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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Is gussy like some twitter fag with weird shit I don't know about? Started following him a day ago and people were calling him coal on here.


he draws 'p



what a faggot


aryan replying method


this it the best one of all aryan methods


>>18285 forgive me im a new zaryan, started watching it 2 days ago




it's just the nofap fags being annoying and obsessed with ongezellig artists who arent as puritan as them as usually.


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>being annoying and obsessed with ongezellig artists who arent as puritan as them as usually


taken from the zelligwiki
>GussyWussy was an artist in the server who was extremely liked by the admins, but he often drew the Ongezellig girls with the proportion of toddlers while wearing skintight clothing. Due to this, several members of the server accused his renditions of being pedophilic in nature, these members were typically treated unfavorably by the moderators. Their fears were realized, however, when it was discovered that GussyWussy had created pornographic art of Lisa Simpson with the same toddler-like proportions back in 2012. After the moderators received this information, they confronted GussyWussy and temporarily muted him, but other members of the server advocated for a harsher punishment. Foenkie, the most prominent moderator of Massadonië, alluded to GussyWussy once having a sexual attraction towards real children in direct messages, as he stated the artist “sought help irl”, most likely for pedophilia. GussyWussy has also collaborated with Rod Scorpion[1], a lolicon and shotacon enthusiast known for making Ongezellig porn, one particular example being of Maya having sex with a young boy.


what the sigma


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>it's just the nofapGODs that remind me of my gross addiction noooooo waaaaaaaa


nofap is coal


nofap is aryan and tradpilled


fap is kike, rice fields now you filthy sodomites




kill yourself nofapper


You first coomerkike


its just a pedo


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it looks like he forgot to switch to his personal account


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>gussy is from chile or some shit


^will get banned soon


^will get thrown out of a helicopter soon


^will get barrel bombed soon





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it seems like Gussy will be locking his comments from now on after R_Terra called him out


To be verbally demolished by R_Troona is an impressive feat let alone to get so hurt about it that you lock the comments GEEEG


Average R_Terra W


aw hell naw, blud's glazing minus8 💀💀💀


uncommon terra win


xhe actually supports pinochet


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yep, my prediction was correct, he’s locked the comments on his latest post too


holy gem


Falseflag 'cord just had a vc party


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a tweet making fun of Gussy got 94k views.
also, why did the mods delete the Gussy collection thread?


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>39yo guy


I remember that thread barely having gussy art. Also 95% of what gussy draws has loli proportions


At 39 he should have family and children, not wasting time on discord with people half his age, wtf


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he doesn’t post loli art anymore, no one in that thread even posted his old toddlercon drawings so i don’t understand why they deleted it.
he also enjoys typing like a little girl.


Eh it's not like we actually lost anything, there were maybe 3 artworks in there
>he also enjoys typing like a little girl
Doll award


He's 100% a pedo
Marge, what thread?


>people half his age
One third of his age at best


Someone asking to post gussy's art, but everyone just shat on OP instead


ESL babble award, as expected from chilangos


he’s not typing like that because he’s an ESL, he’s purposely typing like that because he’s trying to be as “cute” as possible by acting like a little girl.


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Why do such people exist


The conclusion: all girls are ESL shitskin lesotho subhumans


everyone is born as esl and needs to learn the language, including efls


EFL stands for English as the Fourth Language btw


That's disgusting alright


How can you be ESL if you don’t know ANY language when you’re born—first, second, or otherwise?


Actually, when you're born, you already know one certain language… Agugu language.



Geg. I stand corrected


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i found a Twitter alt made by Gussy in 2019, it mostly has art of Lisa Simpson and Ruby Gloom. this profile also reveals he has a Twitch channel called gusybusy, which is currently suspended.


I almost thought this was a bot spamming 'p


Xer pixiv (there's nothing there, at least I don't know because I don't have an account to view stuff)
He had a twitch account at some point, but it's been deleted: https://m.twitch.tv/gusybusy/home


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is there anyway to archive his older posts on Ghostarchive? it isn’t working for me.


Twitter can be a bit fucky to archive on both ghostarchive or archive today, your best bet is going to nitter and archiving each page with his tweets individually.


he deleted the account




is this thread scaring the shit out of gussy rn? thats funny to imagine


i wonder how he found out about the discovery since i doubt he regularly browses here. there are either whistleblowers on this site or this information quickly got spread around.
this also makes me wonder, if he can still access these 5+ year old accounts, why doesn’t he delete them before they’re discovered? is he so proud of his old lolicon art that he can’t bring himself to delete it unless he’s forced to? his old DeviantArt account stayed up for around 9 years until a Massadonie member discovered it and he subsequently deleted it, why didn’t he delete it beforehand? does he just forget about all the damning stuff he’s posted in the past?
he doesn’t really have anything to be scared of because the Massadonie mods are protecting him and will ban anyone who brings up his past. Massadonie is the only official online space for Ongezellig fans so people who know won’t speak up since they don’t want to lose access to the server.


Probably some fag from Massaretardownie who browses this website 24/7 told him, because at Massadonië we love protecting pedophiles


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one of the mods also seems to have quietly deleted the thread where those guy Discord messages from Foenkie were leaked, despite it having been inactive for months. these both have to do with Gussy so it makes me wonder if one of the mods is trying to suppress this information.


>it makes me wonder if one of the mods is trying to suppress this information
Remove the wonder, did you forget the fact that gussy deleted his loli account when it was brought up here a few days ago?


how is that relavant? i’m talking about mods on this site unnecessarily deleting stuff.


Oh I thought you were referring to Massadownie, yeah I still want to know why that gussy thread was deleted


Here or there? If here, do you have the post number of the thread? I can check the logs and the backups.


>the post number
It would be easier to convince Massa to pick up Ongezellig again


This is important because there are tons of spam threads and posts removed and how am I supposed to know which one is the Gussy one. Check the browsing history.


Well it was an old thread, probably 10+ months ago, so anything in the 10k range


I assume if it was deleted, it was probably becaused of potential unauthorized doxing.



others are not obsessed like you




Now say sorry nigger

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