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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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new 'lig 'insert from twitter
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aw heell nah bro, who invited this guy? get yo ass outta here




Zoot please leak this guys ip


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U guys r big meanies :(


I'm sorry, but it's just not 'zellig related. Your art style is solid tho (although no clear resemblance to 'lig).
I like your Chud design tho.

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Never before seen zellig screencap? Idk where this came from
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Do you have all of the threads archived? If so, could you post the ones with spicier content such as potential new deel leaks?


>Do you have all of the threads archived?
No, feel free to browse the 'chive doe


old 'toss and its probably just a scrapped scene


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Yeah most likely


Wouldn't be surprised if this was a scrapped deel 4 scene.
Looks like an earlier version of the library and it has a similar drenthe joke
Maybe massa showed it off to a few people and a leakerGOD posted it

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New 'toss
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Kill yourself neutral nigger


so no nsfw?


nsfw has always been banned and >>6812


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You WILL read the rules if you are new
zoot is esl though

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Babe wake up, new Ruskie dub just dropped


Fucking slavs man


"Actually this is just training in voice acting" lol)

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shitty discord site loooool
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Literal who LOL


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>>6215 I know who you are <3


mossad pulling logs
Mods 'nish this gangstalker




Blud got the memo 2 weeks late 💀💀💀

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omgsisa is that russian representation in my orange ceiling


It has potential to be good, doe I don't expect much from it.
So right Russista.


Not in my opinion, the inclusion of more sisters doesn't even make a lot of sense, sure i know a few people with more than 4 siblings, but i feel like 3 sisters is already enough and a perfect number for a story which surrounds a girl with asocial problems. 2 more siblings that are just subjectively stupid and unfitting to the story would just absolutely ruin ongezellig. Lines like "mymy quick be racist so we can save black latinx queens in kenya" are stupid and corny, this isn't a superhero series.
I can say that they would do fine for their own stories, but for ongezellig, it just aint it dude.


Yeah would definitely ruin the dynamic between them. Honestly the OCs introduced by the artist have strong sonic OC vibes.


Actually kinda true, as I said they seemed more like a superhero archetype. I don’t specifically hate these characters it’s just that it really doesn’t fit at all in zellig. And yes as you said it’ll definitely ruin the dynamic between the original 3, 2 more obscure badly written fan characters that are just not it for the story. It’s clear that the creator of these characters was in a fandom like sonic (like you said) or UT, DT or any other franchise with these “strong independent tomboy females”. Again really not fitting for zellig

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As an American, should I learn Dutch? Will Dutch people laugh at me when I tell them I learned their language because of an obscure internet cartoon?
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English and Dutch are Angloid languages, so if you don't already have a weird foreign accent in English then you should be able to slip into speaking Dutch pretty easily.


Netherlands is extremely anglicized. Everyone speaks English and they will refuse to speak Dutch with (You) if they hear your non-native accent


just as the subject displays


hi, zaryan. nice to meet you


Iam a Dutchman and will speak Dutch to anyone who understands and there's alot of other Dutchmen who will do the same.

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/qa/ our beloved is under siege by none other than /int/rannies. They seek to wipe our homeboard and establish dominance.
Serve Zellig, serve /qa/, grease the gears of the negrobumping machine one last time. Kick out these comically bankrupt invaders! MY PERSONAL ARMY!
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It's a board clash, it's different now albeit and this was the first time I called for necrobumping
/qa/ will always be /our board/


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Demoralization 'cord has reached soyzellig it seems, why do you hate fun so much?


saying no to participating in gayops isnt demoralization or being against fun retard


refer to >>6688


if you are having fun spaming then go for it. I'm saying what I think.

how is saying to not waste that much time over other autists, who would probably move on after opening their tiktok, an elaborate psyop?
fr, some of you are retarted beyond believe.
If a migration away from /qa/ happens, its gonna happen naturaly (just like with 4chan and soyjaks). Spaming "bumozellig" aint gonna fix /qa/ or the sharty.

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New 'stone just dropped


New variant to defeat Cobsom


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