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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Holy shit, new 'anner


Coco banner 💎

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xhe is a /co/tard who learned ongezellig from goytok


kill xhem
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IP grabbing scheme, kill yourself doxxfaggot homsexual


biggest retard award
Its better than having retarded cords
irc.soyzellig.party it's not difficult to set up


I am not sure how good of an idea this is. People go here for the "anon image board" way of communication. It wont hurt if i try it doe. If you guys have any good tutorial videos/articals about IRC, then drop them here.
The one that i made was meant to be for news, in the cases when the zarty is down. Not so much for communication between zaryans.


IRC will leak everyone's IP and God knows there are a bunch of bad actors here that will go after your users just for the sake of it.
Cease this idea


This thread is the dogshit that will kill the zarty

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and she even orange 😲


damn, tha's an ugly lookin' troon ngl


>troon even doe xhe might be a femoid

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Almost 1000 gems


soon we'll get 6 ongezellion videos in 5 years



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How tranny is it to buy a red sweater for myself because of Maya?
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realmaya op here
this is not a zarty exclusive troon, i found that picture randomly on /qa/ a while ago and i just liked trolling with it


Massa is an amateur and a fool


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what do you guys think about Nick Fuentes?
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stupid head


the fact he is mexican is wild that nigga gotta be a subhuman venezuelan


Be quiet kike. You sound like a seething kike. Sage. Swastika in the thread. White power. White race. KKK. Sieg heil for the Reich. Trump2020 #Reich. I sieg heil. Volk for the krieg. Krieg for the Führer. SS.

Sage. Seething kike.


negated even doe i agree with you

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Should I write a piece of fanfiction where it's the Texas Tower Shooting, but it's one of the 'lig sisters instead?


I feel like Charles Whitman would be a Mymy fan


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my grandma was at UT at Austin when that went down


As a Texan, I think it is a great idea

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xis about /raid/ing stuff btw

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drawGOD deities please remove her boots here
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thats a random string of characters


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Posted discord threats award

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