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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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/qa/ our beloved is under siege by none other than /int/rannies. They seek to wipe our homeboard and establish dominance.
Serve Zellig, serve /qa/, grease the gears of the negrobumping machine one last time. Kick out these comically bankrupt invaders! MY PERSONAL ARMY!


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we're under siege??


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whats the point of having our own imageboard if we use a sharty board (which is also populated by baitposters and ponyfags) as our homeboard?


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To mog communities that arent capable of doing so



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increasing the pph of snarkzellig.snappy is more important than fighting /int/rannies doe


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You are making the zarty seem like an elaborate psyop by antizelligers to get us off of our homesite and homeboard, sharty and /qa/ respectively


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Quality over quantity, we've done alot for a low PPH website.


Quick way to get labelled as an aggresive off site group. I have a feeling all these pro floosing /qa/ come from the same guy…


why should we care? /qa/ is not ours board since froot taked over the sharty. /int/ niggers would be fighting against furries and ponies.


>not wanting to have internet spergfights with ponyfags and esl /int/rannies is an antizellig cord conspiracy
meds now
trvthnvke, froot is a faggot and nusharty is filled with too much coal anyways


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i'll have to agree with the mymy guy, you're either all falseflagger psyopers or genuinely retarded
sharty/qa/ is our board
always was and always will be
we fought off autists that were way worse than the pony guy and the /int/ guys and you want us to give up without even fighting this time? so fucking shameful




erm, acktually it's 'took'


>my house isn't mine anymore because I don't like the new homeowners association


niggers, it's yet again some random autist, who wants to start some random culture war. go waste your time giving him/them attention.

also /qa/ sucks right now. the homeowners sure did a great job of ruining the place. go post wherever you wish, just dont get mad when people dont want to use a shit board/site 24/7.


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It's a board clash, it's different now albeit and this was the first time I called for necrobumping
/qa/ will always be /our board/


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Demoralization 'cord has reached soyzellig it seems, why do you hate fun so much?


saying no to participating in gayops isnt demoralization or being against fun retard


refer to >>6688


if you are having fun spaming then go for it. I'm saying what I think.

how is saying to not waste that much time over other autists, who would probably move on after opening their tiktok, an elaborate psyop?
fr, some of you are retarted beyond believe.
If a migration away from /qa/ happens, its gonna happen naturaly (just like with 4chan and soyjaks). Spaming "bumozellig" aint gonna fix /qa/ or the sharty.

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