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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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We at soyzellig.party would never sell your IP address to the highest bidder.




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>We, the mod team of the Zarty, value the privacy of our userbase. Please, continue to post funny memes. God bless.

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Rhetorically asking, if I drilled her stomach would she be able to give birth later on in life?
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а природно је то


ја видим придев природно теби нема значења


нуклеарка лажи




Why do you post this degen trash?

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posting in /zellig/ because it's tangentially related
i tried stroopwafels for the first time
ignore the fact it's some russhit brand, i'm actually in serbia (as indicated by the mug, which is in serbian, and merch for a popular local-tourism location)
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>uses shit latin, instead of glorious Cyrilic
Славгодс, ви лост…


Ит'с овер


ајм а лејзи фак енд и донт вант ту чеинџ мај киборд сетингз


Ок бът некст тайм, трай то нот бе а селфиш литъл нигър енд юз ди онли валид алфабет. ви аре нот католикс.



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Never noticed that the juice box mymy dropped in Deel 4 can actually be seen in the shot where maya is asking for help
Bravo Massa


I always found it a bit weird how Mymy's juice bottle has a Dutch waffle on it, does she just drink the waffle syrup or something?




Makes sence. She is the type of girl to drink pure sugar.


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De energy… fuels mij

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I joined the studio massa 'cord and there's a guy in vc drawing clown porn on camera what should I do
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>19k followers on X


zaryans won
/co/omers lost


the REAL Z alliance


We have to clean up massacord


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mymy at massacord HQ

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If she was real (she is, take your meds) I would first kidnap her, then after I bring her home I would brutly rape her also make sure to smash her head against radiator a few times. After that I would rape her again so she goes unconscious. I would let her regain consicence a bit and after that I would again rape her and smash plates against her head so she bleeds and feels pain. After all that I would lock her up in my basement feeding her so she barely survives and also making sure to occasionally rape her while breaking her limbs and parts of her body. She deserves all that.
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ganna need a citation on that one




Maya is a direct descendant of Oscar Dirlewanger which explains her love towards Hitler


uhm, sweetie, thats an "assertion" not a "citation"
try again


how dfoes that explain TSD?

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I hope the image saved correctly, still not sure how to share templates, but this will be the image. Even if zoot doesn't uncall me a nigger, I proved that I am realchud and not a /co/ user, a /co/ user wouldn't know how the symbol is called.
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бля это что нахуй


Why not doe? We already have a black sun on planet.soyjack.in.


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Again, i am hoping it uploaded correctly. Added text this time


will start working on it.


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It's a bit weird. I think that the problem comes from the fact that you have used a croped image from the show.

If you can, try to draw it with the colors that pixelplanet uses

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Mymy's Onschatbare Offer
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does anybody by any chance have the ending song (moonlight sonata cover by Massa) extended or is capable of extending it?
Would be much appreciated



Those are just the links to the megafile, which only has the 11 second version (the one used in the video)
I was asking if there exists an extended version/if anyone could extend it


Im at work rn, but if you want you could probably make an extended version yourself, the instrument is Sytrus from FL Studio and the preset is named "Austrian accordion"


oh why mymy

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We should advertise the Zarty by writing the site link on bathroom stalls and walls or something.
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To advertise the zarty? If so, consider this:
>Time Square
>post video advertising the IB to a crowd of normalfaggots in jew york
>hardly any of them would consider joining some random site, and if they do they'd probably be deterred away from the chud shit we've got going on here.
>The Sharty
>ad banner at the top exposing the IB
>chuds and soyteens are already familiar with our sense of humor here since we're one in the same
>they would not be deterred from our site unless they dislike zellig.
Only downside is the potential raids and 'p spam this could open up if more insane people are aware of this, but that's sort of the consequence you have to accept if you want any IB to get bigger.


You are right.


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Times square advertisement? I know just who to call..


that is such a funny idea

okay but it would be VERY funny

another very funny idea

okay but a times square ad would be funnier


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times square would be impossible. the restrictions are too harsh for us to post a hyperborea/chud zellig edit. The original from /co/ had to remove the scene where Mymy is about to shoot Vera with a NERF gun, because it "promoted violence".

Mutts really think that a toy gun is ganna make people on the streets go berserk and save the white race or smth.

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We have done quite good for ourselves reconquering half the 'lanet for 'zelligaryans, but something always bothered me, which is the loss of some of our gems to time. I have gathered here evidence of all the old gems I could find and now I seek the zaryan responsible for them so he can give us the template to these gems so we may rebuild them on the gap cobson left inbetween Coco and the 'plier, where I believe all three can be in without issue if planned correctly.
Also, for the zaryan that made the Coco between Maya and the chilean flag, please post your template so it can be fixed if 'litrannies or frogniggers destroy it.

PS: the smiling Mymy on her desk survives on the basedjak canvas, so I don't think there's need to rebuild it on soyjak canvas.
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X 138
Y 411


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btw they're all finished


Zaryan win

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