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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1705280852411.jpg (58.81 KB, 1024x683, 98f2bbdf-1118-4c2f-810b-3d….jpg)


i want to believe what this is non canon


It is non canon. The girl on the right is supposed to be Maya's voice actress.




File: 1705310987056.jpg (561.15 KB, 2824x2899, 1705204535938-2.jpg)

Robin Barten is GAY???!


Meds. Massa probably just made this for her, because she identified with the character of Maya. She also used to stream on twitch iirc. Had an art twitter acc and all that. He also did some artwork for the other VA's, but it never got leaked/publicised or just wasn't meant for public eyes.
I remember reading this somewhere, I forgot. But I'm not making this up.


Fellas, is having friends gay?


File: 1705330443083.png (54.13 KB, 961x956, 1701725561977.png)

I know about Massa making character art for the zellig VA's. But I'm calling Robin gay because the flags above her and Maya resemble the colours of the LGBTPeepeepoopoo flag

See above


thats a literally rainbow, blud quit listening to that (((ben shapiro))) and vaush shit. 💀


That's a normal rainbow doe. Not the gay one without the blue

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