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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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>Me and my only female friend, both 17
>Told me yesterday that she broke up with her bf
>He doesn’t want along d’stance relationship and saw some pretty girl on the Metro or something
>Cried to me on phone for 10 minutes
>Today they reconciled

Is this what I’m missing out while playing Hearts of Iron all day Zaryans? Is this the teenage love Hollywood and Country music promised? Should I try to go out with hopes of finding a girl like Mymy? Or should I ask my grandma to find me an illiterate mormon girl from Utah? Where is our generation headed?
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Aren't you supposed to be detoxing from internet, demoralbbcmayafag?


what does this schizo babble even mean


The Eastern European doomer central started its operations apparently


Inside of Mount Saint Helens is the entrance to Agartha, the location where Mymy lives. If you are able to get rid of the lava which was artificially placed there by the feds, you would be able to enter Agartha, the land of TND. In Agartha, you will meet many individuals which were once assumed dead such as Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler. The National Socialists were the ones who discovered the entrance to Agartha and millions of them escaped through Mount Saint Helens. In 1947, the US government found out about this and artificially placed lava in the mountain to prevent more of them from escaping. Thankfully it was too late and enough National Socialists escaped to establish the Agarthan Third Reich, one day, they will return to the Outer Earth. Mymy is located just next to Adolf Hitler and they are close friends. If you manage to get to Agartha, you can then marry Mymy and have 14 Aryan children and 88 Aryan grandchildren with her however, you must first prove your Aryan vril to her. Ways to increase vril are drinking milk, taking cold showers and watching/rewatching Ongezellig. If you watch Ongezellig 14 times everyday for 88 days in a row, you will gain a nearly unlimited amount of vril which will guarantee that Mymy will marry you.


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post your cleos here
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Fact check: All nigger women can be corrected by being repeatedly bred by white men. T


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Albeit xcience has refuted xhis


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>built for BWC vs BBC debate on the zarty


For the retards who think she is not a nigger, the show literally states she is born in Aruba which is literally a dutch version of jamaica, its filled with niggers because the europeans imported them for slave planting
She is 100% a nigger


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>For the retards (voices in my head) who think she is not a nigger, the show literally states she is born in Aruba which is literally a dutch version of jamaica, its filled with niggers because the europeans imported them for slave planting
>She is 100% a nigger

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Posted on May 8th, 2019: https://pastebin.com/yKvRnsze
Google Translated:
>Dear Sir/Madam,
>This Context is optional, but certainly helpful:
>Until recently I was the main administrator of the Community server of the Dutch Youtuber Studio Massa. During my position there I fought against a number of alt-right trolls who shared a lot of politically extremist stuff. Studio Massa, the youtuber and owner of the Server, has been inactive for half a year, takes no responsibility for the Server, refuses to give up ownership and does not offer any staff member assistance by publicly choosing a side. Because of this I got stuck between his wishes / those of the good half of the community and those of the other half (the trolls), which made me overstressed and paranoid. Those same trolls abused the inactive owner to slowly make the community distrust me, which eventually made me voluntarily step down because it became too much for me mentally (exactly according to their intentions). Despite being away from there for a few months now and focusing on my own community where drama has no place, I still get negativity almost daily, and since a few days I know why: The banned extremist trolls have set up a Shadowserver where they collect as much information about me and a few others as possible, expose it and actively spread hate to new and old members of the Studio Massa Community; despite the fact that I have been away from there for months. The owners of that shadowserver allow everything even if it violates the discord TOS, so the existence of this Server is extremely harmful to everyone relevant to Massadonia.
End of Context.
>I have two general questions based on this context.
>1. Regarding the Mainserver: How is Discord looking at a Server that slowly becomes "a loose cannon" by an owner who has explicitly chosen to become inactive and not transfer ownership to anyone else. In principle, a community and its staff are then doomed to fight it out themselves in the most dramatic ways possible in the event of any fragmentation, as I have unfortunately experienced myself.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Have you tried scraping the chans for a possible raid thread involving Massa?


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erm what the sigma


I'll be honest this drama is so interesting to me for some reason, I think this is a sign I might be retarded


Likely also everyone else is

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>driveable gooks


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Mymy is Aryan, not a gook


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Can someone please draw Coco and Barend Strydom holding up a large AWB flag together. It'd fit very well because they're both based Aryan South African racists

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I wish Mymy were real so I could propose to her and marry her. She's just so cute, racist and Aryan. Nothing would separate us.
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tsmt flat chest mymy won DFC flat is justice or something o algo asi


Seems like a reasonable compromise






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Wholesome or something
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kill yourself


Symptom of iron deficiency seek meds now. This also lead to irrational risk aversion (evendoe soyciety already hate risk) making you a passive-agressive cuck which i predict will be the nature of your next answer post to me.


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>Symptom of iron deficiency seek meds now. This also lead to irrational risk aversion (evendoe soyciety already hate risk) making you a passive-agressive cuck which i predict will be the nature of your next answer post to me.


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i think you are more of a nigger, niggas suck! every nigga i see in the streets goes boom boom and kill each other, that's stupid! i hope niggas disappear for once in this lifetime! i hate when nigga moments happen! nigga moment + nigga synthesis = total disaster! prevent nigga moments from happening, it goes to all of you niggas out there!

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Maya has average sized breasts, this is reflected in the rig they're using. Administer meds immediately


stop talking about xer boobs pls


Either the same nigger or 3 niggers, zaryans choose


I prefer her flat though


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It is at least two different people, also I am not a nigger.

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do you think she is cute?
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i love to hang transgender people


what is wrong with you niggas


porn addiction


i wanna fuck you hard on the sink


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>>>27106 (You)
>i wanna fuck you hard on the sink

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Honestly this also proves that pride is a poison. In his place I would have accepted every helping hand because there was no actual way with all he had

>Loyal community o algo (us because tubetroons can only do so much)

>High donations on petje until they got rid of their own income
>Right before February Zellig was gaining a lot of traction

Really only thing he had to do was to accept int donations and external help


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>hehehe racism is KEYED fuck WEF globalism faggots


no proof that everyone who hit massa up were calarts trannies trying to push an agenda, he rejected them not because of xheir talent or motives or whatever but because xhey werent dutch and this is what DEI is about, except its niggers instead of whites


Idk if I'm just a straight up retard but can someone summarise all this shit. And who the fuck is sam?


>>27140 Massa I believe, Massa as in “massive” waste of time and opportunities

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