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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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discuss religion or something


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About what doe? like What religion each zellig girl believes in?
We know Mymy is probably Orthodox because of the art.
Coco would be Catholic maybe?
And Maya would probably be an atheist or agnostic or whatever thing a sodomite would believe in…


i never really understood why theres so many "Protestantism bad" shitters online




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>religious diversity in my heckin cartoon family? oh my fauci so much character!


Coco says she believes in God but knows very little about any religion. Maya is agnostic because she read about it online and thought it sounded smart.


>We know Mymy is probably Orthodox because of the art
dumb nigger spotted


>dumb nigger spotted eventho Mymy is Orthodox confirmed by Massa and Foenkie


im gonna need a source for that sweetie


it was revealed to me in a dream, sister.
Go ask Massa himself if you want.


just DM'd massa, said you're right


they're all canonically roman catholic
because it's literally a meme lmao
>literal meme religion manufactured by middle age lords for their own material interests
>muh sola scriptura even though no two of the 999999 protestant denominations out there agree on what that would imply
>female/lesbian/gay/trans/non binary pastors
>turned a meth addicted nigger into a saint


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>canonically roman catholic eventho >>6622


snopes debunked that


Meanwhile Catholicism
>You VVILL praise the church every saturday or HELL
>You vvill idolatrise the pope and do NOT question if hes a witchcraft commiting freemason
>pay us money for heaven because God said so or something
>yo dudes lets start the knights templar, hope it doesnt become a covenent of witchcraft or something
i personally like protestantism because its more about personal relationship with God than anything else




Lately ive been thinking alot about the infinity of love, no other human emotion is infinite like love is

But isnt God love? (1 John 4:8 "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.")
And then i see Romans 8:11 ("But if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.")

And i think, Perhaps God dwells in us by love, and that he reveals himself to us, by love
when i first heard "God is love" i never knew what it truely meant until now


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Kill yourselves


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>>>6603 (OP)
>Kill yourselves


Opus Dei have an office in my town should I try to join them?

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