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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1705343454511.gif (2.83 MB, 1200x1200, 1705315719133.gif)


>kys fnf pedo nigger


let's make full game




looks gemmy to me

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Maya never do this, maybe Coco, but not Maya

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Gem from russia


File: 1705341099916.gif (4.37 MB, 466x262, Saul Rusman.gif)

Ork pride Europe wide

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i want to believe what this is non canon
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Meds. Massa probably just made this for her, because she identified with the character of Maya. She also used to stream on twitch iirc. Had an art twitter acc and all that. He also did some artwork for the other VA's, but it never got leaked/publicised or just wasn't meant for public eyes.
I remember reading this somewhere, I forgot. But I'm not making this up.


Fellas, is having friends gay?


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I know about Massa making character art for the zellig VA's. But I'm calling Robin gay because the flags above her and Maya resemble the colours of the LGBTPeepeepoopoo flag

See above


thats a literally rainbow, blud quit listening to that (((ben shapiro))) and vaush shit. 💀


That's a normal rainbow doe. Not the gay one without the blue

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who is your favorite 'lig
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You just ain't a real one if you don't have a dedicated Mymy folder


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Serious: Coco. Might have the saddest backstory and has shown to be well intentioned. Her crayon drawing always gets me, since Maya and Mymy's seem almost selfish in comparison. Coco just wanted to be with her parents and she couldn't even have that.

Memes: Mymy, obviously. マイワイフでしょう。


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maya of course



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mine is niggerzellig
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disregard this i just remembered ongegelings and that was much funnier


not specific to ‘zellig but it’s dutch and I discovered it on the ‘zarty so it counts. Kankerneger.


Zigglezoggle WABAG


yeah so the dutch use terminal illnesses such as typhus, cancer and etc like how we use swearwords
e.g "kankerlijer" which means cancerhaver/cancerpatient or whatever variant of that, which they use like we use "FUCKER"
anyway my favorite is "niggershilling" because i invented it

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Sorry xisters, but we all know who the best zellig girl is.
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>Purple eye aryan phenotype is oriental now eventho she is japanese


Can't wait to see more of her soon


imagine her and mymy yelling at each other in japanese


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kmon zarty fags

mymy is behind

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I've tried my shot at digital art but I never seem to improve. I want to use the bits of drawing prowess I have to make 'ligs on my 'puter, since I have a drawing tablet lying around.

Care to assist a zaryan out?
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You don't need to link it like this
If it's on the same board THOUGH


I see, thanks!


gem art


this art is GEMMY doe? I really like it. I know nothing about art myself so I can only offer superficial criticism, for whatever that’s worth. I think in this picture Mymy’s legs are too stubby in comparison to her torso (pay attention to where her skirt begins, which should be around her hips). Simply moving the skirt upwards on her body would fix the only issue I can see with this drawing. Other than that, it is glistening. Dont quit because the zarty needs more art.


As well, I'm not sure what's going on with her back arms there. I take it she's just resting her arms together on her back like some poses, but the way it's drawn makes it look like her right hand is holding her left elbow. Still gemmy of course.

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oh no mymycucks what is this???????????
She's furry geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeg
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It's original art btw


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She isn't. I have seen a lot of women who had fictional crushes on weird anthropomorphic character, and I most were solely because of their personality. She isn't a furry mkay???


What was deleted?


I think it was a pepe

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