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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1700262227730.jpg (429.27 KB, 2480x3507, 1699330785296.jpg)


soycvcks cant watch shows with girls in it cause it triggers their gender dysphoria


Marge what is blud yappin about



File: 1700162362683.png (1.84 MB, 1128x1696, 1699087409158.png)


the 200000th get on /qa/ is coming, you WILL make it a zellig win
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brace for GET


Prepare for a win


File: 1700253028057.png (215.74 KB, 720x794, 6e1f26d8307e5d4240ede256c6….png)


File: 1700253175972.png (27.46 KB, 531x655, grim2.png)

If there was no morrocoal botting then this would've won


File: 1700256070885.png (23.61 KB, 797x915, scared.png)

He's gonna bot 250k, if we can't beat his server ping (around 250 ms probably) and time saved by embedding a video instead of uploading then we will lose

File: 1699670653931.png (1.29 MB, 1185x586, 1689849383005.png)


Who has the zellig CSS? Is it lost?
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File: 1699717150462.png (35.25 KB, 766x982, 1690150257744.png)

Rumor has it that this image
would be different because of the css
which is why i believe it to be more than just a picture on the bottom right with the kolyma theme


Ahaaaa I see.
Well, if you can find more screenshots or if you can find the original guy (it hink he was the italian), that would be great.




What are you testing?



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What would be the good ending to Ongezellig as a whole? (Besides this show actually getting picked up and produced?)
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File: 1700009762044.png (126.86 KB, 333x364, calm.png)

and Coco kills her parents' murderers
The Happy ending


It depends on how Massa would even continue the show.
For me, I think the best way Part 2 would happen is to show more of Maya and Coco's not-really estranged relationship with one another. Before we could even reach a good ending Maya must do her best to reach out to Coco and say sorry for all the bad things she has done and thought about her, which Coco would wholeheartedly accept.
Another thing I want to see be expanded on is Mymy's Dutchaboo arc. It wasn't fully covered on the pilot so I wish to see what really made her become a full-blown Dutch nationalist and hate her home country so much. Her biological family plays a big part here so I can't wait to see what Massa is up too.


I wanna see Coco enact TND to avenge her parents. That would be peak kino and could make Zellig stand out as one of the most influential webseries of all time…or something


Gemerald mod becomes canon.


>what is deel 7

File: 1700009977328.jpg (1.81 MB, 4160x1920, 20231114_173209.jpg)


Some fag tore my shilly. :(
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Honestly I don't know. I have three guesses on what it could be:
1: it could be someone went to the site from the shilly, saw the Aryan imagery and chimped out.
2: Someone thought it was a gang thing and tore them down.
3: there's a frog-troon in my neighborhood., or it could just be people are dumb in my neighborhood.


Lmao if true


I think it's the 1st option. There's no way somebody could look at that and tell to himself that it's some gang ad.
Anyways, are ya going to put new ads?You could print the ad from the previous threads and put them in random places.


Probably, I just really hope it doesn't devolve into some kinda feud between me and some unseen resident of my town.


It's almost like a monkey paw wish, the shilly mightve got someone to check out the Zarty but they didn't like it.

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/qa/ is alive zelligbros…
Its a party…



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File: 1699912001858-1.png (117.12 KB, 676x1021, 1698439468111.png)


whatever happened to that drawGOD that used to post on /qa/ and here, no pressure because i know school and stuff, just curious if he's made another drawing showing his improvement.


I don't think so. This drawing was his last for now.
Maybe he moved on to some other stuff. I do hope that he comes back one day with a lot of progress or if he doesn't - that he atleast becomes a better artists.

File: 1699746767944.webm (9.51 MB, 1280x720, Coco Supports the Troopie….webm)


As today marks the 58th anniversary of Rhodesian independence, Coco shall sing the anthem of Her Afrikaner brethren!


File: 1699747302680.gif (1.42 MB, 999x562, 1680539119930.gif)

I'm thinking…


File: 1699793907795.png (438.97 KB, 533x947, (2020-01) CocoBoerin.png)

Absolutely beautiful, spine-tingling, shona-slaughtering Rhodesian DIAMOND

File: 1699126032121.png (50.72 KB, 689x213, 'zellig in red flood.PNG)


The Hoi4 mod "Red Flood" has Vera hidden in the game files.
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File: 1699765758456.png (3.48 KB, 558x88, Verafags, this is your min….png)



And can you please explain to the court what you were doing on this website?


I dindu nuffin


File: 1699766472255.png (69.79 KB, 300x400, ClipboardImage.png)

If you're wondering what the comment to the pic was, it was of the mother of that incest game that's popular.
kill xim.



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zelligsisters, our response?
maybe attracting troons to the ‘toon wasn’t a good idea after alll


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Kill xim


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xx cancelled to video xis making,you can doxx him now


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Now that he isnt going to release his 'zellig video, i will further research into doxxing him.


tsmt, also >>>/qa/828

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