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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Glory to the zarty
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it cannot and im too lazy to post photo of it


it takes a while to load


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retrofags unite


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the feels, man…



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Is it true Coco's VA (Merel) came to one of those "Massa Meetups" and smashed a watermelon with xer thighs? What the fuck?
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Screenshots? I didn't download this normieshit


Use picuki. Also its ik_drink_inkt not ik_drinkt_ink.


We must protect the girls from nigger hands


Just gib da link, ok?


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>Be english
>Live in england
>Go to cafe
>Order chips
>Get crisps
How does this misunderstanding even happen, id understand if i was in america or whatever but no
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


marge i thought they were the same thing


What kind of Café serves potato chips anyways?


>Be english
>Live in england
>Go to cafe
>Order chips
>sorre sar, it is ramadan, we don't sarve food at this time of day, come back after sunset


(((they))) are trying to change your culture
also this isn't zellig janny rape and move this thread


Moved to >>>/qa/3679.

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>freshly bought some stroopwafels from lidl
>no coffee to drink them with
>only have peppermint tea which makes me violently sick afterward (probably because it's fucking tea, ew)
what do i do?
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Let it rest over a cup of warm Milk. Then eat it and enjoy the molten caramel, while occasionally washing down the bites with warm beverage.


suicide :/


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only option tbh


>eating raw loaves of toast le bad
1st worlders I…


>toast tastes… LE GOOD
secondworlders i…

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Left Mymy one, sometime this year I'll get it, and I'll let the zaryanation know has soon as I get it.
14 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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109 zaryans you dumb FAGGOT!


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"ohhh, it is another fanfic character of a known yt zaryan. She is Jewstralian or somewhat"


Oy vey, mate

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make this but with the pirate girl please

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mym y




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true lmao. felt awkward drawing below the neck if I wasn't actually going to draw a neck


no doubt it looks good, better than anything i could muster.

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name something better then waking up next to your aryan queen


Cvcked by actuallydiditGODs
Lmao wanted to also do that


Mymyrald, you have better that any 3d foid could provide.


Yo chud, got a VOC flag on your wall???????? (you should)


holy moly your so right im gonna go ahead and order one

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Hello fellow Zaryans! Does anyone know what the girls foot sizes are?
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transgender hands typed this dust



Zoot crush his skull


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Mymy: Mymy is asian and back in the ming dynasty or whatever they, did a thing call foot binding which is custom of breaking and tightly binding the feet of young girls to change their shape and size. pretty disgusting right, but anyway this implies that asians have abnormally big ass foots.

Maya: the average women shoe size in Belgium is 6.5 but everyone knows that Maya is Indonesian. so by doing quick maths, it would be a estimated of 8.9.

Coco: It is scientific proven that walking barefoot would increase your foot size, and knowing that Coco live in South Africa. she would barefoot from time to time. meaning by doing the scientific method, Coco foot would be 11.1.



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