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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Kiki with big eyes 👀


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Why did xhe say this?
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Mongoloid is a deragotory term and in mostly germanic languages is used as synonym for retard. i take it dutch is no different, and Vera basically just called them retarded.


it can also mean "disabled"


Canonically the girls spent two hours literally doing nothing but staring into the emptyness.
Also Maya is Indo and therefore of the Mongoloid race


it was a plot device to make Coco say "oh nej we arent from mongolia" then all the girls reveal where they are from


Retarded hag is trying to come up with an insult but instead called them a MongolARYANS that BTFO'd multiple so called (((civilizations))) (savages)

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What does this mean? What type of insult is "Fritzl"
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Correction, it was from Japsterdam, not Austria


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correction, it was from Australia, not Austria


that wasn't very cool of him


ancientfag meme geg


A keyed dirlewangerist. You wouldn't understand

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but.. this is gonna make the sharty hate us zaryans even more


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A zellig win is a sharty win


200 post remaining. Prepare your capcha


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boring fucking gets, nigger COME ON


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frame screenshots
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Because (((massa))) is a kike


the joke is that she’s undressed and got dressed cartoonishly quickly when coco walked in


Give sauce


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het zauze, zaryan



Why does Maya just have a random bikini top lying around in her room? And it's not like it's those ordinary bras either

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Just like last night, same rules:
Music only, no FOTM troon shit, follow the sharty/shemmy/swinny/sidson.city rules
Sharty is still down SOMEHOW, frQQt is taking xer sweet time (fucking dumbass)



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<why the fuck was the Samsung ringtone playing right after


eeffoc gem


i think its a ronnie mcnutt reference


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Why do black people make decent music?
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They don’t. There music has just been overpromoted by the (((media))). If anything is popularized enough, it can be thought of as “good music” by the people who live in its era.


Aside from all the jokes about niggers not being human or whatever, I definitely enjoy Kanye Wests earlier stuff



yes we do, black niggers are pests


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