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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Who do you think could be a friend to Maya
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everyone above me


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me :D


Can't fix her albeit

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kike folk music at its finest


Rucka rucka ali has gemmy songs albeit
(ZOOOOOOT add the option to embed a video)


recreate 9/11 as a native brooklyner, my non existent dutch heritage shall not be disrespected!


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can we please dox


Good luck, rucka is a really big target. You’d drown in all the other shit trying to find his personal info. Also since he’s not connected to zellig you can go and doxx xhim on the xharty instead, or ask zoot or the mods for permission, but I doubt they’d let you.

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discuss religion or something
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Lately ive been thinking alot about the infinity of love, no other human emotion is infinite like love is

But isnt God love? (1 John 4:8 "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.")
And then i see Romans 8:11 ("But if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.")

And i think, Perhaps God dwells in us by love, and that he reveals himself to us, by love
when i first heard "God is love" i never knew what it truely meant until now


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Kill yourselves


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>>>6603 (OP)
>Kill yourselves


Opus Dei have an office in my town should I try to join them?

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Does anyone know if Massa was the one who drew the flashback art? They're the best part of all the deels, in my opinion.
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Why would a colonizer associate with a pirate?


same reason that a chud would be good friends with a based nigger


chud and troon would be a better comparison


niggers steal though


Dutch colonizers were mostly pirates

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>midterm at 8:30 tommorow I havent at all studied for
Its officially over zretherien. 15 percent of my grade has fallen


Worth. Gem btw

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I'm the guy who doxxed CeCeFem
I hereby apologize for calling your Dutch cartoon not a gem
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Is okay man, we need to help each other out despite our differences.


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It's okay doxDEVINITY, that soy thread is the gemmiest thing to happen all week and it couldn't have happen to a bigger niggerfaggot. God bless your services, and extorting him would've been pretty keyed ngl.
Fuck trannies, fuck gooners, inshallah ?


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What specifically changed your mind?


antizelligGODs who fight actual troons are automatically honorary ZAYRANs.


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Let's support new zaryan, brethren.

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This is a comfy place even if the PPH is pretty slow


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Yo mamas comfortable in my bed nigga


There's no coming back from this one, OP



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just got out of a call with Massa… he said in the next episode he's going to give Coco a black boyfriend just to spite chudcels and distance himself further from soyjak party…
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Cleo is literally designed by Yakub himself for dat BWC


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Xhe's definitely underappreciated, I might make some art of her once I finish the whole animation project


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that'd be fucking hilarious he should do it


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built for bwc

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It's over…
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gem, thank you


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Jewtube delete this (https://soyzellig.party/zellig/res/8443.html#8550) gem, sooo… So, nothing, just my personal nagging idk


"Meh disgusting content so we delete it meh"


Fucking jewtube man, why?


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