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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Is there a chance that the fags will stumble across Ongezellig and tear it down? I've been thinking about this for some time. What're the chances of this show going mainstream
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And link soyzellig.party o algo


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You are a massive retard, its already happening
Look at Massa's official cord server Massadonïe. They literally ban you if you say the word "faggot" and one of massa's female friend is a lgbt pride shill
Also, this is one of massa's art.


Massa's server is too insular to have any influence on the community.


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>Pacifisten droom
DULgod (Dutch as Unexplored Language) please don't spread your incorrect interpretations of Dutch content and let professionals discuss about 'at.


i hope you know that we dont like massa bc he is a faggot

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Its so funny that zelligcacas her are so in denial they think their show is a neo nazi right wing show even doe its not even close to being the case. They think that massa is a based alt-right figure even tho hes the opposite of that
Ongezellig was made a by a woke guy who support the LGBT and veganism. Your show is woke. If it wasnt, why are the main character brown and colored shitskins?
>but… mymy is le nationalist white savior!!!!
Massa created Mymy as a character to mock the average brown shitskin who LARP as white nationalist who's idol is hitler. Massa made the character retarded just to mock these retarded chud. He doesnt like you or wants associate with you
Remember that massa's server cried about alt right trolls since 2018
The below image is one of his art who also proves he supports muzzies
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I think it's pretty keyed to steal someone's creation and then use it against him.
>Imagine using a man with very ugly facial feature as a model of yourself that has to be sad.
Most of edits remove them and make chud buff and attractive. Are you blind?


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>using a man with very aryan facial features as a model of yourself


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Sadly that I am too ESL to explain you why you are completely not right


obsessed nigger bait


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>Most of edits remove them and make chud buff and attractive. Are you blind?
You obviously don't know…

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I noticed a legit continuity error, according to the student file ,(included) Maya's birthday is September 21st, 200x, BUT, on the Maya's sweet 16 comic, the last panel(also included) depicts the weather as being cold and overcast.
Cmon massa we know you can do better
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are you dutch or do you just for whatever reason know the dutch education system


take your meds, dutch people don't exist on the dutch cartoon imageboard


Actually this.

They're all too busy getting replaced by muzzies


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stop denying us

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Shortly after Massa announced he would no longer actively find a studio to make his ongezellig show, he did a q/a stream on, i think his discord, where he reveals alot of the lore and the things planned in ongezellig. Thanks to this dude in kiwifarms for "leaking" it
Link: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/ongezellig-thread.170300/post-18151758
Below are the most important thing he said about the show
>The illustration he made on petje.af are mostly not canon (think of it as either ideas for the show or a "what if" scenario)
>the Mymy's NEET pic is from an alternate universe (i guess he was talking about Mymy getting caught by her parent watching dutch stuff, idk)
>he says he won’t continue Ongezellig as a comic because he thinks he’s very bad at making comics (he really think that lowly about himself? No wonder people think he sabotaged the show). He also thinks Maya’s Sweet 16 is the worst thing he’s ever made.
>About Maya’s Sweet 16 comic. He said that when printing physical copies of said comics, that it uses cheap printing paper that was meant for small ads and not comics, he hates the comic so much he' unironically refund the people who paid for the comic
>Massa reveals revealed Maya is 1/4th Indonesian, 1/4th Indian, 1/4th Chinese and 1/4th Dutch. (Shes a gigamutt)
>he reveals that Maya dad is 1/2 Surinamese Indian and ½ Dutch.
>He also says that her mom is ½ Moluccan (Indonesian) and ½ Chinese-Indonesian
>Massa then says that the idea behind making Maya a gigamutt is he wants to make a character that has zero identity, who doesnt belong in anywhere. She can’t belong anywhere since they’re alienated by others.
>Massa explain the “farm attack” incident that zellig fans thought was the cause of Coco’s parent's death was a red herring. They died in a fatal car crash. He then goes on to explain that if her parents died by black thieves in a farm attack incident, Coco would've never been close friends with Cleo, since Cleo is an Afro-Aruban.
>Maya's mother' name is “Soei”(It’s a chinese name and Massa apparentlyPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Zoot you know what to do


Even doe the op never added a summary of what he said


Summary starts here however >>16805


AdhdKINGS will not read there


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>tfw Maya's only future is literally that one hentai comic about a girl's life going into a downward spiral of drugs, prostitution and STDs after High School
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Every time I read posts about Maya's future, that one comment about how Maya is going to inevitably kill herself always comes to my mind


>especially with her family not being dysfunctional

Not really, we know from the last stream that her mother is the bitchy type that won't be proud of her only real kid unless she manages to accomplish something, so Maya is kinda left to her own devices.
Coco has 0 ideas on how to handle the situation if not for short term solutions which inevitably only serve to make Maya more dependent on others (such as making the presentation on her behalf).
Mymy has 0 interest in helping Maya and actively makes fun of her.
The father wasn't even shown!

Sorry but I see no way where Maya has some sort of happy ending unless a fucking miracle comes crashing down from the sky


i never said they were fantastic, or even very good, but they’re not dysfunctional. when i think of dysfunctional, i think of a household full of physically/emotionally abusive, angry people who cannot go a day without emotional outbursts and blaming others. Maya’s household is not even close to something like that. not to mention Coco and Mymy seem pretty happy with their current lives.


Perhaps you didn't get what I was going for. It's dysfunctional towards Maya for the reasons I have stated above. Well sure Coco lives a good life and by proxy Mymy, but why doesn't Maya then?


i think i understand what you’re going for, but i still wouldn’t call it dysfunctional. maybe a bit neglectful, which i guess you could argue is dysfunctional, but when i personally think of dysfunctional i imagine people who are outright abusive and cruel.
linguistics aside, how bad are Maya’s problems REALLY? most of it seems like your average autistic teenager shit to me. oh no, she’s lonely and has anxiety, the absolute horror. millions of people have gone through similar situations and didn’t end up on the streets.
maybe everyone is seeing something i don’t, but Maya doesn’t strike me as someone who is doomed, she might not be as successful as Coco and Mymy in the long run, but she’ll probably end up okay.

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Is gussy like some twitter fag with weird shit I don't know about? Started following him a day ago and people were calling him coal on here.
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^will get thrown out of a helicopter soon


^will get barrel bombed soon





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I did some digging and found some pretty surprising result related to the popularity of Ongezellig
Apparently. The word grew in popularity in September 2023 (around that time a popular Russian cartoon reviewer would review ongezellig) and then it hit its peak of popularity in April 2024
Now its decreasing in popularity
Do you think we should keep going with popularizing Zellig by getting cartoon youtube reviewers to review ongezellig?
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>but it's improbable any such person exists


Could you name anyone that has a decent following and is also a chud? If you have to think about it for more than 5 seconds he probably doesn't exist


Most cartoon youtube reviewer are not chuds doe




But making it popular would be gemmy
Who cares if those popular youtuber are not chud
As a matter of the fact that k-on anime got popular too. Yet it was appropriated by /pol/

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I found this video and i don't have any idea what's going on here.
Can you people explain it? I'll be appreciated it
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someone put timestamps for when the 'ellig VAs speak so i can hear their beautiful mesmerizing awe-inspiring A24 slowbvrn kino cackling angry irritated dutch woman voices


cheers but someones gotta just give us basic bullet points, ive tried running it with chatgpt but nothing of use has arisen


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>uploaded October 2018
>Mike reads Nate the Snake
This show's community was actually fucked from the very start, frfr onGOD


The fuck is this


I plugged this through Google Translate to see what would come out.
From the garbled mess that I could gleam through, from what I could understand, is that this seems to be moderator problems involving one mod blaming others, throwing them under the bus, not taking responsibilities, and generally being upset that other people are fed up and don't like him as a mod, I think. I gave up halfway since I couldn't stand reading the shit Google kept putting out, but that seems to be what's being discussed in this vid.

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Anyone got the one where Cleo is doing the 2 middle fingers? I need it thanks
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I think it was a headcanon from someone, doe it makes sense as it is a Dutch colony


She could also be from Suriname


Aaaaah, it makes sense since she is nominally Dutch.


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There is a picture (here) where it shows the place where Cleveland was born, which is Willemstad
Willemstad is a city in Aruba and Aruba is basically dutch Jamaica, she's an African nigger

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Massa updated his website again
What it looked like before: https://web.archive.org/web/20240106093201/https://studiomassa.nl/
What could this mean fellow Zaryans?


It looks like shit to be honest. Both pictures and text are terribly blurred for some reason.


This is a massive nothingburger he just moved the links and got rid of the petje af link


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