tainted


File: 1707584991528.jpg (144.84 KB, 720x1419, Screenshot_2024-02-10-11-0….jpg)

i did it gang…





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Made a Ongezellig archive Instagram. Prepare for your ‘Zelligs to be stolen. @onge.zelligem on Instagram

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File: 1707464102515-1.png (33.34 KB, 632x756, ClipboardImage.png)


Has anyone been able to download the Illustraties in HQ from the Google Drive?
Been trying to download the classroom pic in its og res (3840x2160), but the link that I've found through Inspect Element only goes to up 860x484 and haven't found anything higher than that.
There might be a workaround to this that I've found, but I wanted to ask if any Zaryans got the pics in high quality first before going through with my idea since it's a bit cumbersome.
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File: 1707540933495-0.png (8.45 MB, 3840x3840, (2023-01) RunningInThe60s.png)

File: 1707540933495-1.png (1.3 MB, 3000x1500, (2019-10) Petje.afBanner.png)

File: 1707540933495-2.png (4.94 MB, 2398x2368, (2020-01) MymyTakeuchiNu.png)

That MEGA folder is actually outdated now since all of the Illustrations have been released in higher quality compared to the ones found in there.
But in either case, I actually found a much more intuitive (albeit still time consuming) way on bypassing the ability to download all of the pictures there that I will explain below:
>Double click on an image file
>Go to the 3 dots on the top right and select "Open in new window"
>Once there, go to the 3 dots on the top right again and select "Details" (This will show you the original dimensions of the pic)
>Next hit "Ctrl+Shift+I" to open Inspect Element
>Click in the 'Elements' panel, hit "Ctrl+F" and search for "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com" and hit the down arrow to find the link to the image, or search "w191" and it'll most likely take you to the image link.
>Next you'll want to look at the image details and see the dimensions of how big the original picture is and you'll want to take those numbers and replace it with the ones at the end of "=w**-h**" in the image link in the Elements panel. w = width and h = height if it wasn't obvious. Also for the most part the string of letters and numbers at the end have mostly been "=w1919-h966", but the numbers might be slightly different sometimes which is why I said it'll most likely take you to the link when searching for "w191".
>Once you inputted the correct pixel dimensions, click on the link and it should take you to a new tab for you to download the image in its original quality.
I've already gone ahead and downloaded all of the Illustrations using the method above and mirroring it here so you won't have to go through that annoying struggle.


File: 1707541389250.png (3.47 MB, 3782x2114, (2021-02) HikikoMymy.png)

Also a small but interesting thing I noticed was that when downloading HikikoMymy, the file name set itself to "(2021-02) HikikoMymy2.png" evendoe the name in the Google Drive had it set as HikikoMymy. Maybe a glitch on Google's part, perhaps a second copy Massa had that fixed some issues that a first copy inhibited, or maybe there really was a second HikikoMymy pic in the works. Or maybe I should stop looking further and take my meds already.


Oh cool, should have guessed you could abuse the URL to just request the full image at once. You don't even need the right size, you can just enter a huge number like =w9999 for one dimension and not even specify the other.
I've stitched together tiles before so it came back to me quickly.


>That MEGA folder is actually outdated now since all of the Illustrations have been released in higher quality compared to the ones found in there.
I see you're right. I thought I checked, but the only ones in it that are full res are in fact those four which are directly downloadable. (They have earlier modification dates as well)


You can remove the = and everything after, then it will give max quality

File: 1707476738276-0.png (37.07 KB, 1140x656, 2024-02-09_14-02-07.png)

File: 1707476738276-1.png (21.8 KB, 255x250, 1703119338275.png)


Yo, I'm drawing Maya in a blender, if I want, I'll show the result
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File: 1707582281054.png (213.35 KB, 686x670, 2024-02-09_21-40-29.png)

i draw mymy


She put her serious hat on. Is this for ‘zellig reanimated?


nah just draw zellig girls in blender from boring


you WILL color them


don't know

File: 1707375521597.png (470.76 KB, 460x613, 1707375273296.png)


New 'toss




failed colonization





File: 1707584147353.jpeg (227.96 KB, 828x947, 1707407174528.jpeg)


hey can someone draw foenki as jew?

File: 1707496586643.png (465.22 KB, 792x518, 2024-02-09_19-29-36.png)


I killed them all… I killed them all… Except for Coco. On the one hand, I feel sorry for her, and on the other, I want her to suffer. Just imagine, you already have PTSD, but your sister is killing your classmates, teachers, 3 best friends and another sister


evilcord woke up


File: 1707537868004.jpg (367.84 KB, 1587x1444, 1518770809460.jpg)

kill yourself psycho


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This is too much

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I heard about the alleged producer from /co/ who will soon have money to create a studio for massa. What do we think about this
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File: 1707487717042.png (148.75 KB, 1864x964, 2024-02-09_17-07-10.png)


I think Massa is a little too stuck up (respectably) to take an offer from an international producer (especially one that is only just getting started by some rando)




<M-Massa? A studio has emailed us today
>A studio? are they dutch?
<N-No but they seem genuine
>Foenkie black those heckin soyjakers or whatever theyre called this instant!


File: 1707569490267.jpg (40.26 KB, 795x1000, 1583781609754.jpg)

as for me, he should use this money to set up a large advertising campaign for ongezellig

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you hazbin hotel niggers should be bbc raped




This aged well



File: 1705346036870.png (170.14 KB, 311x700, 1704811441860.png)


belgians aren't a race + school shooting jokes + adolf hitler jokes. sounds like something that would make woke/troons mad.

shit like hazbin hotel tried so hard to dickride those troons with all the pozzed progressive shit and it still wasn't enough so i don't see how ongemgemmy wouldn't get the same response
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File: 1706305813581.png (54.79 KB, 450x442, trollbaby.png)

Put all of your slurpy white liquid on my face!


File: 1706331892839.png (1.18 MB, 808x807, 7542.PNG)

Hurt to say that a bit as a Mymybro. いつもジェムになる。

But yeah, no one is running to defend East Asians anymore. We're just short chinky whites now.


I agree but South Park is a jewish show so it gets a pass, plus their edgiest days are behind them. Seeing a presumably white creator crossing those lines in current year shows a certain amount of immunity to brainwashing.


File: 1707544886079.gif (9.62 KB, 255x248, 1705529734628.gif)

hazbin hotel is full of trannies that should all ACK and be bbc raped

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in my opinion, in order for ongesellig to become popular, we need to sacrifice our community, namely, to open the show to the mass audience, that is, to the audience of the hotel, circus and others. can we do this in order for the series to continue? I don't think we'll be happy with an audience of soys, troons and little girls
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Yes, I'd say. But I actually didn't discover UT until 2016, at that time the community was already in deep horseshit.
I liked Deltarune when it first came out especially chapter 1, but the fact that the community doesn't understand the concept of platonic love (which they never got from their parents) made them ship a goat with an underage kid.


>Goat kisses kid in Chapter 2
>Goat is made to look identical to Kid's brother
Wtf Toby


What kiss?? I genuinely do not recall such a scene, and i don't want to search it up.


It's technically an alternate route, it's in the boat section if I recall correctly.
I forget how exactly you get to the scene but i think it involves dialouge choices?


you can hug him when posing for a photo

File: 1707496715186.gif (2.83 MB, 1200x1200, 1705315719133.gif)




fauci, this is a really good idea


It is too atmospheric and slowburn for music (that and the development started before that was released)


Just cut to the drop part thoughie


it's not an original song, it's just a remake of Carpenter Brut - Roller Mobster

File: 1707495309796.png (70.69 KB, 1061x1520, 20 - cobson creepy mymy ra….png)


21 souls taken
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Wait a few seconds and click or something


im not playing gore games in class doever


hardly any, borderline family friendly


File: 1707497129735.jpg (198.92 KB, 1024x3493, 2dcc6e1d-16e1-4ba3-9c74-b4….jpg)

goof have skirt fix this



File: 1707492968628.png (9.49 MB, 1362x1823, 1695881403833.png)




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File: 1707467752828.png (165.59 KB, 426x364, 1695450280070-0.png)


I never tried omegle or anything like it, should i?


i did once and it was brutal


Omegle is dead.

File: 1707448446914-0.png (967.85 KB, 994x627, 3RL5eOOgU0.png)

File: 1707448446914-1.png (49.36 KB, 420x482, ClipboardImage.png)



this used to be my favorite show and was probably the impetus of me becoming a deranged retard


File: 1707457909721-0.png (854.36 KB, 1313x1116, JEWlOZe0t4.png)

File: 1707457909721-1.png (153.7 KB, 819x349, saijikimymy-crop-u4901.png)


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File: 1707480901386-1.jpg (103.09 KB, 924x530, IMG_20240120_235855_497.jpg)

It was so long ago…


heckin liminal…

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File: 1707416855073-1.jpeg (14.16 KB, 203x270, a1c6920c.jpeg)


Who's winnin' dis?


File: 1707417070446.jpg (40.26 KB, 795x1000, 1583781609754.jpg)



File: 1707417180731.png (115.01 KB, 470x264, 25 - angry hoodie maya mes….png)

But you must also consider Todd Howard's Greasy Pedo ability, which gives him +10 damage to underage girls.


maya will never buy skyrim


File: 1707418179929.png (399.78 KB, 681x756, 23 - 3d headphones jumper ….png)

Maya is based and piracy-pilled

File: 1707316702993.png (222.5 KB, 570x655, FoenkieTrqqnQvt.png)


Massacord is gone nuts after Zellig cancellation
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File: 1707397980642.png (8.1 KB, 518x570, 1703650718623.png)

"Homunculus" in sciencespeak


ah yes truly beautiful name, i hope it isn't so imbred it dies by the age of 22


>implying that 2 girls could produce a child


File: 1707406082383.png (110.71 KB, 275x275, 1707391597713.png)



technically its considered a homunculus therefore manmade

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Daily reminder you are loved Xx
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i AM gonna killl YOU


Trvke Christ is kang n shiet


refrain from niggerspeak when addressing the divine, please


File: 1707404858716.gif (3.5 MB, 1000x1400, 1690212237655.gif)

>refrain from niggerspeak when addressing the divine, please

File: 1696576303384.gif (392.66 KB, 1200x935, 4cuck-128.gif)


>>Visit zellig image board
>>Greeted with sunwheel chud crap
>You serve the exact purpose of the sharty in further gatekeeping and destroying the image of ongezellig to outsiders.
>I regret ever posting on the /co/ threads to give my 2 cents on helping the show receive a wider audience as it's clear these exact underage right wing types lurk and post on these threads.
>May some twitter tranny discover this show instead of this current audience.
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what was your reply?


I don't have a screenshot and I can't re-access the /banned/ page because ive already deleted my cookies but I wrote something like:

>a fate worse than death

in response to the last line


I almost never use 4chan because of that. what the point of posting your opinion, if it's going to get deleted? It's just like any other social media at this point.


bumping this historical gem


The Twitter Trannies are already here. They are simply hiding.

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